I have a question regarding the alchemist.

Hamburger Member Posts: 28

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't it show him( the alchemist) have the trapper tied down and inject the yellow serum. So my question is, how did he do it? Like, Tie him down. Did the entity allow him too?


  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711
    edited March 2020

    The scene you're talking about stems from the 2018 Hallowed Blight Event, in which Benedict Baker was the one involved. He was going through the Alchemist's (Vigo's) Diary trying to find explanations. Vigo injected the Trapper with the Serum, which caused The Trapper to lose consciousness. Then, Vigo tied him down to further experiment on him. Benedict ended up finding Vigo's laboratory and experimenting on the Trapper himself.

    We don't quite know what Killers and Survivors do outside of the Trials other than sitting at the Campfire. Maybe Vigo could catch The Trapper alone and inject him with the Putrid Serum?

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    ######### are you saying?

    Firstly, we don't have proof what Benedict Baker is an Alchemist.

    Secondly, it's actually pretty clear, that notes from 2018 event belong to Alchemist. And Alchemist found Vigo's journal and then became obsessed with serum.

    Alchemist was able to beat Trapper cause he was bitten by some rodent, injected with serum before.

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711
    edited March 2020

    Benedict is not the Alchemist, he is the one whose diary entries were the lore pieces we were presented with in the 2018 Hallowed Blight Event belong to.

    The Alchemist should be Vigo, this is implied by the 2019 Withered Blight event, even though this isn't confirmed.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088
    edited March 2020

    Say what?

    Alchemist and 2018 notes author is literally the same person. And this person is not the Vigo. And it's not a Benedict either.

    Check this:


    22 October - Wounded

    I'm hiding in a dense strip of forest. I'm desperate to erase the distressful images engraved in my mind. Last night, a disfigured man barged into the laboratory with a gruesome, mechanical mouth and shred the walls into splinters. I barely escaped with my life—and wounded my arm in the process. I have no options left; these monsters find me no matter where I go. All I have is a journal filled with obscure promises of escape. I will return to the laboratory.

    24 October - Experiment III

    awoke to a terrible cry booming from the cellar and a violent bout of nausea. Through the vile ordeal, I started to recollect what had happened. Tainted with the foul serum, my wound had swollen with lymph, at which point my assailant returned. Most of our fight was a blur, but I can recall red tears trickling down his gruesome cheeks as I clawed at his face. And some moment later when I kicked him, sending him crashing into a brick wall. The power I felt then… there are no words for it. I now know that there is truth to Vigo's methods. Another cry. My assailant, now chained in the cellar, must be getting restless. This is just the beginning.


    Memory 1747

    He has flashes of The Doctor. His screams. His agony. Turning the tables on him. Experimenting on him like he had done with so many others. Where? Not here. Somewhere else. Another world. All of these… these… survivors… marooned from other… worlds... How does he know this? He doesn't remember… He remembers the experiments. What was he trying to understand? The nectar? The serum? The right dose? The right dose… to use without hurting himself. Too late.

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711

    I already read through the notes, Benedict Baker's Journal entries contain the Hallowed Blight's lore. Each day, different entry of his Journal would be released.

    Check out the Wiki Article for the Hallowed Blight: https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/The_Hallowed_Blight

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    Wiki... It's made by fans. And I don't really remember official confirmation. What do you think, someone among devs can confirm it now, if we mention them here?

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711
    edited March 2020

    Yeah, the Wiki is made primarily by Community members, but they try to make it as accurate as possible.

    We can try to mention Peanits here.

    @Peanits, are the lore pieces of the Hallowed Blight event entries from Benedict Baker's Journal?

    Post edited by FichteHiro on
  • icemancat
    icemancat Member Posts: 150


    To answer your question, we don't know how The Alchemist managed to tie down each killer for his experiments. He could have used a trap of some sorts to knock each killer out unconscious, but even that possibility seems unlikely given how powerful each killer is. We also have no confirmation regarding if The Entity assisted The Alchemist with his experiments. If anything, I believe The Alchemist was trying to find a way to escape The Entity's Realm for good by testing different amounts of serum on each killer as well as possibly combining the serum with a certain chemical substance. I just recently did an in-depth analysis on The Alchemist if you want more details on him and his experiments. You can find that here: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/139009/lore-dive-the-alchemist#latest

  • BSNightflow
    BSNightflow Member Posts: 81

    Personally I agree with your opinion that Alchemist is not Benedict, but a new character brought into dbd lore in 2018. He doesn't get enough love partially due to the devs deliberately making the lore ambiguous and confusing. I really hope someday devs confirm or deny this??