Apparently Survs can't take a joke

DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,924

as soon as they see Insidious they instantly think "baby noob killer"

here's what happened

I wanted to get rid of a Haddonfield offering so I decided to meme and play "house defender demodoggo"

exactly what it says on the tin, I go to a house, then defend it the whole match

instead I got sent to Autohaven by a Rank 1 (we'll get to him later)

so I plonk myself down in the house on Azarovs, and a claudette comes by, I knock em down, cause he was in my house, there was the basement there as well, so he went there

I sat outside, waiting, a few people showed up, and I chased them off

I engage in some normal gameplay for a bit, just for some points, but still stick by the house

the other 3 escape and oh boy did they have choice words

"noob killer"

"camping and tunnelling" (I got one hook that whole match, how tf did I tunnel I will never know)

"get rekt"

and other things, including "I couldn't care less" (despite him clogging up the chat"

screenshots of the whole thing are on my steam profile, if you care enough to read em
