Most Recent Update

First, a couple things I would like to clarify. I am a killer main who frequents survivor when my friends are online. Also, I made this account up here for the sole purpose of venting about how terrible the new update is. This new update has basically made toolboxes and sabotaging hooks nearly useless. Toolboxes are still great as long as you have add-ons, but they are more so for the purpose of sabotaging hooks now. The unfortunate side of this, is that sabotaging hooks is broken. I don’t think I have to waste my time explaining why, anyone who plays DBD sees the issue with the new hook update. The devs are trying far too hard to appeal to killers and cuck survivors. On my killer main, competition is a thing of the past as every game I play is a 4 man kill regardless of rank. I am a trapper who runs ruin, haunted, noed, and devour. I hope a dev sees this to know they are ruining the game.


  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 890

    Hooks regenerate because if they didn't the only hioks in the game would be basement hooks. It was abused to death now the sabotage perk makes it faster and I think take longer to regenerate you just cant sabo and forget.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    As someone who plays 50/50, the changes to toolboxes were fine. I prefer the old ones, but it was a needed nerf in all honesty.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    Toolboxes (even on their own) are now geared towards popping an initial gen quicker, rather than help pop 2 or 3 gens quicker. they are still a powerful tool and when used effectively could help turn a game going poorly into a great turn around.

    are you trying to say spending like a minute on hooks for a chance at a save was better than this? this buffed sabo so much, to the point where it's sorta viable. it no longer takes too much time off gens and it instead has a higher chance of working, since it doesn't matter what hook they go to, you can sabo without having to hope it's 99'd.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    There was once a time when killers had to run Agitation and Iron Grasp every game because they only had basement hooks to play with. Oh and if they did manage to get them there. The three survivors would take turns body blocking the door. It made getting someone hooked a terrible task. Besides the new sabo seems really good. It takes like 3 seconds to sabo a hook. Just got to be prepared when your teammates going down. Saboing a hook that the killers going to is extremely strong and can be a free save.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    They nerfed struggle speed to compensate though. Used to struggle at 33%, now it’s 25%. It means killers can get to a second hook.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    This only applies to the killer dropping a survivor.

    I agree solo sabo can actually be effective if you're paying attention, but it's obviously more restrictive than having a full team. I've played killer and gotten greedy trying to carry a survivor to a slightly further hook, only for their team mate to run in front of me and sabo the hook, making it too late for me to get to another one and forcing the survivor to be let go.

    Anyway addressing the original post, I don't exactly know how sabo is broken. If you 4k every game good for you but I would think for the average killer it's at least a bonus, and it's not the most ridiculous nerf for survivors to where now they're useless or anything. There's still games where people get gen rushed and it's not impossible for survivors to survive, but at the same time, if I play killer and go all out I can usually pick up a 3 or 4k. So overall from the perspective of both sides IDK how to feel honestly, but I don't think this change was that disastrous, let alone "appeals" to any killers or survivors too much.

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    Did you read the patch notes properly?

    Struggle speed is the same as it was. The change was to the penalty for dropping the survivor. It used to give 33% to the wiggle bar if the killer dropped a survivor, and it was changed to give 25% instead.