Merciless adept trophy Doc Help!

How can I get merciless Doc when everyone is running self care. I don’t camp but soon as I wack people, then kick the gen everyone is healed up. I hooked 9 people last game and still 3 people escaped giving me gold gate keeper 2 in middle we’re silver and iridescent chaser. What would you have done camped hook to get ensure you get the kills? Maybe hook them twice and watch them die? But I don’t need people opening the gate. after the game everyone had on self care which is weird cuz I’m a level 3 survivor and I don’t run at perk it seems to take entirely to long to long. Remember I have to use the Doc 3 OG perks help !
Well my friend, I have sad news for you. Adept Killer achievements are almost impossible nowdays, thanks to the shite emblem system
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Aye just got it lol I know the wraith is going to be the hardest for me probably the nurse Tbh man but atleast her perks good
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Huntress and Demogorgon were the tough ones for me.
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yea I wish I can just play pig 24/7 I need about 5 more trophies this stressful
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You need at least nine hooks and a 4K for Iridescent Devout, so I wouldn't advise camping the hooks. You want people to get rescued, but you don't want them to get healed - not to mention camping loses you a lot of points in Chaser. Make good use of Overcharge as a tracking perk by kicking generators frequently.
As far as Emblems go, using your power doesn't matter at all, so only use it to the extent that it allows you to get hits and kills (i.e. don't just farm shocks for the bloodpoints). Also remember that the Emblem system doesn't care what add-ons you're running, so feel free to break out your strongest add-on combos to help you secure lots of hooks.
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Oni was my worst one so far. No gen slowdown and the emblem system punishes insta down/one hit killers like Oni and Plague. You can’t get chaser if they don’t heal to give you more hits btw. The number one problem is stringing out the game for the gen emblem and guaranteeing the four killswhile hitting them more times than necessary.
My method has been hooking everyone, guarantee one kill, then slug one guy when three are running about once or twice. This slows the game down and gives you extra hits for chaser.
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I feel like crying because I can’t do anything as the nurse even in simple chases she so slow you have to use her power and I cant hit a thing after I blink then That head drop when she looks at the floor Man this is pitiful
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It wouldn’t mean anything if it was easy. Keep trying bud. She’s a cool killer to learn and there’s no limitations on add ons when gunning for killer adepts.
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Sometimes you just have to get lucky and get matched against potatoes. I'm pretty sure that's how I got half of my Adepts. That's why I only play with a character's unique perks until I get the achievement, because you never know when you're going to get lucky and if I got a Merciless and wasn't running the right perks I'd be kicking myself.
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Yea the other kills I can do no problem I can’t use her power for the life Of me they make me look like fool I have to chase a survivor for like 2 mins before I can knock them down.
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I literally got adept Myers my second time playing him with no add on on Blackswamp against red/purple ranks. It’s not that hard. Learn to constantly adjust to situations, pressure, when to allow saves, and how to force survivors into certain gens. Basic killer 101 stuff. I didn’t get the 4K, only a 2K but I put in so much work and everyone got to next hook death hook.
if I ever pay again I’ll get it on legion. It’s honestly not that hard. If you play survivor you’ll understand much better how survivors operate and therefore how to counter/punish them with base kit.
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Im rank 3 killer atm, I know what Im doing lol.
Its real hard to get merciless killer when
A. Every surv is sweaty
B. Emblem system is broken
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I been working on it all day I did all but the hag. I had two matches of DC’s and because of that fell a hook short twice. I think the hag is the hardest because I’m basically playing without any perks her 3 OG perks all totems lol there blown soon as the match start that I don’t even try to protect them anymore at This point this is killing me
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Yeah, tried 3 games for Legion adept. No luck, couple DCs, a key, 0 potatoes. Then got one 4k with their 3 perks, just for it to be done too fast and not count. Changed build for normal games and immediately get people throwing themselves at me, not healing, and pop a 4 k merciless. Still no adept legion.
Post edited by Carpemortum on0 -
Plague was the hardest I've done so far. I did doc's before the buff which was also a pain.
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Doing Adept Killer achievements depends on luck, so just try and try and finally you will get it.
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Maybe my rank is to high I’ll take a break killer and de rank lol
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when i did the doctor and if i remember right, one died on second hook, 2 died on 3rd hook and bill escaped the hatch. cos bill escaped hatch i thought i didn't get merciles but i did and was soooo happy.
i found the macmillan estate works best for him. you should definitely be able to do it at the coal tower, in the end i think i did it at either groaning storehouse or ironworks of misery.
remember you could also bring a pink mori for after you have hooked who ever twice, this should save you some time to get your next.
also for the nurse i used the pink rare addon, where it takes the ability away to blink but she moves faster. i got lucky and did that on my first go but i have seen a video where somebody else did that, remember to take the offereing where you get to keep your item 😊
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This is possible if you’re in a lower rank category. For Red Ranks, you have to get four iridescent emblems.
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i'm pretty sure as long as you hook everybody twice you get two pips = merciles, no matter what rank
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Yeah, I don't get why they kind of nerfed those trophies tbh. Survivor ones are much, much easier to get... It's so stupid they changed that.
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Just drop down to rank 20 and do your adepts there. I assure you a higher success rate
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I don’t think they changed the second emblem. You need 100 points to iridescent. You get: 10 for hooking all survivors once, 10 for the ninth hook (this guarantees a kill), and 20 for each kill (hook or mori).
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yes i imagine a lot of people agree survivor adepts much easier.
my hardest killer adept was the trapper, it took me roughly 150-200 atempts, lmao!
every other killer first go or a few
now stuck on the only one i have left is the hag!
edit: in part 1 of 2 trophies
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It’s really not especially on Doctor. It sounds like it’s either your playstyle or you believe you have to 4K and you’re not actually interacting with survivors, kicking gens, making pressure, and getting people on multiple hooks. You’re probably also tunneling to death. You can literally not get a single kill and double pip in red ranks. So either Doctor’s playstyle doesn’t match your own or you have a lot of bad habits that don’t perform for the sake of the emblem system.
You perform for the system not how you think you should if you want to pip up and get achievements. Actually pay attention to what each emblem looks for and it’s easy. Stop thinking you have to 4K to pip. That’s not how it works.
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I gave up on trying for oni. I suck so bad as him.
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Burn The Game (Doc's best map) and survivors will bored to death.
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Before they changed it, killers were camping to get their adepts. I'm glad they changed it somewhat so now killers have to actually work for the adepts. Camping is the worse thing you can do if you wanna adept. A legion got mad at my tean the other day because he was trying to adopt but facecamped the first hook and we gen rushed him and got our teammate out because we had bt.
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That’s who I’m stuck on
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Have to 4k for the achievement tho. You and I are having a severe miscommunication issue right now. Tunneling is not fun, and I dont get points for tunneling, so why would I, unless I have a mori, and Im dealing with one toxic surv?
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Guys I got lucky and did it look I got into a match I’m going to let them win so I can de rank some. I hear crows I’m like omg this could be my match so I hook them and I start checking gens playing for real that person I hooked come back luckily and and start playing but there on death hook now. I hook two more people I stayed near the 3 gens that all close together they did all the far ones like I planed. Basically I got all 3 hag trophies in this one match yes! They popped all my totems but ruin the one I needed yes!
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You literally don't have to...In fact tunneling hurts your score much more than anything else.