Can we talk about Emblem Related Quests? "Get 5 Gold Emblem or higher in Gatekeeper"
Especially those "Get 5 Gold Emblem or higher in Gatekeeper"
1.) you have to play 5 games which is very tedious (considering if you did get Gold emblem or higher in Gatekeeper)
do you know HOW I had to do it? I had to equip CORRUPT INTERVENTION, RUIN, HEX : TRILL OF THE HUNT
AN EBONY MORI WITH THE SPIRIT WITH MOTHER-DAUGHTER RING (Makes you move really fast during your haunting), AND YAKUYOKE AMULET (increases your haunting duration) add-ons
RUNNING AROUND THE MAP LIKE I HAVE A STICK UP MY A$$ THE ENTIRE TIME trying to Mori Survivors as fast as possible so none of the gens get finished. AND REPEAT THAT AGAIN FOR 5 TIMES
Usually survivors would get at least 2 Gens done anyways
I've been doing that stupid quest for over 6 hours, it's just so stupidly hard for no reason. FOR the love of GOD, if there is an easier way to do this please comment down below. I've tried Doctor with POP GOES THE WEASEL, OVERCHARGE, SURVEILLANCE, and HEX : RUIN but that build was EVEN WORSE.
I don't understand who design these quests in The Rift, some of them are like
"down 5 survivors in a game while using the perk Relentless" teehee DONE, ACCOMPLISH, FINISHED IN ONE GAME LESS THAN 5 MINUTES
WHILE THE Down survivor quest gives you 5!!!! 5!!!!!! FRAGMENTS and 50,000 bloodpoints
It really feels like whoever made these quests don't truly understand the game itself.
"Complete 4 generators while using the perk Dark Sense" yeah, uh, not gonna happen outside of a fully coordinated SWF squad, which a killer is gonna SWEAT ALL OVER.
"2 kills in ECG with NoED" so I'm just gonna lower my standards, and let people do their objective outside of a farming match. Great.
"Sacrifice 4 people in the basement. Must be done in the same match." So, lots of survivors will just DC when they see a basement. You'll also have to basically camp it, and people, myself included even as killer, despise doing that.
This is why I put forward the idea to skip the challenges for a cost and not receive any rewards.
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Honestly, a Gold in Gatekeeper is not that difficult anymore, now that the Killer does not get punished that hard for the first Gens being done fast. Before the Change of this Emblem, Gold Gatekeeper was more difficult to get (not impossible tho).
But since they changed it, if you finish the game with not all Gens being done (or maybe even with Gates not opened), you should be fine.
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I can agree on the basement one since that's out of your control. Dc's should count towards it while IMO the others are not that bad.
You only have to be on the gens when they go off for the dark sense one so as long as you're always with someone using a perk like bond, you should be alright. It took me I think 4 games and of those I failed I still had 3 gens done. It might take some games but it's very doable.
Noed EGC is actually pretty easy. Just throw on Blood Warden along with NOED, slug someone after gens are done, open gates and you're all set. If you get potatoes, just two hook everyone and mess around until they eventually get the gens done and then it's even easier.
As far as the OP goes, you could try using a slowdown Freddy build. Thana, Dying Light, Pop and maybe Surveillance/Discordance. Use jump rope and swing chains as add-ons and that should give you plenty of slowdown so you can focus on ending the game as quick as possible. Bring an Ebony if you want as well and just keep going until you get it.
You could also try someone like Oni or Billy and use a slugging build. Doctor can slug pretty good as well since people can't heal in tier 3 madness.
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Gold Gatekeeper is easy to get after they changed it. It was just a boring challenge. If you’re having trouble just bring a slowdown build on a slowdown Killer.
The really BS challenges (and the ones we should really be talking about) are the Hatch ones/EGC sacrifice ones because they are just about completely out of your control.
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NoED isn't difficult mechanically, especially since I specialise in a slowdown game, currently at lower ranks than usual and can play without "meta" builds, but it's more difficult on a personal level as I despise the perk in its entirety. It's why I mentioned lowering my standards.
As for Dark Sense, gens do seem to fly out of my control, AND I have Bond in one of my builds.
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I also think gate keeper has become way easier. Even if I feel gen rushed from time to time I get a gold emblem. But I have no idea how this is calculated since the change, I just know that you get 28% progress when the gates were not opened. Assuming that the game lasted at least a bit, each 4k or hatch escape should be enough to get gold.
Regarding slowdown and gen protect, I would go for @bobcat946732 's suggestion with Freddy but replace Dying Light with Tinkerer. Dying Light takes too long to build up, so first one or two gens will still pop early, the other slowdowns start way earlier. Tinkerer is actually working best on Freddy compared to any other killer, because 85% means that the gen needs another 12 seconds to finish, giving you enough time to teleport (5 seconds) and kick it with Pop. 2 survivors would just need <7 seconds but Discordance helps you on this one. You just need to make sure to use your teleport only when one of these 2 perks triggers, to have it available when you need it. Or when you are completely sure that other gens are low.
Another idea is Skillcheck Doc. Huntress Lullaby, Overcharge, Distressing, Unnerving Presence. Two addons that increase/decrease TR depending on Static Blast. Run that on Hawkins map or The game. With both addons and Distressing, the whole map is filled with your TR when you stand in the middle. So mapwide difficult skillchecks or at least half of it depending where yo chase, with Huntress and Overcharge up, a failed skillcheck applies an additional 11% regression (and that overcharge skillcheck with Unnerving Presence is really hard). You could also go for Lerys. A little bit larger area because it has not two levels, but the totem spots are way better, making Lullaby last longer. But the other two indoor maps also have decent spots.
Plan would be to go into the middle of the map at the beginning of the match and use the blast once, then you know where everyone is. Then keep your blast up most of the time to keep the radius, most of the time skillchecks will tell you where survivors are. You can afford to break some chases after you injured them, because skillchecks might help you here as well. You need to kick gens as often as possible. The further the game gets, the smaller the area will be, making even more effective use of your massive TR. If you take care about the right gens, you could even use blast when down to 2 gens and still cover up all 4 left gens with lowered TR.
I hope you have all the perks on Freddy and Doc :)
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The 4 gens with Dark Sense challenge was actually much easier than I thought it would be....I got it on my first attempt and I only play solo. You just need to focus on rushing gens and bringing other perks like Prove Thyself to make the gens go faster with the help of others. Dont worry about hook rescues until you have the 4 gens done.
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They're not that bad. Especially considering they're supposed to be CHALLENGES, not mindless tasks to do while playing.
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That and you only have to FINISH the gen. It can be 90% when you walk up if you touch it to finish. Just watch teammates, make sure someone else is chased. Hell I used bond to make sure I knew who was and wasnt on a gen when I went by. Started us all together too.
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Exactly! I purposefully listened for loud gens that were already progressed.
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A lot of challenges encourage unpopular playstyles. "Kill all 4 survivors by any means"? Okay, I'll bring the Ebony and slug so that nobody gets the hatch. Fun fun fun.