Ghostface vs Hag

Just for fun who in your opinion would you class as the better killer of these two and why?
And which one of them in your opinion is most fun to play?
So yet another "vs" thread and this time two very different killers. This could be interesting and I think opinions will vary a lot here. If someone answers 😁
I can start this time by saying Hag is more fun to play, I simply don't like playing Ghostface very much.
The better killer? This is a hard one because on small maps I think Hag is better no doubt, while GF is better on bigger maps. On the whole it's a close one but I would pick Hag as the better killer overall.
You've had to make me think here to be fair.
Ghostface, someone who can get the first hit easily and can end chases fast, aswell as being able to hide his terror radius completely, and then Hag, a killer with alot of mobility and with smart traps can completely deny loops.
For me it has to be Hag due to both the existence of Spine Chill, and more importantly due to her map pressure.
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Hag is easily the better killer.
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Ghostface is just M1 killer with ability to hide terror radius when Hag is mindgame'ing beast and great proxy camper. Hag is much better than Lossface.
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Hag got more potential, but is fricking difficult to master. GF is easy to pick up, but got a really low skillcap.
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As a Ghostface main, you've put me in a particular pickle here since the two killers are on opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of their abilities, mechanics, and how they generally operate.
Ghostface is easily by far the best stealth killer in the game having a stealth ability that neither denies LOS or movement speed (The Pig) or sacrifices immediate aggressive potential (The Wraith) as well as provides a full reduction in TR and extra utility to be even more stealthy via crouching (unlike Myers). If you've seen any gameplay from Tru3ta1ent or Otzdarva you know that this alone is extremely powerful, as you can bounce between survivors and chases, surprise one, catch another out in the open, mindgame a third in the middle of a chase by activating night shroud to hide your red stain, etc. so on and so forth. These are the reasons why I main Ghostface and I love playing as the killer, the ability to expose survivors quickly (whether by surprise or in the middle of a chase) which I haven't even mentioned thus far, is only the cherry on top that allows Ghostface to be even more aggressive and powerful.
On the other hand, The Hag provides some of the most intense map pressure out of any killer at base without a single perk. Unlike other high mobility killers like Freddy, Demogorgon, or even Hillbilly, which might need the help of BBQ and Chili, Surveillance, Discordance etc. To point them in the right direction and let them know where to go next. Her traps are very difficult to spot making them difficult to avoid or destroy (with a flashlight) forcing survivors to rely on anticipation, game sense and knowledge of where she might place her traps (typically in critical areas such as next to a generator or hooked survivor) but this might not be enough especially against very, very good Hags which are often far more unpredictable in their trap placement. Traps can be placed down quickly and on the fly to counter loops, especially long ones around central buildings that might be abused by survivors seeking to run those for as long as humanly possible.
Lol I've got no idea. My experience watching and playing + bias wants me to say Ghostface but I know the Hag is a serious contender and I've seen some absolutely nuts gameplay from really good ones.
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Hag is infinitely more fun to play because of her addons.
GF can be fun when running a Murky Reagent and crouch speed addons.. but overall pretty basic gameplay.
Hag is better overall if you know how to use her though.
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Hag is probably better, if you're talking about normal solo queue Survivors. If we're talking about 4 Man SWF hat understand how to beat both of the Killers, then it definitely is Ghostface. Object is one of the bigegst weaknesses of Killers and GF can use it to his advantage, unlike Hag who gets completely ######### by it. Also the fact that Hag can't oneshot down means she can't to much when there're only a few gens left you have to commit to a chase, but if you do, you lose your gens. And if you don't they just run away and heal. So you just lose at somepoint. Though nobody at red ranks ever does that. Ghostface doesn't have that problem, but he lacks the map presence.
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Hag is far better that GhostFace
While GhostFace's power helps cut chases short IF you mark a survivor, Hag is able to teleport using her traps and cut survivors off quickly
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I find Ghostface not only more fun, but more interesting and immersive. Hag has one thing, and it's her mori.