Private lobbies


After playing this game for some time, i feel that there's something missing. And for me that was game modes. However, I wouldn't want game modes for the main game but for the private lobbies. I think having the choice and availability to make custom game modes in private lobbies would be fun and refreshing. Like you don't need to have like a 2 v 8 game mode. Just something like 2 killers v 2 survivors ( I know that is super unbalanced, but that's half the fun), but just giving the players the ability to make stuff like that in private lobbies would be fun. In other words, I feel that private lobbies right now are kinda stale. Now I personally don't want this being worked on, because the main game has alot of things to fix. But maybe in the future. It would be a fun idea. What do y'all think?


  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,074

    They don't have a ton of graphics adjustments in settings and you're asking for more settings in kill your friends?

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    In my experience, KYF brings out the worst in ppl. 🤣 Maybe its just my friends?? LUL Different game modes would be interesting...I like a 2 v 8 idea. That sounds interesting. But I'd want it to be open to all.