Can we get a snow map already?

Unit Member Posts: 190
I've always wanted this sense my first visit to Red Forest and seeing the rain


  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    edited August 2018
    Yes. This or if they wanna go huge they could do the shining 's overlook hotel. Or just rip it off and do a "haunted" hotel
  • Baphomett
    Baphomett Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2018
    This would be great.  Maybe have it snowing all the time so they could replace scratchmarks with footprints in the snow that fade after a few seconds.
  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    I'd be down for a map that has snow everywhere instead of just the Exit Gate areas on Lery's Memorial.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    It's called Lerys Memorial and its a beautiful map.
    yes, there is snow on this map.
    no, i wont tell you where.

  • Rogis_Right_Hand
    Rogis_Right_Hand Member Posts: 28
    edited August 2018

    Yeah I know, you'd think the Red Forest would've been snowy. It is Russian.

  • HP_Refill
    HP_Refill Member Posts: 29
    Maybe we can have the roof or the second floor with a destroyed roof of The treatment theatre as a new map. There is a second floor when looking from outside but we can never enter it. 
  • minsc
    minsc Member Posts: 18
    Only problem I see with the snow level it'll be so hard to hide anywhere unless you're in all white some so if they released a snow n package that have to give snow clothes to match it