The map the game is so survivor-sided

The fact that the doors are on opposite sides though? The fact that survivors be gen rushing on that map, like there should only be one door.
When did you start playing this game? Survivors have always had the upper-hand on DBD.
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If you lose on game all I have to say is yikes.
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The Game might be one if not the most killer sided map.
Good idea with that there should only be one door, how are they supposed to open it when the killer is just blocking the switch?
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If you know how to run it and are a bit aware of the pallets placement, the game can be pretty tough. This map has a very high number of pallets (guess because of a very low number of windows) and several are unmindgameable. But I didn't have too many bad experiecnes on that map and it is mostly brilliant for stealth killers. I love to burn map offerings for the game when using aura reading addons on Wraith or Pig and for silent bell Wraith as well. That's almost OP then. And for T1 Mikey and GF it is also a great map
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The game is probably the most killer sided map currently in game. They released the stats a while back for survival chances on all maps and lerys and game had the lowest survival chances period. It's simply easier to track blood when the ground is tile instead of shrubbery.
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The Game is like the one thing in DBD that isnt survivor-sided, IMHO.
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LOL... Ok, I'm sure the majority of survivors wouldn't mind it if this map was eliminated altogether 😂👍
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You obviously never went up against a stealth killer, Doctor or Nurse on it... The Game is one of the most killer sided maps in Dead By Daylight.
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and yet it has the highest death rate for survivors.....
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It seems you need to talk to a therapist. Doctor Carter can do a personal house call to your place of employment. The Gideon Meat Plant you say? Oh he takes calls there all there time. I think after just a few minutes you'll be "shocked" to realize how effective The Doctor can be.
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The Game is actually insane. Most pallets are EXTREMELY safe, and mind gaming them is almost impossible. A good Survivor can run you around for minutes easily. I have ran Killers around for 2-3 minutes on The Game with a good setup and plan.
If The Game wasn't so small, then it would easily be the most Survivor sided map. The Game has the safe pallets of Ormond, but it doesn't have the size of Ormond.
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The Game is severely killer sided. Extremely good on stealth killers. Which for at least me I go up against fairly often. It may have a lot of pallets but it favors killer in the end.
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I would have to agree with everyone who said it's a killer-sided map. There are certain killers that make me feel like I am always in their terror radius, but can't pinpoint where they actually are. Yeah, there are a lot of beneficial pallets placed all over the map, but when i play the Game as a survivor, i typically feel constantly on edge.
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Oh really? As any killer? Against SWF or keys? I think you're speaking from your experience and nobody else's.
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Just Borrowed into DS into body blocks like they always do.
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the only thing i dislike about this map is, that there is sooo many god pallets.
like, you should be able to mindgame around most of the pallets on a map, but most of the pallets there have literally no mindgame to them (basement pallets (both in the room above and below), staircase pallets or dropdown pallets to name a few)
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Actually it's really not.
It's a really small map, and usually the smaller the map the more killer-sided the map is. As for gate spawn locations... same could be said about those gates that spawn next to each other.
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I only play survivor and I hate that map and all other inside maps--Hawkins and the Asylum.
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Game is killer friendly. Ghostface is lethal on it, trapper too.