Rank reset Rewards
I am currently Rank 4 and whenever rank resets we get nothing, but i think the Devs should make it like:
Whenever Rank resets u are getting a certain ammount of Iridiscent Shards atleast.
I mean for what are the Ranks here for?
For Matchmaking? Well, i think if u get a good Rank, u should also get Rewarded and, Iridiscent Shards are hard to Farm since u have to Level Up and, if ur like LVL 68, it gets harder to LVL up so i think they should give us some rewards if rank reset is coming.
i understand your point there. BUT!!!! Waht about our devotion levels? I am devotion lvl 1864 and i still get the same amount of shards as someone who is devotion 1. I dont see that fair at all.