More emotes for survivors, emote wheel.

Joelwino Member Posts: 550

I want to communicate with my team more, but I don't want to break the immersion with a ping system like in fps games. Solution? more emotes. A nodding yes emote, a shaking you head no emote, a stop emote, and a frantic shaking your head no emote, for when they're cleansing a totem that you know is haunted grounds. Because of the amount of emotes, adding an emote wheel of sorts would help a lot to communicate effectively, with maybe six emotes maximum. Do you have any ideas for new survivor emotes?


  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    I just want a "Thank You" emote. Right now I just double crouch and assume they know I'm thanking them but an actual thank you emote would be nice.

    Maybe a "For the love of God, the killer is on your ass, don't unhook me you moron!!!!!!!!!" emote would also be nice :D

  • KandyKorn
    KandyKorn Member Posts: 1

    This game needs emotes. Would take it to another level. F13 had a ton and it was awesome. Just simple ones are fine or celebrating ones. Also, if all 4 are slugged, the hatch should open!

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I want killer emotes.