can i get a refund?



  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2020

    map design is terrible when you consider the fact that vault windows have walls that are about a foot wide making it too easy for killers to walk around. A lot of Pallet placements are really bad as they are placed in areas where it almost doesn’t make a difference killers can easily walk around them. Also, vault windows have terrible hit boxes for survivors. I find almost every time even though I have distance on the killer I make the vault and after taking a few steps he still gets a hit on me. Why? Why does he get that hit? Blows my mind. If he doesn’t have the option to grab you at the vault I don’t think he should be able to hit you.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    I quit reading after last few patches have been killer sided. Seriously dude? 🤦‍♂️

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    If you think there's any possibility of you getting a refund because there's something like this you clearly don't know how purchasing updating products works.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    So you totally need God loops and infinites to run around a killer? You realize optimal survivors don't need god loops, infinites or second chance perks at all?

    Also you can still escape the killer as there are safe pallets on the map that let you loop the killer for a bit.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2020

    3.4.2/3.5.0 oni turn buff for demon strike and dash ability.

    3.6.0 doctor buff

    previous update : survivor toolboxes nerf

    next update : coop repair speed reduced

    killer killer killer killer killer 😡

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    complain Complain complain. Nerf nerf nerf nerf survivors . Yup. That’s the direction we’re heading. I don’t want to stare at a progress bar while some of these killers ez one hit teammates. Nope. That isn’t fun. And if you don’t see that because you probably play bad killers that don’t have capability and mobility like I’ve seen at high rank play than were clearly not on the same page and nor will we ever be.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    I will never agree with killer sided content. I think this game has reached its limit for me solo. I don’t think it’s fun 🤷‍♂️

  • Nobody95
    Nobody95 Member Posts: 93

    Exactly, when they take the survivor's side, everything is fine, because I am very good with my infinities and pressing a button, now all those who celebrated the changes to the ruin and the nerf to the killer are crying here. We don't know how to control double standards

  • Lmronby
    Lmronby Member Posts: 339


    Cya bye bye

    See you again never

    Please Vanish from this community if you Honestly believe this.

    No refunds either

  • Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck
    Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck Member Posts: 61

    I'd also like a refund of the money spent on this game please.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    If anything the high mobility killers will be more on par with the low mobility killers as it’s not going to take those killers ages to get from one side of the map to the other. Iri Head needs addressing yeah, but I’m fairly certain the devs are aware it’s a busted addon. It’ll be just a matter of time before they nerf it.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Survivors are supposed to eventually go down, unless they are WAY better than the killer (where ranking should separate them, but that's another topic). Survivors are just not supposed to go down 3 times every game.

    How about sabo change, several nerfs to spirit/legion/freddy/GF addons, Kindred Buff, Detectives Hunch buff? Easy to blend out the half to call anything x-sided. It is really funny to see how tunnel visioned most people here are just to give their riot more impact

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    I'm rank 2 survivor, rank 3 killer and I'm not even good at looping, not at all. You can still be a very good survivor if you master all other elements and hide from killer.

    And after Ruin nerf this needed to happen, to get some balance!

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    Can people in the thread pitch in and to give this player 14$ ie the refund, and just delete his DBD account? That way if he does decide to buy it again, he will have to start from scratch?

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Agreed @OP. When I bought this game it was actually fun. Now it's rarely enjoyable. This patch will put a nail in that coffin for solo survivors. This has developed into something I would never have spent money on. Feelsbadman.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    The fact you lack reading comprehension was bad, but the fact you got so many upvotes by people who clearly know even less. Is just alarming.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Yes i forgot. Survivors got basicly their toolboxes deleted. What an amazing buff for survivors!

    Or are you talking about hook sabo which is completly useless because of more hooks and +1 extra dropping added?

    Or are you talking about the amazing map we got, you know, the most killer sided map ever created with deadzones, breakable walls and silly unsafe loops... within deadzones?

    Or are you talking about breakable walls, which are obviously totally survivor sided?

    Or the addon changes for the doctor which made him even stronger.. by far? If you would play him and try out some stuff, you would actually know how good they are now.

    I pretty much know all the patchnotes by heart, there is nothing in these patches that would favour survivors, at least nothing that is even close to significant or on par with killer buffs at the same time.

    Not even the Ruin change was a big nerf, it was always only a great perk for rank 20-5 and ######### red ranks killers... you knew instantly when you were in a chase with a ruin billy for example and why he was using it.. he was just bad at the game. Good killers never needed ruin in first place. Even I won many of my games on R1 with clown and bubba without ruin, and i am for sure not a pro-killer.

    Also keep in mind that ruin got cleansed in 30-60 seconds on better ranks anyway (another reason weak killers came to the forum and complained about bad totem spawns).

    Pop and Corrupt were ALWAYS the better perk, but i guess people like you wont have noticed that because its so hard to actually adjust and find ways to succeed.

    Yes, they were beyond broken, i never denied that. It is good that most of this stuff got fixed, but it is also time now to realise when survivor nerfs are enough. When you read this forum, you mostly read "payback" posts of salty killers now, since they clearly have the upper hand when the upcoming patch is live.

    God loops should be nerfed (i dont agree with all of the godloop nerfs, some are just too much and are close to not even effective loopable anymore), and i am also on board with the toolbox nerf and the coop genspeed / skillcheck nerf. But everything beyond that is not justified anymore.

    I repeat myself: Ballance over "payback because 2016"

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Why is it funny watching people rage over absolutely nothing?

  • Happy2Heal4You
    Happy2Heal4You Member Posts: 119

    Why do people have a problem with smaller maps? I feel like that as long as they give survivors enough stuff to work with, smaller maps are for the best to create more survivor and killer interaction. The biggest problem with generator speeds isn’t that they go too fast it’s that most maps are too big for the killer to pressure generators consistently. Making maps smaller will actually help with the gen speed. I havent really noticed a decrease in the number of potential loops on the maps so I am not sure what the op is talking about with that but I’ve seen this situation before. Back when there were twice as many pallets on every map and they removed them, people went crazy and thought that this would make survivor too weak. Cut to modern day and survivors learned to work with the pallets and windows they have with great effect. This is still like only day 2 PTB by the time I’m writing this and there’s so many changes to the maps. I would wait a bit before jumping to any “Killer sided game” accusations.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    So they're fixing survivors from being fundamentally broken and you're whining about that.

    The video you just showed is a pretty much and endorsement way hardcore nerf needed.

    For example looks at the preschool were ridiculous.

    It took no effort or no skill as long as you were looking be outside fence of the preschool you could essentially burnout a good 30- 40 seconds of The Killers time for free.

    Is without using skill or a pallet. Now there's a lot more mind game in the areas you have to know what you're doing it's not just run around the building for free.

    For example the killer has a doorway he could cut me off with let me try to trick him to think I'm going one way then double back.

    This is an interactive element you guys are both playing mind games with each other the winner will either get the hit and the down or escape.

    Before there was little to no interactive element most of these Loops were pretty much consisted of play follow the leader until bloodlust or window blocks helps you.

    Once the maps have been balanced out you can actually start removing elements like bloodlust and window blocking

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Apparently the only fundamentally broken survivors are in your games, in mine they die most of the time. Maybe Europe on R1 is just a place with only potatos.

    Yes, the video is just to show you how broken survivors were. If you read the whole conversation, you would understand the context behind that and you would not need to basicly quoting me.

    Yes, preschool for example had a really strong and mindless loop. Where did i say anything else? Some or even most godloops are okay to get fixed. But again, why change anything beyond that? Why reduce pallets or make other loops weaker? Its not neccessary, simply because survivors are NOT fundamentally stronger.

    The game is actually in a decent spot right now, but for 2 groups of people: Bad survivors and bad killers. Guess balancing is for bad people now.

  • Barko
    Barko Member Posts: 37
    edited April 2020

    Guys come on. They can never balance it until they separate solo survivors and voice teams. It doesnt matter right now who gets which baffs and nerfs or what happens with maps - game mechanic is broken by default. To balance something truly (well at least try) you gotta fix it first, thats how things work normally.

    Then they can think about matchmaking and rank resets. I mean I haven't played killer for more than a year, decided to try few days ago (of course I am 20 now) and 4 times out of 6 I got swf teams of 12-9 with rank 2-4 as a party leader. How is this even a thing? I mean what is even the point in ranking system then if it works like that...

    There is no balance in this game as it denies logic and common sense. But at least it's fun to watch as they implement 'fixes' and 'patches' - every time you think that they can't do worse than this time and with each new chapter they keep on surprising you by doing something even more idiotic. :)

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    God your a noob, or a Idaho Potato. Tool boxes weren't really nerfed, they still work great if you know when and HOW to use them. Sabo is insane, I guess the ruin nerf never happened, I guess deathslinger wasn't gutted, oni is some strait donkey Doo on console, nurse got corona virus and can't do ######### now, etc, etc. Sthu and quit being a biased lil turd man. Survivors had there fun for over 3 years. Playtime is O V E R!

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    How does this put a nail in the coffin for solo survivors? I really am curious, because the only changes to solo are the God loops/windows. Your gen speeds will still be the same unless your grouping up.

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232

    Ohno! Someone who has to change their strategy because god loops are gone and can't abuse them anymore! Woe is me!

    When you bought the game, you agreed to the terms and services in which the developers can make all the changes they want because this is an ever changing game.

    Plus these are changes the game needed in order to be balanced and I'm saying this from both sides. It's a step in the right direction. If anything, it will bring back players. I say good job, BHVR, you guys are doing a pretty good job so far. Truthfully.

  • shane32
    shane32 Member Posts: 383

    Im so confused with posts like this. shouldn't the game be killer sided? In what world would the survivors be equal to the killer lol. The fun is trying to escape the op killer hiding and running......Not going face first at the killer taunting him and tea bagging him. You should be afraid of the killer and not want to be anywhere near them.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    They are nerfing pallets across the board as well. Which will be a death sentence when you hit killers like billy. It's already a struggle against a good billy, even with god windows and connected tiles. One bad survivor on your team is all it takes to lose. A good billy will be zoning you in a way you are forced to throw good pallets instantly, spacing them out further just means you are going to be a free down in most cases.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Being immersed is actually the most boring thing in the world. The game should be about the chase. If survivors can only hide from the killer (who can easily find them through tracking perks anyways) I would leave.

  • Lanis_
    Lanis_ Member Posts: 183

    And BL nerf? Self healing nerf? Speed vault nerf? Ds nerf? MoM nerf (just little bit).

    The > of this nerf is justified for balance.. but in the last 1 year and 6 months they nerf survivor over and over..

    Crashing wall on the god loops? Yes please.

    <10% size of large maps? Yes, sure.

    Reducing number of pallet? Why?

    And why Bloodlust is still part of the game? With the deserve nerf of vaulting speed, pallet vacuum, increased pallet unsafe and now crashing wall, the killer really needed Bloodlust?

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Dude there not getting rid of all the pallets, just the cheesy ones that require zero skill that brain dead people can continuously loop the killer on forever unless your Freddy, spirit, or nurse. Billy is very easy to loop. A lot of people are intimidated by his speed and insta-downs, but he's ######### when it comes to loops and windows if your a good survivor. Survivors are now gonna have to rely more on skill, then bad map design, and that's how it should be. A potato shouldn't be able to continuously loop a red rank killer, but.... This patch puts a nail in THAT coffin.

  • shane32
    shane32 Member Posts: 383

    Your right I meant to add in chase in there also. Ya nothing wrong with being able to run away and lose the killer.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    No potato is going to be looping a red rank killer for very long, the worst they will be doing is camping pallets. Urban evading potato's don't even know what looping or god windows are. They just get to red ranks because it's too easy to pip as survivor.

    You put some chase perks on billy and he is a monster, it's as simple as that.

    But people will be running around with stupid builds on like wraith crying about pallets and the ruin nerf. Survivors too OP when there's actually so many utterly braindead ways to get free downs in the game.

  • SpawnaMeonTheHook
    SpawnaMeonTheHook Member Posts: 8

    BHVR has no idea how to balance a game.

    It's survivor nerf after survivor nerf.

    They balance the game with a sledge hammer.

    Mori are unbalanced as hell

    So many broken add-ons for killer.

    Loops are the only hope for survivors.

    I haven't had less than a 3k in months

    This game just isn't fun any more.

    Killer used to be fun but now there's no challenge.

    It's so unbalanced it's almost comical.

    In 2016-2018 it was super hard and survivor sided but the devs have tipped the balance way too far.

    I have 1400 hours as killer.

    All you other killers need to get good.

    Break the pallet. I don't understand why you need the God loops broken.

    Get good at nurse/doctor/trapper/ literally any other loop stopping killer.

    Stop making the game easier and make people get ######### good.

  • Valkyriehime333
    Valkyriehime333 Member Posts: 2

    Wow this is actually hilarious to me this post is literally filled with 80% entitled survivor mains crying 19% entitled killers mains trying to bash and insult them and 1% of people who understand balance and are trying to keep the peace god I love the dbd community XD

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    "3 Big changes" spirit? There was barely any change to her, the spirit is still very strong. There where way bigger changes to Killers then these, but I guess you didnt play that long dbd to know them so its fine.

  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    Haha survivor entitlement at its finest

  • Splitsecond27
    Splitsecond27 Member Posts: 52

    This is what a lot of killers said after ruin changes, yet there still here, and after this change they’re a lot happier, don’t worry you’ll come back. They’ll probably make a small change to cater to players like you anyway. I’m happy with the changes and I’m a rank 1 killer and rank 3 survivor

  • Splitsecond27
    Splitsecond27 Member Posts: 52

    Because it makes sense that you can hit someone through a window? What do you want the entity to just stop the weapon? You seem like the type of person to stand real close to the window and teabag just to get hit and downed and complain just because your not smart. But I will admit, some times you get dedicated through a window and that doesn’t feel good :/

  • Splitsecond27
    Splitsecond27 Member Posts: 52

    Actually they buffed oni because originally they nerfed the turning completely and realized it needed to be fixed and 3.6.0 was a REWORK to the doctor that just made him more viable still basically the same amount of annoying, and yes congrats the other 2 are accurate.

  • obamagaming99
    obamagaming99 Member Posts: 216

    tee hee this is too funny

  • BillyAndStu
    BillyAndStu Member Posts: 120

    A part of me really hopes youre baiting cuz i cant fathom someone actually over reacting thia much. God loops have needed to be removed for a really long time. Theres still plenty of safe pallets and tiles to use that arent borderline infinite.

  • BillyAndStu
    BillyAndStu Member Posts: 120

    Survivors are constantly getting new things to make the killers life a living hell. Survivors have more s tier perks, quick sabo, items that can break the game, etc. Ruin nerf was a damn survivor buff are you kidding me?

  • Doomspooge
    Doomspooge Member Posts: 184

    Why do people keep insisting that pallets were removed? On one map it said they took 2 pallets out of a particular place that would spawn 4 there. Do you really need 4 pallets in 1 building? Hell it didn't even say they lowered the amount of total pallets on that map.

  • MysticMusician
    MysticMusician Member Posts: 149

    Hm, red rank killer and survivor, yes I see a definite problem here??? Not.

  • joeyprtr
    joeyprtr Member Posts: 42

    Dead by daylight is like everything else if you have been playing for a long time and bought all the dlc and cosmetics , they don't care about you because they already have your money. My advice start a brand new profile pretending to be a new player who they haven't gotten as much money as they can out of, and they may listen. Companies don't care about the faithful customers who have been paying the bills they care about new customers that will help get them a raise. No salt facts

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Then good. Leave. This community is better off without you

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    The bias levels from this thread are astounding. Guys, both killers and survivors received multiple buffs and nerfs over time. Stop acting like your side is always getting the end sort of the stick.

    Fixing bad map design is a very healthy change for the game and it was needed for a long time. Stop acting like is the end of the world because some BS windows got doorways next to them.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I’d like a refund too. If I knew what was coming I’d have never paid a penny towards this game. Never will in the future either. It treats its players like garbage.