Why is your ranking so trash?

NFTiger115 Member Posts: 8

I'm rank 8. Yes seems good right, apparently not seeing as I'm a solo and I'm always with ranks way below mine. Your ranking system is utter trash, I'm paired with all the low ranked survivors who constantly make it so that I'm killed. They don't know how to take hits when getting survivors off the hook. Half of them stay right next to me when the killers nearby, meaning I can't get away because they are always leaving scratch marks. Your ranking is pointless because clearly I'm not getting put with players that I'm supposedly on the sane level as.


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Matchmaking is fine for me 9 times out of 10

    That 1 on the other hand is when I face a rank 8 killer and its 4 rank 1 survivors against him, I feel bad for that killer.