Should the deathsinger have a penalty after an amount of missed shots?

thatboosteddwight Member Posts: 21
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

It can really annoying to go against a deathsinger who will continually miss his shots and then finally get you after like the tenth shot fired. Seeing how if the huntress misses 5 hatchets base she needs to go to the locker to acquire more hatchets. My question should the deathsinger have a jamming penalty for being irresponsible with his shot placements? Ether way I find the deathsinger to be fun to play and exciting/annoying to play against depending on ping.


  • thatboosteddwight
    thatboosteddwight Member Posts: 21
    edited April 2020

    Ive played with him in KYF and i noticed there wasn't that much time lost from missed shots i still maintained effect chase and downed my friend after missing 6 shots before the other part of the group finished a the gen. Keep in mind the group i was with could hit greats all day and run loops great. I ended up getting 2 sacrifices. The problem ive come across is that alot of deathsingers will actually slug and its actually annoying thats why ive brought this up.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    If he needs like 10 shots to finally hit you then he already lost quite a lot of his time anyway.There is no extra punishment needed.

  • thatboosteddwight
    thatboosteddwight Member Posts: 21

    The problem is that after all those misses he slugs the whole team thats what happens in like 70% of all games against him. Like i said i love playing with and against him i feel like it's really annoying getting hit after ten plus times just to be sluged tell death lol

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    But that's more the fault of your team then.Deathslinger doesn't have snowball potential unless he has enough tokens on Save the best for last and even then it would be your teams fault for being grouped up so much for whatever reason.

    Also i highly recommend Unbreakable and DS.It's a really strong Combo.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    He does.

    It's called "Reload"

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 647
    edited April 2020

    You're talking about something that isn't even unique to Deathslinger at this point, now you're just griping about slugging.

    Here you go, and in-depth guide to countering slugging. No need to thank me, it's just the kind of person I am.

    Things to do if you are slugged.

    1. Use unbreakable, problem solved. Otherwise proceed to step 2.
    2. Make sure you hold M1 to recover, like seriously, do your teammates a solid you lazy, lazy potato. Assuming you do this, a teammate can literally run over, touch you for about a second, and get you up.
    3. Crawl to a pallet if available, this way if a killer is camping you as a slug, he now risks getting a pallet dropped on him if picked up and someone is close by.
    4. Wait to be picked up, heal, and resume generator rushing.

    Things to do if your teammate is slugged:

    1. Get off the generator you toxic generator rushing potato and go help your people.
    2. If you are the first to arrive, and the killer is camping the slug, draw them into a chase, this will give another teammate time to get up the slug.
    3. If you are the second to arrive, and the killer is being lead away from the slug, once they are sufficient distance away, get the slug up, and then go off to heal.
    4. Resume generator rushing.

    "But Kwikwitted, what if the killer is camping the slug and won't leave them even to chase?"

    Well my fine potato, that's even better for the survivors. It take 4 MINUTES for someone to bleed out on the ground, if a killer is dumb enough to just stand over a slug waiting for them to bleed out you should have ample time to complete all generators, heal up any injuries, and bum rush the slug, pick them up, and body block for them all the way to the exit.

    You're welcome.

  • IceCreamPrincess
    IceCreamPrincess Member Posts: 226

    Lets use some numbers, and these are all at base (assuming no addons that effect them)

    It takes 2.75 seconds to reload after a shot, and theres a 1.5 second cooldown after missing a shot. So lets assume 4 shots until one lands, thats 17 seconds alone where the deathslinger is slowed and can't do anything due to cooldowns/reloads

    If a shot lands, you still have to reel them in, which takes time, and land a hit which isn't always guarenteed. All this, whilst also being 110% means he also needs time to reach and chase survivors, meaning that if the deathslinger is missing his shot, the chase takes incredibly long.

    5 shots, thats 13.75 seconds purely of reloading. Yes a huntress needs to walk to a locker to reload, thats the price of a stronger attack, and even then, using the numbers, there isn't much difference between there overall reloads.

    Against a team that don't mess around and actively attempt gens? There doesn't need to be added punishment for the deathslinger missing

  • thatboosteddwight
    thatboosteddwight Member Posts: 21

    Look some of you are being to serous about this i said ether way im fine with it. Relax guys no need to break out stop watches and frame counters.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    He literally has to have a cool down before he can do anything again and then he has to reload what more of a punishment do you want.

    The console or the PC of the killer to explode if they miss more than 5 shots

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    Absolutely not! The penalty for missing a bunch of shots is missing a bunch of shots! Players that are struggling with Deathslinger don't need to be further penalized for no reason.

  • hex_genrush
    hex_genrush Member Posts: 736

    Why do I even read threads like theses.......

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,173

    It's been 7 minutes since you updated this year old thread.

  • thatboosteddwight
    thatboosteddwight Member Posts: 21

    It's has been a year since I last got on the forums got a life you know lol.. thought I'd se were things went...