Survivor Mains are Massive Hypocrites

Just go take a look at the Facebook Post made by the Dead by Daylight page. All you will see is entitled survivor mains blaming Killers for ruining their 1.5x BP experience. At least 90% of the comments will be extremely biased meanwhile this issue is happening both sides.

Played 4 games today just messing around with BP Perks and Addons and still survivors are rushing gens in less than 4 mins with strong toolboxes and meta perks. The hypocrisy is insane and when you even try to have a civilised debate with these people calling them out on their hypocrisy you just get attacked for it.

Survivor Mains you honestly need to be extremely careful i have said this so many times. If you keep treating Killer mains as absolute garbage you will have no game i am sorry to say or your queue times (which people already complain about) will be much much longer.

Please ask yourself why would anyone want to play a role where no matter what they do you will just abuse and harass them? They are individuals just like you and you are not nor will you ever be above them especially when you resort to petty insults or abuse. You don't know anything on their life outside of this game so please just think about the way you are treating people.

If you ever go against a Killer that brings in full tryhard + Mori etc just think why? Maybe they have played so many games that they just want to dominate for once but no you just see them as a sweaty tryhard who are ruining the game. No they are not they just want to attempt to have fun.

Guys there are bigger things happening the world right now that we should all know about. Let's get off our ego stool and start treating people how you would want to be treated, we should all know this from school years. If you play fair then others will to.


  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I've been prolonging games the entire day.

    I've been letting all 4 survivors escape because someone, and even myself puts on BPS.

    I've been having a great time so far and hopefully so have the survivors that I've been facing.

    I haven't allowed myself to be gen rushed, sometimes I slug 2 and chase 1 while the rest get picked up.

    Everyone has ended up with at least 27-30k base bloodpoints at the end of the match.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Yes. You made a wrong starement.

  • Loey
    Loey Member Posts: 51

    When i see these events i always want to farm,because both parties win especially if we all put streamers or event cakes ... but well today i have to play with pure campers. Both sides are selfish,sometimes the killer wants to farm but the other suvs ignore it and prefer to do gen rush,they farm you in front of the killer because they really don't care and they still and still receive the points for unhook you,is sad.

    Today i could not play as killer because someone always disconnected on the loading screen just because i put a map ... it is frustrating. It is like the killer gets disconnected when an suv puts a map ...but i just put it because i was tired of playing on the new map, everyone has been putting the offering and i got bored.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    So are killer mains. What's your point?

    In fact, no, let's be more in depth here.

    Some survivor mains are massive hypocrites, some see the large imbalance of power and want the devs to change things. Some survivor mains dc, some stick out to the end when there's no hope. Some hate the spirit, some love the spirit. Some like gens, some like chases, some like immersion, some like head on, some like meta perks, some hate ds, most love ds. Saying all survivor mains do one thing is a massive generalisation to an entire crowd, and honestly is just wrong. I know so many survivor mains who really aren't genrushers. I know this because I'm in solo queue and oh my god can they not do gens. On the flip side I know people who gen rush, people who insta save, people who do any sort of things. People have differences my guy.

    Bit like killer mains. Some camp, some don't, some tunnel, some don't, some use boring builds (full slugging nurse im talking about you), some use fun builds (basically anything else). Some play bubba, or Billy, or huntress, freddy, spirit. Some complain on the forums after having a bad game, some complain on steam, some don't complain and let it all boil up inside until it explodes out one day. Some love ebony moris, some hate them. Again, there are massive differences between people, and generalising them all under a role they play is the least accurate way to go about this.

    And yeah, if you're using a full slugging nurse build, chances are you are ruining the BP event. Not for them, for everyone involved, even you. You get no BP from games like that.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    This goes both ways... It always will.

  • Rexis
    Rexis Member Posts: 190

    All I see in this post is someone whining about Gen rush and giving an empty threat "Oh we killers gonna kill you all", chill out my dude, try to have some fun

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    Did you ask the survivor players on the other side of they even subscribe to that dumb philosophy that putting on perks and add ons is a planned attack on your character?

    I wish this group could stop asking the other side not to do things. I how frustrating playing killer can be, belieeeeve me. But they don't have to justify the way they play anymore than you do, so just play how you want... Within the rules

  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650

    The real question is, why do people main?

    I main certain killers or survivors but i don't main either side.

    Players need to stop playing half the game.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    I try to play both sides equally nowadays although I am more skilled as a survivor. However, I think since the bloodrush event, everyone became a bit crazy, let's be honest here.

    As a survivor, I get to go against a slugging Hillbilly or any other killer that will go out their way to "ruin" the game as best as possible (although in reality they are just playing how they want to play), using meta perks, camping and tunneling. So far, I got less than 10,000 points every match. (Rank 2 Survivor, not boosted by the way.)

    As a killer, I get to go against entitled surivor mains, always in the red ranks, but I get at least two Rank 1's. I get from 1 to 2 kills per match and less than 15,000 points unless I get that 3k or 4k. Every survivor uses meta perks, mainly Decisive Strike. (Rank 7 Killer, not boosted.)

    Yet, I still am having fun. This is just a couple points I had to make.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    They are. I play a 4 man meme squad where we all run head on and some random ass ######### perks. No DS, no deadhard, etc. We take borrowed time to force killers to chase us for head ons. We run BPS. We all have over 100 we've been saving for the next event. And every single game the killer slugs us, 1 hook moris up, or tunnels hard camping and then says thanks for the BPS I really enjoyed getting all the points. Not even joking.

    Maybe because we get Rank 1s. Maybe we're just unlucky. Maybe because we're streaming just to catch all the funny moments and people find out and think it's funny to tunnel streamers. Usually after when they find out we're a 4 man meme squad they feel bad but the damage is already done and we're just not in the mood to meme around after several games in a row like that. IDK. But it's annoying and we're not even taking them anymore during this event.

    We don't care about escaping. We don't care about dying. We want to maximize points for everyone. We will purposely blow up gens so the killer gets points for kicking them. We wait to heal so they get points for bleeding. We get them to chase us for points. We will run into clown bottles so they get deviousness. We will feed a Myers Tier 3 and let him mori the ######### out of us. But we're barely getting the chance to because hillbilly 1 hook moris or doctors running king and queen piece with survellience, pop, bbq, and make your choice. If we ######### up we will admit we ######### up but you chainsawing me while you're literally in our backsides and leaving us to bleed out isn't you being good, you're scum.

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    I've been using Thrill/Distressing/Beast of Prey and still get rushed and try-harded every game, it's sad

    maybe i should just bring moris huh

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    I don't think I've ever seen a killer player boasting they're the best or saying stuff that indicates they're god like at the game for getting a 4k, on the other hand I've had plenty of survivors talking trash and complaining about how the killer played despite using the best thing in the game to give them an advantage. Not to say there isn't any killer player's out there like that but it's just seen more common in survivors behaviour than killers. Just my 2 cents on it.

  • Hsizzle
    Hsizzle Member Posts: 74

    they are. they blame gen rush for everything when they suck

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    So killers have to run crap perkd and just goof around to get your respect

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    No they can do what they want. But if we are running 4 bps and you slug/1 hook mori everyone and literally say, "thanks for the bps, i got a lot of points even though the match was so short" you're a ######### #########.

    If I was killer and I saw 4 BPS you bet your ass I would milk the ######### out of it. If you start getting "gen rushed" then adapt but don't come in and be like like idc about survivors getting their points I'm going to get 4x points anyway even if I tunnel and be a dick. It's serious bad manners.

    Why blow a lobby like that? Yeah killers are not required to be nice. Yes killers can play how they want. But how would you feel if survivors ran 4k BPS, gen jockied with 4 blendettes on Yamaoka, you never saw them, and just left and said "Thanks for the free BPs even though you couldn't pressure. I love getting 50 points everytime you stand in my area and leave." You'd be pissed as hell.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    I disagree with you. Good killers don’t need Mori’s. I’ve seen entitled killer mains too. It goes both ways. Optimal gen speed can Go about as fast as survivors can be downed hooked and Mori’d I think it’s fair. How is it you feel gen speed should be slowed down when you only have to hook and Mori someone you found almost instantly at the start of the match? What fun did that player have? None. Why should it take more time of staring at a progress bar for you repairing a gen? Who wants to do that? That’s not fun either. Repairing gens for you to kill me can be more like a chore.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    I just think it’s not fair to play survivor if they make gen speed slower and slower. As a solo repair I’m just not going to want to sit there and stare at a progress bar and see my team get knocked down before I can even finish it. Combine a gen speed nerf with thanataphobia, dying light and ruin, I think I’d rather play another game that’s going to value my time more than that. It just burns my eyes and numbs my mind doing gens. I think I’m losing brain cells Doing it the more I think about it.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    I’m being honest Not trying to bait anyone. But I don’t think it’s going to solve the problem. However I’m sure they’ll keep nerfing gen speed somehow. They’ve already hit toolboxes. But I just don’t really see myself playing anymore if that’s the case. It’d be different if I could instead find parts for the generator and then stare at a progress bar. But to simply make me stand in one spot longer where killers are obviously going to come protect then it kinda brings the game to a stalemate doesn’t it? Idk. Regardless it should only affect team repair. I don’t think solo repair is all that bad. Killers can patrol gens pretty swiftly. They have moris. Somebody’s gonna get caught 😂 I mean don’t tell me they’re repairing 5 gens without you knowing where the hell anyone is. I can’t do this 😂😂😂

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Thats damn near every game for me besides the flashlight squads

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    So gens should be fast fornyour fun and killers lise every game how is that fair

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Though I understand your frustration and point of view, I think you should take a breather and look at the big picture.

    Chicken or the egg?

    Survivors blame killers and killers blame survivors. Both have toxic players and we can argue all day as to who was toxic first. Does not matter because all the toxic players suck azz no matter their preference of play.

    The problem is when regular players get caught up in their bs and get frustrated by it. After being tunneled, camped or slugged 5 matches in a row you get one killer who seems to not be so good and you want to get as much BP and go before it goes to crap. You might get 20k in that match which is better than the past 4 combined!

    From that 6th killer's perspective, he tried to play nice and got hosed for it. Bow he's loading up Ebo I Mori and the cycle continues.

    Don't blame all the players on the other side. Sometimes it's crap luck, bad day or misunderstanding. Not all of them are toxic.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    This event is going on for 3 weeks; you honestly can't expect anyone to want to farm match after match for 3 weeks straight.

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    I didn't real the thread but all I have to say is - killers have hypocrites too.

    I play both sides and believe me I've see enough of both sides being hypocrites.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    Strong tool boxes? You mean the ones that just got nerfed into the ground and are basically worthless? Those toolboxes?

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    People will always act like little arses in PVP games regardless of what's going on in this world. Best thing you can do is practice to ignore it.

    I literally had another 1 minute game the other day. Downed a tbagging Dwight easily. Dwight disconnects. Find/down a Meg - she disconnects. Find/down an Adam - he disconnects. 5 gens left. Hatch still spawns right next to the last survivor - another Meg.

    Meg keeps vault spamming for a solid 3 minutes (I wanted to see just how long that person would do it) till I eventually went to the hatch and got my dose of tbagging before Meg finally decided to jump through the hatch at 5 gens left.

    That's just how things are. If hypocrites and childish arses make the game completely unbearable for you I (respectfully) suggest to play something else because PVP gamers will always act that way even if there were a zombie apocalypse out there.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    I have a wild idea but hear me out.

    How about: everyone will just play the game normally?

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    yes and it sucks but if 4 people are all coming in a game, no items, all with a variation of a name like myers and some body part of his that i can't post on forums or grandma/grandbabey/mom/dad or free blood points or big/bigger/biggest/biggester and some word then you should know we're memeing!

    and that ugh i dont real names excuse is bullshit. you can get in game, you see them all game, dont give me that.