Thoughts on Yamaoka maps

How do you like the Yamaoka maps?
Thoughts on Yamaoka maps 21 votes
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The grass makes it harder to find survivors, and both maps are hell for killers without mobility, while being pretty decent for killers like Billy.
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The maps themselves look really, really good and fit with their theme very well. I don't think anyone is denying that, that by itself deserves positive recognition in votes like these.
Only problem is that they're notoriously dark, at least last I checked, I think it's been awhile since I've had either of the locations show up in one of my more recent trials. Which is annoying as a survivor, and even worse for a killer especially amongst your trademarked P3 blendettes.
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Both map variations are very well made and look amazing, but other than Hawkins it is the worst map for looping. Very little pallets combined with almost no windows makes it very unforgiving to play on.