Seriously make face camping bannable or punished :/
There is nothing in this game worse than being facecamped. Literally NOTHING! "Just do gens!" Okay you're still forcing one player to depip and lose all fun in the game and thats the problem! There's no counter for it and its ridiculous like seriously make it bannable I just wanna have fun in this game and this is the third time today I've gotten face camped on first hook when there is 3+ gens still remaining :/
I'm a survivor main. Trust me I feel your pain. But it is what it is. Do gens and get the 3 out. Yeah you de-pip. But you are who you are as a player and you will get those pips back. Yes face camping sucks. I also scream at the killer like he can hear me. But its part of the game.
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I can murder all four of you and depip. O well.
Now, maybe they can adjust the system, so that hooked survivors gain points when a killer is face camping? That way they can at least black pip.
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It is punished. They lose out on bloodpoints and pips.
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Like I went against huntress on coldwind and could not for the life of me find a pallet, she downs me while 5 gens are still up, face camps me, tunnels me to death, waits out DS, I ended up dcing before she could hook me twice just to deny her some points but thats the third time its happened TODAY like all I wanna do is reach tier 70
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Im not even a survivor main Im just doing challenges but its things like this which make me HATE playing survivor.
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Its obviously not good enough of a punishment
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They said that they maybe will tryna give you a tools to fight against that behaviour, but besides of that it will not be bannable.
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Some people would get banned over this BS and it still wouldn't be a harsh enough punishment for them to learn.
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See thats a problem right there. "Its part of the game" people just write it off and let it happen. The devs dont care to do anything about it no matter how many players they lose. When the game stops being a game and becomes a hostage situation like that thats when someone in control should say "Okay you're ruining this game for someone so you should be punished". Its like if someone is cheating...its ruining the game for people and thats why shouldnt face camping. Its simple. Measure the terror radius to the hooked survivor X the amount of time the killer stood there X if the killer was facing any other direction = your formula if it was a bannable offense or not by set parameters. If survivors were to constantly be bullying a killer by some means I would say ban it as well. I am 50/50 players so I know the frustrations on both sides.
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I play more killer than survivor for this very reason but with gen rushing and broken loops I've thought about quitting killer as well and leaving this game all together frankly
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I only play killer for challenges. I can see why killers camp. In solo q the whole team goes for saves and stops progress on gens. Killers count on it and usually guess right.
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Get banned over it? Please.If people got banned for most things others didn't like, we wouldn't have mutiplayer games.
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its happened to me and admitatly ive done it too, but eatch time ive done it ive depiped. There is no advantage to doing it, depending on your definition of win, for sake of argument lets say depip is loss and piping is win, both you and killer will loose. sure it sucks but atleast the killer is having the same thing done to him.
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I hope my point about banning not stopping people didn't fly right over anybody's head...
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I look at a perk like insidious and from the get go I understand the devs think face camping is a strat. So yeah we may have an issue with it as it takes away from our experience. But I believe there are ways around it.
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this isn't just doing something the other person doesn't like its FORCING one person to literally sit still for two minutes and lose until you say so
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I got your point but if people did get banned it would reduce how often it was done.
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Or you could look at it like 'I'm helping my team win by keeping the killers attention.'
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"Im helping my team win but I dont get to play the game I have to sit here and lose because I couldn't find a pallet in time."
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Tbh i don't think the person camping gives to shits about either of those.
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Borrowed time... Kindred ....
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my point exactly
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waiting out ds.....
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If you would like to ban camping how do you feel about survivors body blocking the killer while he is trying to hook a survivor. That should be bannable as well as camping?
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Yeah or probably anything else. That's my point.
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Am I the only one who doesn't hate getting facecamped? Maybe I've just grown so insensitive to winning/losing and the rank system but I love the fact that I managed to piss a killer off to the point where he will make sure I die no matter what. I feel like I've already won and I didn't even do gens or escape.
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completely agree. its not that big of a deal yes it sucks but at the end of the day you mad someone so mad that they are willing to lose out of pips just to make sure you die.
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Unbreakable, no mither, a teamate healing you damn its so hard comming up with solution for your problem
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just getting hit again
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No because body blocking doesn't force the killer to lose, can be 100% hard countered with perks, doesn't hold one player hostage for 2 minutes, and overall doesn't force another player to just lose all fun and then punish them on top of that.
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body blocking a hook wastes all the time that the killer took to down the chase and down the survivor, and it not fun to play against at all as a killer.
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Yeah this is how I feel. I don't get mad that I get camped. It's more I get confused why somebody would even do something like that, as I don't go out of my way to play toxic. And kind of irritated that I have to wait in another queue for what's essentially no reason. That last part about the queue is probably the most frustrating thing about it.
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first of all, it IS part of the game. you just don't like it, we get it and everyone here agrees with you that it's just not a good thing to do for the killer. it's not for the reasons stated above. being that close to the hook they are loosing emblem points, as well as not gaining new blood points by chasing and killing the others.
a point here though is you may not like it but does it happen to you all the time? every time? perhaps there is a reason behind that. something else is there may be other reasons that don't even involve you but if it's every match or more than 50% of your matches perhaps they see what you do as toxic so they do that to you. (I am in no way saying this is true but it IS a possibility)
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ok first of all face camping does not hold the game hostage, the player can 1) wait it out, 2) not struggle on hook and move on, 3) teammates can come distract the killer and rescue you with borrowed time etc. and 4) wait it out like a champ and keep the killer there while the rest of the gens are done being a GREAT teammate. if not look at my previous post and realize that if this is happening more than 50% of your matches it may not be the killer intending on it but getting upset at your play style.
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They should give points to survivors who are being camped on hook. They are quite literally occupying the killer's time for his teammates to (hopefully) work on gens. Killers are already penalized for face-camping hooks. Why not let the survivor gain the points that the killer loses for camping? Kind of like... the more you camp the hook, the more points you lose to the survivor being camped.
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You are punished but not by a ban, let the Killer camp, and have your team finish all 5 gens by the time you are sacrificed.
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you wanna gen rush and have 2nd chance perks, feel the wrath of face camping
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There was 5 gens up and I literally didn't have an exhaustion perk, and didn't even find a pallet to loop. Literally didn't do anything toxic yet got facecamped and tunneled.
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Wow what a reward I get punished for the killer being toxic!
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Im literally not being toxic and literally just standing there for 2 minutes making you depip and not have ANY fun shouldn't be the only viable counter,
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You can still hook a survivor and most of the time it literally doesn't work unless you're playing dumb as a killer.
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Sadly this is the era of slugging and face camping for killers while it is gen rushing era for survivors both sides of the era kills alot of fun but should the person be banned for doing those nope it is part of the game it sucks but unless theres a huge shake in the core gameplay this is the era we are in sadly.
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I get it, but its impossible to do
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What can you do about it?
It feels good and gets the point across
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I never said that you were 100% being toxic, I just said that if this is happening to you more than 50% of the time there is a chance that though you think you are not being toxic you might actually be being toxic. I rarely get face camped. camped sure but proxy camping and I've been accused of camping when I just ran around the area making sure they were going to be on the hook before leaving the area and seeking out the other survivors. I also love how "making you depip" is a punishment. I don't care if I depip. the ranking system is busted to the point there is no real reason to worry about rank. it's no big deal for you to REPIP the next match, especially when you're ranked against killers that are truly baby killers. OR maybe that is when you are face camped, and what you see as normal game play to them is toxic as crap because they get frustrated so they stop and watch you die because you kept palleting them and looping them for 3 gens they feel accomplished. It is all a matter of perspective.
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The Devs have said they will never ban anybody for face camping. Just gotta tough it out unfortunately :/
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Well there are survivors doing a whole generator without leaving it once. Facecamping gens should lead to a ban.
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*complains about non-bannable action*
*Engages 'Entitled Mode' / DC's after Killer makes another terrible play (hovering over DS user - 60 more seconds wasted) and gets DC ban - also ruining game for remaining teammates*
You'd be better off being a team player / finishing your matches.
Being camped is literally a possibility EVERY time you ready up - If you can't handle that, don't ready up.