Why does spirit have passive phasing?

She already has incredible speed and Chase potential, that's why it's odd she has a passive phasing. It isn't that useful but I think it's overkill.
(Edit: because people think I complain about this ability I DONT. I am simply curious why it exists on spirit).
Someone got caught in a small loop because of it. I see, I see.
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That's actually a good question, I was going in here to sort of roast your argument but then I thought about it.
Why DOES she have passive phasing? I know it's her thing and all, but no other killer (other than OLD Doctor had a passive ability) has a passive ability like she does.
I'm a Spirit main on PS4 and you got me good. I have no idea why she has it.
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how isn't it useful? it makes survivors hesitate at loops,and if it happens randomly while she's about turn or a corner or smth like that there's no red stain warning or anything. As if she lagged around the corner and appeared.
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To help some baby's catching survivors at loops without using red glow mindgames lol.
Devs probably just wanted this to be good looking without knowing the balance side of it.
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I actually main spirit too, but i feel her power is too powerful to have a need for a second passive ability. Thematically it fits her perfectly, gameplay wise tho....
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Instead of complaining about spirit having a passive ability, maybe we should complain about no other killer having a passive ability??
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i'm an idiot, can anyone explain what the OP reffers, I play spirit a lot but never understood that
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I actually love using the Passive Phasing increasing add-ons! It's unfortunate that, as the killer, you have no idea when you passive phase, but with those add-ons... mindgame loops and unsafe pallets become much easier to handle. Because of the frequent passive phasing, the Spirits Stain disappears often, and survivors have a harder time knowing which direction you are going, which leads to much shorter loop time before a down.
Tactically this is great for her, but because the killer player has no idea when it happens, you just have to take a wild ass guess and hope for the best in order to take advantage of it. More often than not however, playing those add-ons makes for some easier downs or hits at loops survivors thought they were safe at, and that makes them worthwhile in my book. Without her passive phasing, she'd be like any other 110% movement speed killer at loops, which is to say, easy to loop and mindgame.
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Every now and then, Spirit will sort of glitch out. This removes her red stain and removes her aura for about a second or two. This can make her hard to predict.
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i played spirit for a long time
its just annoying for survivors and benefits spirit without any effort, it changes nothing from killer POV and should be removed
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Idk, it looks cool.
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I wish you got a timer for when it's about to occur while playing as her.
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I don't complain, I'm a spirit main after all. I just wonder why they chose spirit to have a passive ability :3
Just curiosity, nothing more.
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Passive phasing is the in and out of reality that spirit does when walking.
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What? No. I was playing spirit with the purple add-on that increases the passive phasing and I thought: why does this exist? She is pretty strong either way, why did they add her a passive?
I like it actually, but from release I have no idea why the put it :3
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As to the main question, why not? Unique Killer, unique abilities.
Now, if we are actually analysing the ability, then you should look at the standard "ghost of a girl as a mistreated corpse" movies. Disappearing and reappearing is a pretty common effect to use with them. I think The Ring (or another of those Japanese "cursed videotapes" movies) is an especially good example, where the ghost is crawling out of the TV, then "passive phases" and appears a few metres closer.
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I agree thematically, but gameplay wise I'm not sure. I was wondering from release why does such a mobile killer have the ability to become invisible for a while in a Chase.
I said it 4 times and I'll probably have to say it again. I like it, but it's kinda an overkill balance wise in my book
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"If it helps and a killer does nothing towards to earn it, it needs to be removed, REEE!!! Don't mind my DS here during the endgame though."
For real, it only helps Spirit players who aren't that great. Good Spirit players who use their power more effectively just consider it as a cool side effect. It helps so rarely I can't really tell the last time I caught someone with it without specific add-ons. That visual effect only helps in small loops in which, let's be real, good killers would hit you anyways. It may save a few seconds because survivor messes up faster, that's it. And by small loops I mean SMALL loops, like the ones in the lab. And in current situation when the first gen just gets down in 25 seconds you really want to nerf a killer??? Like, I wouldn't care about it being removed because I try to avoid simply running around a tile but, uh, the Doctor currently has higher killrates and we all here decide to give Rin another nerf? K, I still wait for the Hillbilly nerf, his chainsaw can be used 24/7 and he does nothing to earn it!
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Thank you very much, now I understand :D
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This is bait...right?
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I made this post literally asking why they decided to add a passive to a killer AND NOT ANYONE ELSE, and people are going wild, avoiding the true meaning of this forum....
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"mindgaming with her power"
last I checked, mindgames were a back-and-forth thing, not a weighted coin toss
the bias is real kek
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People don’t know the differences between asking a question and complaining
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Because. Why does billys chainsaw break pallets?
Spirit got a heavy nerf some months ago, leave her alone for some time.
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She would be bottom tier lol
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My gripe is why doesn't the nurse have it as well? They both look like goofy ghosts from that show supernatural where their gimmick is just jumpscares. But yea. It's honestly all spirit has as a, you know, spirit... the dopey glitch lunge phase is a fighting game thing from killer instinct
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You do seem to complain and nitpick a lot like a busy body. But. If you want her nerfed just ask. The devs will probably take it away similar to the her old pause port over the vaults as a mind game mechanic. If you REALLY want her nerfed I will pick her cute butt cheeks up again and main her and then in 2 months she will be nerfed. As I tend to play characters in videogames that get nerfed into the ground easily for silly things. Like Juri in street fighter 5. Just let me know and I got ya!
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So that the killer can mindgame you, without mindgaming you.
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I'm not asking for a goddamn nerf, I've already said that 5 fking times. I'm asking a QUESTION. WHY WAS THE PASSIVE PHASE ADDED TO SPIRIT.
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Ok because I'm going crazy with you people I DON'T WANT HER NERFED IM A SPIRIT MAIN AND I LIKE THIS ABILITY
Good? Got it? Great.
The reason this forum was created is to ask WHY SPIRIT HAS A PASSIVE ABILITY AND NOT ANY OTHER KILLER. I'm curious because some weak killer need another ability, and something like this could use for a great buff.
Since I said that, maybe 6 times already via comments, next time someone say "y0u wAnT sP1r1t nUrFeD bAbY sUrViV0r mA1n" I'll just quote them this message
Why is it that hard for people to understand the difference between a QUESTION and a COMPLAIN?
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why would a ghost killer named spirit be phasing in and out of reality?
intredasting question good sir.
I believe your question is best answered by asking another question: Have you ever seen ANY scary movie with ghosts in it?
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I already said it that thematically it fits. GAMEPLAY WISE is different. You give a high mobility killer a passive, but not give bubba a buff. Get it?
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but you said you're not talking about nerfs. Bubba's theme is that he can down multiple healthy survivors with one charge of his chainsaw, making him the only killer that can do so. I think oni can do it too, but it's very hard to achieve.
all of the killers have unique abilities that set them apart from the other killers that allow them to catch or trick survivors in some way.
I actually don't know what you mean, considering you aren't talking about nerfing certain killers.
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I still don't know why her passive still exists? Didn't she already strong by Yamaoka's Haunting alone??
Sorry if this comment look likes I ask for a Spirit nerf but her passive is questionable since dev already said that the reason why they decided to gave her vaulting animation and removed collision while phasing because it made she accidentally won mind game chase without takes any skill or her intention of mind game, why her passive doesn't get the same standard??
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And the easy answer is: because BHVR decided to design her that way. The missing vaulting animation was really cool too imo. But collision while phasing wasn't good.
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Do people really get mindgamed by a 110 killer? Anyone competent doesn't go down to a 110 killer unless they are using their power.
I will stack passive phasing add-ons as a meme sometimes to spook the noobs, but using something like power recharge / power duration / extra speed is infinitely better.
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I'm talking about the balance part of spirit. Spirit with a few words, can mind game easily in loops and had crazy mobility. I'm asking why is she the only one that has a passive ability.
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Exactly my question
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The passive phase was added to the spirits basekit in the designing progress, because it seemed like a nice little gimmick. Hope that clarifies it ^^
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Give Bubba passive phasing. EZ fix. Top tier killer right there.
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I love a lot of the unique things about Spirit, its part of why I mained her day one. Sadly they removed most of these things i really enjoyed (Unique animations when hitting something while carrying a survivor, her PTB Vaulting I thought looked really cool, unpolished, but epic. Trash they gave her a default one when they readded a visible animation. There were more visuals/glows on her weapons.
Now the passive phasing. When I first saw her from a survivors point of view i fell in love with that little thing because it just fits a "spirit" imo and it looks amazing. However, as killer you don't know when its happening, it has little effect, and like you said it's not really needed.
I personally would like to see it changed to something i've seen suggested, allow the killer to activate it by just tapping the power button, it already will make you use up a small chunk of your power bar if you do it and would allow you to have more control in mindgames with her during chase. She's all about mind games... and sound.
I love her so much :))
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"heavy" lol
lol no, stop being a doomer, she's top 3 right now because of her mobility, not passive phasing lmao
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I wouldn’t say her mobility is why she is top 3.
The fact that she ends chases quickly with little input on the survivor’s skill is why she is so good. If the Spirit is good and opens her ears then the survivor won’t last long in a chase.
Her mobility is great don’t get me wrong but she if she uses her power for mobility then she sacrifices not having a power for 15 seconds. A big map like Red Forest and Rotten Fields will still be hard on her due to how big the map is. Chases will end quick but you can’t defend the map as well like you could on Coal Tower.
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Why'd they get rid of her old vault animation at the same time as removing all other ability for her to mindgame, more like?
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That's what I wanted to hear, well, see. Thanks.
I love her too <3
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I kinda like it even though i don't main her. It give off that creepy grudge/ring vibe.
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Imagine getting chainsaw by a phasing bubba.
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She got a vaulting animation, she lost collision while phasing and many of her addons got hit pretty hard.
I call that heavy.