DC Penalties Are Bad

Look, devs. You guys are ruining a mans first play at this game. Whenever you feel way too unfaired and frustrating to play, you guys send a hate letter to us.. The other day, i was having a connection problem, Which i got disconnected by the game. BUT THEN MY FIRST THING TO SEE IS THE WORST ADDITION FOR 30 MINUTES. You think this is a joke?
First offense isnt 30 mins. That's like the 3rd or 4th.
Nice try though.
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I can't understand this.
Are you saying you got frustrated and DC'd? Or got a bad internet connection and it counted as a DC?
I haven't played in months so I don't know for sure how the penalties increment but if you have no prior ones the last day, you will only get something like a 5 minute ban, not 30, if I remember what I read right.
There's something you're not being honest with us about.
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I feel the DC penalties too fair and need to be increased, so many of them happen around bed time.
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LOL. Disconnect penalties are one of the best adjustments we’ve seen.
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If you got a 30 minute timer you must've DC'd 3 or 4 times before you lost connection. So yeah, the DC penalty is just for people like you
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Removedcpenalty Posts: 1
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I thought you was doing a counter, but then I seen it.
Anyways, I don't mind DC penalties, just wished there was something that can help the game know it crashed. 😁
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Used to have crashes all the time, until i look it up online and found a fix that work. So now it rarely crashes. So yeah ,i know that feeling of getting the dc punishment, when my game simply crashed. Lucky i do have other games on steam. Like dark souls and berserk band of the hawk, i can play for a bit while waiting for the dc punishment to go away. Yet it would be nice if the game could tell the difference between a game crash and someone merely dcing.
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Definitely, this tends to happen a lot sometimes and I don't know what to do as a console player. 😄
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You dont need to do that anymore bruh, now NEW DC es like this:
1-Enter the game.
2-Make noise (drop pallet, vault window, etc).
3-When killer is near, find a hook.
4-Teabag under the hook.
5-Get hooked.
6-Take your chances off the hook.
7-U ARE DEAD. CONGRATS! (it takes you 1 min)
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you cant stop DC
NEW DC es like this:
1-Enter the game.
2-Make noise (drop pallet, vault window, etc).
3-When killer is near, find a hook.
4-Teabag under the hook.
5-Get hooked.
6-Take your chances off the hook.
7-U ARE DEAD. CONGRATS! (it takes you 1 min)
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Dude. Just stay in the game, waste the killer's time and a hook, and GET YOUR BLOODPOINTS.
It's something I have never understood about people DC'ing. You are just better off staying and getting your BP for perks and items.
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Yeah, i mean at least killing yourself on the first hook [which i have seen some do], gives you a few blood points, since the game is ending normally for them. While dcing,[done by choice and not due to game crashing or something else] doesn't make much sense if the killer is hooking people. Since heck, everyone could use a few more blood points to get a few more perks or stock up on items. It like the only point i can see in dcing over playing through the game until you get hooked. Is if someone wants to derank for one reason or another. Which seems like it could be done by simply also dying super fast to the killer while getting some blood point.
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Also the killer does DC too when game crashes..
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It’s quite simple. Them DCing is an easy way for them to feel like they didn’t lose. They will say the killer was “boring” and they wanted to play a less boring game. Boring is code word for hard.