About Legion and my version of his BUFF

Terror radius is 24 m.
-can use before it is fully filled
-miss in feral frenzy NOT end your power
-hits in feral frenzy reduce deep wound timer on 6.25 sec
-stun after his power is 2,30sec/2sek/1,30sec if Legion hit a survivor WITH deep wound = 4/3,30/2,30 sec
-Timer stops then survivor in terror radius(or then he run)
-Timer can be 20 sec or 13 sec (how devs choose)
-effect "Injury" from addon "faceless smile" is removed only after full healing
-addon Frank`s mixtape will increase the reduction of timer +2 sec
this buff/nerf makes Legion stronger, but weakner than before: first deep wound will restrict loops of survivor not so strong than before, also I sayed that stun after hit on deep wound will be longer than just stun, it was the best decision, so Legion can`t now tunnel 1 survivor in feral frenzy. About big terror radius:why are you give him big terror radius if he CAN`T REACH marked survivors with killer instinct? Better if he had small radius, but he has 100% that he hit all survivors in his radius, it makes more sense.
!!!!!!SECOND VERSION!!!!!!
-bring old mechanic
-Without any changes
-You can reduce speed to 4.2m/s, but better if you not change it.
-You can not change or change how I sayed.
The second version sounds like a big nerf. 4.2 speed? In which murder is this nurse? Even in this killer, there is no such speed. I know Legion needs buff but the secondse is no, no.
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I will be updating the location related to Legion rework again. However, there are still uneven events.
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This just feels like old legion with different add-ons. I mean, I'd be down for that to a degree.
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That's because it is old legion.
It would take 4 hits to down someone. 1 to apply DW and 3 to finish it if it were 20 seconds. That's pretty much the same as it was on release as well as the 3 second stun time.
Every time I see something like:
"-miss in feral frenzy NOT end your power"
I think of how silly it was
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Honestly, I just want the miss penalty to go away.