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Active perks for survivor

KigeAno Member Posts: 18

One thing that's been on my mind recently is how some perks are more or less represented on the survivor side due to what they give you to do. Aside from running around and M1ing gens, it feels like a perkless survivor can have very little to actually do, seeing as toobloxes and medkits simply make you pasively better at doing things you already do, and good keys just end the game early. The skill of good pathing and efficient movement carries over to killers, but they also have to consider how they inflict statuses, attack, and use their power in addition to softer skills like distributing pressure. Only flashlights and some key addons really let survivors actively change the course of a trial.

But then we get to perks and the strategies really open up. Nailing a Dead Hard to gain extra distance, choosing the right time to sprint burst, deciding when's best to use Unbreakable, and playing tactically around health states with BT, DS, For The People, or resilience all feel really satisfying and I think giving people more decisions to make leads to them enjoying the perks and trials more, because they actually feel like they're participating. Perks like Head On and MoM also get some use despite being arguably not great, they're something that you personally do to mess with the killer.

Survivor Mains, do you think that you're more likely to use perks that require your input to work? I definitely think I am.


  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570
    edited March 2020

    Am I more likely to use perks that heavily increase my chances of winning (aka "crutch perks" or "2nd chance perks") such as BT, DS, exhaustion perks, Unbreakable instead of going perkless?


    Edit: But my favourite survivor perk is still Bond.

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711

    These perks are definitely interesting since you can do something more than just looping and holding M1.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    I know my strengths, I'm not the best looper, so the so called "Crutch Perks" don't appeal to me. I use Empathy, Kindred, and we'll make it and I'll chop and change the last one. This build gives me tons of info to move around the map and perform almost 90% safe hooks. If I don't have time for a very fast heal at the hook, empathy lets me track the survivor to heal them later before We'll make it runs out.

    Now it seems that this doesn't take a lot of input from me, but when you calculate the pros of someone who can get your team unhooked and healed without handing the killer another hook 5 seconds later, it can be invaluable to team momentum, while slowing down the killers. I know a lot of people show disdain towards people who can't do the EZ loops, but in a climate where a lot of us are in solo matches, something as simple as being able to track the killer (either by empathy showing me whos being chased and where or kindred showing me where the killer is leaving the hook), then safely unhook, heal and get you back on a can be a surprising boost to the survivor side.

    I've seen too many lemmings run to the hook and basically feed the killers momentum. I'll take the jibes about bad looping in exchange for knowing my role.