Open Debate: Do DC Penalties really solve the Problem?

DarkPit Member Posts: 87

As Someone who only used to Disconnect for legit Reasons like too high Killer Ping or somebody Holding the Game Hostage, i wasnt afraid of the Dc penalties as they are meant to be. But there are a few big Problems with this i wanna discuss with you and Maybe get the Devs to read if the ideas are healthy for the game. i also wanna see differnt types of aspects from you as i am going to write, so feel free to comment politely.

First Point: Killing Oneself on Hook has the same Impact as Ragequitting but doesnt get punished at all.

People who are getting found and downed first who would usually just Dc and move on now will have to kill themselves on Hook. What game Change does it have? None. Its absolutely the same apart from you getting a few Points and NOT receiving a punishment. So the DC Penalty actually favours People who just wanna get out of the match asap then it was before.

Second Point: DC Peanalties should Prevent someone to ruin the game/fun for others. Then why do Killers receive a Penalty aswell?

In the current state of the game it often happens that new/low rank Killers get bullied to hell by red ranks, often SWF Groups whose Intention is to make the Killer toxic/ bring them to Ragequit just for their amusement. Dc Penalties are meant to Prevent Unfun boring games if a Survivor ragequits at the beginning. So they only work this way that newer Players who have to endure four enemies with greatly better skills cant just Escape the match, give the survivors their enjoyment of bullying a Baby Killer and move along. Instead they are forced to Play along whats pure unfun for them, or wait for a timer to go down because this game isnt best designed.When a Killer ragequits, it doesnt take away the amusement for survivors, nor does it Prevent Player to throw the game for their Team because Killers dont have a Team. so if they DC, the whole game just Ends.

So in my opinion Killers shouldnt get Penalties for Disconnecting.

Third Point: DC Penalties punish Players with Computer issues/ Players who DC because of legit reason like in the Topic so much more then it does towards the Group of People it is meant for.

I am a Kind of Person with serious PC issues, so it happens more often to me that i get kicked out of the game and have to wait altough i didnt break any rules which would usually trigger the timer. it even stacked up so much, i couldnt lower the Penalty by playing without issues then it stacked up, so Right now the game crashes once a day and i receive a 48 HOURS! ban for doing Nothing wrong, and of Course im not happy About it. and i also nknow im not the only perspn with such Problems, but These People cant do anything against it. Also if someone has a bad day and runs into hostage-taking Killers more then once a day i cant see a reason to punish them, but in such situations theres no way to get out then leave the match-

So in conclusion what i would do, is to program the DC Penalty only to apply if the ingame button "Leave Game" was pressed.

Yes, I know this would just get abused by People who used to ragequit a lot by just pulling the plug, delete their Internet Connection or just ALT F4 shut down the PC. But this would also be Kind of a Penalty since they have to reboot/ start their PC again and still get the same effects like Disconnecting but without the matchmaking lock.

Another solution to solve the Problem, which i would really like to see implemented, would be to just create a "Unranked Game Mode" which is meant for People who just wanna Play casually and have fun without the Need of Performing good .

This would work exactly like normal games. It would have (kinda) matchmaking, you use your normal perks and items you unlocked. items get consumed if you die/ add ons if you Escape, BUT

-you dont earn Blood Points

-you dont earn Devotion/ Archives progression

-you dont receive DC penalties, since the DCs Arent destroying the game in such a way as taking away Points/ Emblem Progress ANd other Survivor can just DC aswell and get into the next game without losing ANYTHING (except Maybe some time spend in Lobby).

So thats my Point of View of DC Penalties, and im really hoping to read some good comments, dont matter if agree or disagree as Long as they are constructive. Maybe you guys out there have some creative ideas of how to improve this Topic or Maybe the idea of an unranked game mode and give your opinion on it.


  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711
    edited March 2020

    1) stats

    The Devs divulged some stats on the DC Penalty, and I wanna quote: "We're pleased to say that after one month, the Disconnection Penalties have had a huge impact on the number of disconnections in a match, already down 35% and dropping more each day. We are continuing to improve the system to ensure that it's as fair and accurate as possible."

    What they didn't say is that the rate of people killing themselves on Hook increases by 30% most likely. The DC penalty - as you said - doesn't prevent those same people who DCed prior to the implementation of the penalty from leaving the game early.

    2) it punishes people who have technical issues

    My PC is a bit bad and I do crash sometimes. Getting punished for your game crashing is clearly unfair. However, I do understand the game can't distinguish a crash and you quitting the game via the disconnect button.

    Post edited by FichteHiro on
  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    If your pc cant run the game and crashes, you are knowingly going in to a game where you KNOW you may ######### over your team. Fix yo #########.

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711

    It's not just my PC, this game is naturally a bit buggy and crashes for no reason. Punishing the player for that is by no means fair.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    DC penalties don’t solve the problem, but they make it harder for scumbags who ragequit or have bad internet/hardware to get into games repeatedly. I love DC penalties.

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617
    edited March 2020

    Well, you did say you had a bad pc, and it was honestly directed as much at OP as you.

    Another thing to consider is that game crashes that are unrelated to pc issues are very rare. A crash that happens because the game, say, can't render a key and ash's puppet at the same time would be very repeatable and happen universally to every ash player who picked up a key. A lot of times, the more major cause is an out of date driver, or some weird conflict that is specific to a few machines (or someone bought Aldi's brand memory) . While it's often within the devs ability to change things to make even those issues work, it doesn't mean it's specific a "game" problem, either.

  • DarkPit
    DarkPit Member Posts: 87

    did you think of the possibility that People Maybe cant afford something better/ dont have enough room/ actually have something which should be able to run DbD on but this game is Buggy af? we also just wanna Play this game normally, and most of the time it does, but if it doesnt ONCE we get punished harder and harder. Many days i Play the whole day, but if it crashes Once at the end of the day, and that everyday, you still Play 19/20 games normal, and for this one crash getting longer and longer waiting times isnt fair either

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    I have yet to read a good argument against DC penalties.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Let's look at you points.

    First one.

    I can agree with suiciding on the hook being looked at but with the rampant dcing there was no way to gage its true impact. Now they can get stats to show if it's a major issue and work on it accordingly.

    Second point.

    Disagree completely as fun is always subjective. Yes the matchmaking isn't working as intended but that is being worked on. To allow only killer to dc because they deem something not having fun is a terrible idea. Imagine if they don't like the map, gens pop quick, hex totem gets cleansed too quick. You just legitimised dcing ruining the other 4 players experience.

    Think why the dc penalty was needed in the first place as it was from my experience prodominently survivors who dced for reasons much the same as I said above. Maps, downed too quickly a certain killer, being slugged etc. Point is the game is what it is and it should be accepted flaws and all. Just play out the match.

    Third point.

    This is on yourself. If you know your equipment has issues then it really is your responsibility to fix it. Playing when you know you have issues ruins the game for all the others involved. This goes for bad internet as well. It is what it is and playing when you know all this is putting your own needs above others.

    The only aspect the devs need to work on with crashes is their own system when the actual game has issues outwith your control as those should never be punished for.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    The DC Penalties are there so that the Devs can focus on making overpriced cosmetics instead of fixing a real issue. They can say "See! We solved this really minor problem!" And the players will eat it up because they're more than happy to spend $3.00 or more on an outfit for a video game character. Including ones they can't even see.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah i notice the game tends to crash every once in awhile for no reason. Restarting my pc for me seems to fix it for awhile at least. That and my computer can run shadow of war fine. Which is a game that takes a a fair bit more powerful pc than dead by daylight to run, looking at the min and recommended stats.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I don't even need to read any of this to answer: no. The problem lies with humans feeling entitled to just end a game whenever they see fit. Just like the friend that gets mad and turns off the console when you're playing games together. BHVR can't fix that.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    The solve an important part of it, maybe not everything but an important so its more then worth having

    DAMNFASTDEAD Member Posts: 251

    First Point: Killing Oneself on Hook has the same Impact as Ragequitting but doesnt get punished at all.

    Not necessarily. It depends on who's left.

    Second Point: DC Peanalties should Prevent someone to ruin the game/fun for others. Then why do Killers receive a Penalty aswell?

    "Don't ruin the fun for the others". That's the problem right there. Some people like to be killed by Mori, others find it cool to kill someone this way and others can't stand it at all. Now find a common level of fun.

    I don't see the harm in someone killing himself on the first hook. You go into a game with five players to play 4-on-1 and one by one they get knocked out.

    To postulate that if one of them drops out of a game shortly after the start because the killer caught him and hung him up, this will ruin the game for the other players, I think that's a lame excuse that is good for the remaining players to hide their inability to adapt to the new situation.

    Third Point: DC Penalties punish Players with Computer issues/ Players who DC because of legit reason like in the Topic so much more then it does towards the Group of People it is meant for.

    I see it the same way.

  • Mo4ntus
    Mo4ntus Member Posts: 416

    I’m so sick of hearing the it punishes people who have bad internet or whose gam crashes first off people must really only have bad internet if they’re the first found. And even if they do by dc’ing due to internet it still ruins the game for 4 people. The penalty was a good thing not only do people dc less but i also don’t get many people that kill themselves on hooks anymore

  • rubixscube
    rubixscube Member Posts: 19

    way to derail the thread. the title is about DC penalties solving (or not) the problem, definitely not about cosmetics that you aren't obligated to buy.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    No, dc penalty just moves the problem of rage quitting somewhere else -> hook suiciding or going afk

  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399

    I disagree that killing yourself on the first hook has the same effect as ragequitting because the killer found you first and smacked you once. Unless that player specifically sought out the killer to get downed immediately, they are more than likely still giving some time to the other players to get objectives done. It takes away potential for altruism, which sucks, but on the overall gameplay I've only seen it really affect the outcome of the game if they suicide on hook later on because that usually contributes to the snowball. If they're first, the game still goes relatively well from my experience.

    And for legitimate reasons to DC, I've seen it said before: the penalties are minor enough at the beginning that they're over before the legitimate reason is finished/fixed. I've accidentally DC'd because my internet cut out due to wind. By the time it was up again, I had no penalty. I never would have even KNOWN I got a DC penalty if I didn't know about the system. And if internet is cutting out often enough in one day that the penalities are stacking up, it's time to make the adult decision and shut the game off for the day. You're just going to get frustrated because it keeps kicking you, and you're leaving everyone else high and dry. Again from experience, I had three really laggy games in a row where I could even run through a door without lag pulling me back out of the building and having me hit a wall (and get downed), so I shut the game off and did something else for a while. When I came back later, there was less lag, and I had more fun.