moris are way more OP than keys


I don't understand why killers always bring keys when people talk about moris like for keys to work you actually need to do complete a big portion of your objectif and then find a closed hatch what isnt as easy as most people like to pretend it is

To be quite honest if anything keys are UP , you either need to hard loose the game to make use of it or being so close to win and power the gates that it doenst even matter and not just finish the last gen to go look for the hatch that you gonna take ages to find unless ya super lucky is pretty much soft throwing

Moris are just free faster kills that you barely need to do anything to get outside of hooking someone once and then tunnel


  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,002

    I can answer this

    Killers bring up keys when mori's are mentioned as they do the same thing almost

    Mori's deliver HUGE pressure, Key's take away HUGE pressure by having 1-4 survivors escaping through hatch

    Both equally powerful, simple changes can be done to them to make them still useful

    Ebony Mori- All survivors must be hooked once before you can mori any survivor

    Ivory-Same as before

    Cypress-Base kit

    Keys- give a process to opening hatch, sort of like working on an exit gate. It being instant can make the killer only watch as the survivor gets out without punishment

    Simple balance changes to make both weaker, while making them useful still. People have mentioned the 2 hook idea for Mori's but then they will become almost useless as its safer to just hook the survivor for the sacrifice.

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109
    edited April 2020

    i am sorry but how does keys offer huge pressure equal to moris , for all survivors to escape you need to do all the gens even for only 2 person you need at leats 3 gens so more than 50 % of the objectif and then find the hatch what again isnt easy

    moris are legit just hook and tunnel , moris offer way WAY more pressure compare to keys , you barely need to do 20 % of your overall objectif to use one and then you get a free win as turning the game into a 3v1 depending on how many gens are left can mean a very easy 4k for a killer most of the time

    the pressure isnt even close to similar

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    Bait thread.

    OP will continue to argue nonsensical arguments for the remainder of the thread.

    Carry on.

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    salty killer that cannot accept the truth and facts about keys being UP and not even close to mori power , stay ignorant not my problem

  • majorkaos
    majorkaos Member Posts: 29

    Don't shut down the thread by labeling it bait. This is what society use to call "Discussion". This dude countered what was offered as an explanation and I am interested in what others feel about the issue.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,214

    Well, yes the killer cant do anything with the hatch if the survivor has a key. Just as the survivor cant do anything to the killer while he moris someone.

    So, why should the killer be able to interfere with a hatch because survivor has to open it, survivors however cant interfere with a mori? Wouldnt it be more consistant if both were interactable, like a mori is canceled if the killer is stunned or blinded?

    then maybe the amount of work the killer has to do to use a mori at the moment might still be ok.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Both equaly powerful? Cound not be further from the truth.

    As @Gonourakuto rightfully says: A key means nothing for pressure, why should it? Your point makes no sense. But a mori is a freewin AND puts a lot of pressure on the survivors, especially when they are downed. It is a really simple concept: Down one, hook him, tunnel him. The game is technically over in 2 minutes if the killer is not a super-potato (just for record, you can not win a 3v1 if there are multible gens to do). All the survivors can hope for is that the killer is not a douchbag and wont tunnel.

    So to answer the question the only neutral and legit way: Moris are of course and without any slight doubt WAY more powerful then keys and can not even compared. You bring a red mori, you automatically win unless you have 40° fever and beeing drunk at the same time. A key can have impact from time to time at best, but thats it.

    I have been "key'd" by 3 people one time so far and maybe 2-3 times by 2 people in like 5K killer games, while an ebony mori on a decent killer is a free win 9/10 times if he plays like an ass. I still miss the 4 people escape the hatch achievement (i admit i dont neccessary try hard) and it is safe to say i am at least a decent survivor.

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    To say it in the words of a friend

    "In order to mori me, he has to hook me"

    If he got hooked "In order to mori me, he has to catch me again"

    A key has no requirements other then "Finish +1 Gen for remaining SV" or "You are the last SV, just find the hatch and escape for free"

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    The opposite side of the coin to moris was the insta heals that medkits used to have. Moris remove a down to get a survivor out of the game. Insta heals used to be able to negate a down. It took one instaheal to negate an ivory mori and 4 to negate an ebony mori.

    Comparing keys to moris is ridiculous (especially if you remember insta heals). What keys do is allow you to convert the amount of your objective that needs to be done to match the amount of survivors you still have alive. A 4 man key escape requires doing the complete survivor objective and then the added hassle of actually finding a randomly located hatch. That would be the equivalent of a mori requiring the killer to hook a survivor 3 times and then the animation activating and locking the killer in place on the 3rd hook. Then the requirements get more lax with each survivor taken out of the game which means even if it gets used, the killer is punished less for it. At one survivor left, it's the equivalent of what's baseline plus the survivor can use the hatch instead of the doors during egc. What moris allow you to do is remove half the requirement for getting a survivor out of the game, and removing a survivor from the game is overwhelmingly more impactful than removing a gen from the game.

    Personally, I'm ok with ivory and cypress moris, but I think ebony mori definitely needs to be balanced. I've seen somebody suggest that you can't start using any kills from ebony mori until every survivor in the game has been hooked at least once which would definitely help balance it. Personally, I think the first killed should work like ivory mori in that you can kill one survivor after one hook, the next 2 kills should require 2 hooks first, and the final kill can work like cypress mori since that survivor would be dead after being hooked anyways.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Mori removes the hook carrying part of killing and goes straight to murder saving killer time. Mori is expense-rare- and still requires finding chasing downing and previous hooking. Unless you use the ultra it's only good once. So the killer will still LOOSE the match only killing once.

    While the survivor key is more powerful the less survivors are around and removes the time of both gates it almost guarantees escape.

    Just logically speaking If the killer tunnels one single player from the start if the match before the chase ends the other 3 have separate gens done.

    If one player goes for the save and the other two do a gen together during you have 4 gens done before the killer can mori that orginal tunneled survivor. You now have 3 survivor hatch escape and win.

    As long as the first survivor chased can make each chase last 1 minute each everyone else escapes.

    Orginal run 15seconds to catch up. SB buys 10 seconds, pallets buy 5 seconds (two in a chase is reasonable) a window another 3 or car loop or shack can buy 20 alone. It's your fault if you dont last 60 seconds.

    A mori saves one player 10 seconds of hook carry. A key saves 4 players 20 seconds EACH and provides an unguarded escape.

    Keys are infinitely more powerful then moris

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    How in the hell did you miss the ENORMOUS fact that moris require only hooking a survivor once? The chase is the most time consuming part of getting rid of survivors and a mori allows you to skip that part twice. Admittedly, it does save probly less than 10 seconds of getting a survivor to a hook, but you completely neglected the fact that it saves god knows how many minutes of chasing.

    And what kind of twisted logic did you use to come to the conclusion that a key saves 4 players 20 seconds each? Finding a hatch takes way more effort that opening a gate, and because of the 30 second auto closing, they actually have to gather all 4 players without the killer seeing before they even opening it.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    I play only SWF... as all people should so with 4 players communicating you can spin the camera 360 and view 40% of the map in 1 second collectively just because of how powerful 3rd person FOV is. If you talk can Grid search the entire map in 10 seconds.

    If that is for some reason you missed seeing the hatch naturally because it litterally spawns at our feet most matches. Hatch spawns are almost as memorable as shacks are... they dont spawn in the basement or in the corners of the map or within feet of the exit gate or under hooks... they are very very limited where they pop up.

    You only get one life. Theres no guarantee any killer will be kind enough to let you be saved. Your first hook is ur life I'm not entitled to 3 full lives like you pretend to be. I have 4 perks and an item that gives me all the second chances I need to live if my team doesnt sabo/clickclicky save me first

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    If your logic is that there's no reason to expect an unhook, then your opinion on moris is pretty much pointless. Moris require an unhook to affect the game at all and you seem to think that getting unhooked isn't something to be expected in a game when about 99% of the playerbase will clearly disagree with that. I play at high ranks where unhooks are common as all hell. And unless the survivors give the killer a reason to stay near the hook, there will usually be 2 unhooks before a survivor is killed.

    And if you honestly think that you can view 40% of the map in 1 second using all 4 survivors combined, your opinion on hatch finding is also invalid since it's based in dellusion unless you're using hacks to see through all the line of sight blockers. If that statement was honestly true, it would make Huntress the most powerful killer in the game since there was nothing to stop her hitting hatchets. A survivor can generally see if the hatch is on the tile that they're on if they know where it spawns on that title. Btw, hatches actually do spawn on exit gate tiles though admittedly the hatch generally is at least 3 feet from the edge of any tile.

  • tactic
    tactic Member Posts: 356
    edited April 2020

    One will always be stronger than the other, but they're both unfair and desperately need changing IMO

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    To be honest i wouldnt care if they removed both of them , I even wouldnt care if they only removed keys like i said i find them UP and kinda underwhelming at leats it would be less useless keys and keys addons to plague my bloddwebs and take the place of real useful addons and items :p