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DBD has the most toxic community ever ive seen



  • GraveHunter
    GraveHunter Member Posts: 328

    Every community has its toxic people. Before I played some Battlefield and there were toxic people as well.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Honestly I think the reason the game like many other online games like this and even the new Resident Evil Resistance game get toxic players is for many reasons.

    1- When people play online they can be brave and rude because they know there is no real chance of them actually having to deal with the person in real life. You will see many cowards who if they had to talk to your face in real life be the most toxic in games and online in general. It is their way of being tough but if you ask me I think the more toxic the person the more chance they lack confidence and are probably a coward in real life. They also tend to be people who name call instead of actually being able to carry a conversation.

    2-The other reason is this player base is toxic is because people think the game is super unbalanced and need to blame others for their lack of skills or the bad luck streak they have. People cannot and will not take blame for being bad or something being their fault so if they lose a match it must be the game developers fault or maybe the others were hacking. The person playing will not take blame and say it was their lack of skill so instead they come here and post how Survivors are favored or how easy Killers have it.

    3-Then you have to just think in general about people and it's cooler to be a troll and be mean then to be graceful and take the win or except the loss. No one ever takes the high road anymore and you are lucky if you don't see survivors teabagging the killer or the killer camping and slapping the survivor over and over on the hook.

    Sorry this was a long response but these are just a few reasons this game's community may be toxic but it isn't just this game but any online game. I say give it time and even the new Resident Evil game will be just as toxic and people will be screaming it is unbalanced even though at the moment they are loving it. Once they start losing they will have to find blame and that is when the game will be called unbalanced and the toxic people begin. It is the cycle of these games and the only way I see to fix it is to be the bigger person and be nice even when its tough. It takes more courage and energy to be polite and be the bigger person than it does to just be toxic and be like all the rest of the toxic people. I like to be unique and be the rare nice person. =)

  • Victor_hensley
    Victor_hensley Member Posts: 800

    While I don't think DBD is the most toxic game, it is absolutely up there though.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    No offense but you respond to a forum about toxic people by calling people snowflakes? There were probably many other ways to phrase it without name calling and being toxic as well.

    I agree that that it is a game and not everyone is gonna be happy but it is possible to have a game where everyone is happy. I have done it it. When I play killer I never camp or tunnel. I know, I know it sounds impossible but here is a secret. It is not impossible. I see no fun tunneling people and what I do is go after the person that did the rescue. I never camp because I like to go and apply pressure and let the survivors get the rescue points. If you all play nice and fair everyone is happy even if I only get one kill I am still happy because I got max Chase Points and other max points and over 20k BP. I kind of get the feeling from what you say throughout your post that you do camp though and tunnel. I mean in your last sentence you mention how you are gonna look for that one person and take them out first. That sounds like tunnel mentality,

    Also you say that there are more survivor toxic than killers and that is far from wrong. I would assume both are just as equal. You mention how end game collapse was added because of survivors holding up games but if they hold up games they only hurt themselves and out themselves at risk. I have had someone do this and I was actually gonna let them leave until they t-bagged and that was it. On the hook they went.

    I have had just as many toxic killers as I have had survivors. I have had a killer who no joke refuse to hook me. He would let me wiggle free only to slug me again. I gave up wiggling and he just kept picking me up and dropping me to the point I would get free just so he could farm chase points. I mean yeah that may not be toxic but it is boring and holds up my game and makes it unfun for me to the point it feels toxic. I have had killers also who hook me and just repeat hit me over and over. This is not necessary behavior at all and is just as bad as those survivors who t-bag.

    You also mention flash light clicking as toxic but I do it to get the killers attention in a hope that they will leave my teammate alone and chase me. It is not me being toxic but trying to save a teammate. The whole not readying up in lobby goes both ways. I also do not see it as toxic but maybe they are going potty or getting a snack or doing perks.

    Either way in the end I am not saying you are playing wrong at all or whatever and actually say play as you like but to the actual topic at hand you kind of sound slightly like the toxic community the OP is talking about. I could be wrong but either way I hope you are staying well during these times. =)

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    It does not matter the game or anything. It is human nature to be toxic. It is where people who can talk tough and be as mean as they want because they know they can. They know they have the protection of the screen to save them so they will ramble off hurtful things. That is why I take what everyone says online with a grain of salt oh and some vodka! lol

    I personally try my best to be as nice as possible to counter the toxic attitudes. I use to play League of Legends a lot! No joke I became well known through that community because I would befriend the most toxic people in matches and gift them new champions or even skins they wanted. I ended up making people that were super toxic actually start protecting people because they learned maybe if I am nice to people good things will come my way. I had to have given away at least 50 champions and god MANY MANY COSMETIC SKINS. I loved it though and enjoyed spreading the cure to the toxic community.

    My most favorite moment was when a particular player on my team was VERY toxic and I said something like "send me a friend Request and I will gift you with someone to anyone that wants to"......well this player called me many names and after the game his friend added me and we talked and about 2 weeks later I gifted him a champion and skin. I then get a friend request from the toxic player and now he wanted to get to know me and we actually became friends and he ended up being a nice person not to just me anymore but to others.

    I think it takes more bravery and courage to be nice then it does to sink to the level of name calling plus you get more respect taking the high road! =)

    THEFREAK420 Member Posts: 138

    Yeah i called someone a snowflake. Is that hate speech now? Snowflake. It means people that get easily offended. Which 50% of people in the game & on this forum qualify as. I play any way I want, outside of cheating. I dont follow survivors made up rules. I play to win. Its PVP. I couldnt care less if survivors have fun vs me. Its the killers job to kill survivors. Thats it. When you pay my bills and buy my games then you can tell me how to play. Someone clicking their flashlight i dont consider toxic, and i didnt say it was.

    i consider it annoying. As far as end game collapse, it was put in because survivors would go hide in lockers and move before the crows gave them away. They would do this for up to 45 minutes. Hoping the killer would quit. Thats happened to me more than once.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    Which Counter Strike?

    I started with CS: Source (the best iteration, prove me wrong) and I usually had a good time. But I also preferred the Zombie Survival/Escape custom game mode so it was more casual.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I mean then if the killer quits they quit once again using your words against you, until you pay their bills or buy their games they can play how they like I guess. I mean they should have tried and found the survivors I guess. I don't like that play style either but your logic again.It is a PVP game and by your knowledge then nothing is toxic behavior because we all bought and paid for it so we play how we want.

    I did not call snowflake hate speech but it is a type of name calling which is a type of toxic attitude. It just seem like a toxic response to a forum about how toxic the community is. I mean you pretty much go onto to say toughen up snowflakes then say I will play how I want to play no matter how unhappy they are. You even say how the madder they get the better you did. I mean the game yes is about winning but should it come at the cost of hurting or ruining someone else's time. I am not saying you cannot camp or tunnel but to do that is toxic and ruins someone else's experience and sadly because this match system is still broken, I have gone against people that were fresh to the game as of an hour ago and their first experience is living on a hook. I guess my play style is different than yours and I do not need to tunnel or camp.

    I mean go ahead play as you want and tunnel all day long and camp but do not complain about the problem without being the solution. Snowflake out! ROFL