Deadzone by Daylight

These PTB map changes are ridiculous without more pallets being put in those newly made dead zones. I pray this doesn't make it live or solo queue will be worse than it already is. (Not to mention a huge buff to high mobility killers who were already top tier in the first place). Sprint burst will become mandatory because the entire map is a dead zone lmao
Check the PTB out for yourself, this sucks butts. Coming from someone who plays both sides btw.
This actually won't effect high mobility killers as much as it does low mobility killers.
Also the only maps that need more pallets, or rather a rework of some sense is Shelter Woods (Mainly due to the lack of pallets in the central area around the tree) and Hawkins (Very few safe loops overall while loads of killer sided loops)
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Have you tried counting the pallets on the reworked maps and the amount of dead zones? You'd be surprised.
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Yeah, breaking one pallet near a gen and then having a massive deadzone won't impact a killer like billy; who just murders you at any deadzone and patrols the entire map within 30~ seconds with whispers.
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I'm confused there is literally no such thing as "deadzones" anymore in the PTB
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Then don't run to dead zones! Make dukes! That's all that I do and I come out alive.
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lmao this gave me a good laugh. You're right, it would just be the entire map at that point.
Coming from a Billy main, this is going to be some extremely brain dead game play if this actually goes through lol. No need to even run spirit fury enduring if there's like 8 pallets on the entire map.
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Nice bait. The point is all the generators are pretty much in dead zones now.
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I will admit some need a change, like the Ironworks needs to have the window and door switched, but the best thing to do now is to use them as a last resort rather than a loop you can run the killer around for 30 seconds or more.
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Its bait yet I play 50/50... damn theres a first for everything.
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guess you'd prefer 20 safe pallets so the killer participates in a pallet breaking simulator
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Guess you'd prefer to just derail the discussion with a pointless response pretending I'd prefer this game be a pallet breaking simulator.
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considering what we currently have is a pallet breaking simulator on multiple maps, and you don't care for a reduction, i'd say my response was not 'derailing' but an observation
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I don't think you understand the situation. They shrunk the map, weakened and removed some loops, AND lowered the amount of pallets AND kept bloodlust in the game. What are survivors supposed to do exactly? Especially against an insta-saw Billy? There's no pallets.
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Exactly what you do on some of the newer maps. Sanctum of wrath comes to mind, there's almost nothing to work with. At least Hawkins has some garbage pallets you can throw like a bot but Sanctum has like 8 pallets by default.
Sit in bushes, hide in lockers, and hold M1 on gens. Die in 20 seconds if the killer finds you, probably get camped while you are at it. Amazing gameplay.
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Riveting gameplay. Guess we play every game as if we were on dead dawg saloon now lul
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I mean... Are there more deadzones now? Yes, there are, but it's not like there already were deadzones on existing maps and no one has complainned about them (at least not that I've noticed) so why are the new deadzones suddenly a problem? I'd say because it's a huge sudden change from what it used to be and I think it'll need some getting used to, but as long as other parts of the map are still solid, I don't really see the problem. Granted, I haven't seen too many terrible deadzones on the PTB, and maybe you have. But then again it'd be up to RNG.
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If it's a deadzone, that means there's nothing there. Nothing includes pallets. If there are pallets, it's not a deadzone. Learn your terms.
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you know that they mean there's already no pallets. using the word "more" in that sentence doesnt change its meaning if you actually understand what they are saying.
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Nah, people just have to nitpick when they don't have a counter-argument to feel like they replied.
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Which maps exactly have deadzones?
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The bloodlust will unfortunately be a thing until all maps get a proper rework, but I've seen a few of the new maps and understand what your talking about. There's a difference between fixing a map and killing it. I would prefer maps be 50/50 or 60/40 at the very least.
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Pretty much all the ones they touched on the PTB.
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where are all the "git gud" and "adapt" survivors post-ruin nerf?
what happened guys? can't git gud or adapt yourselves? :(
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New ruin has done more against me than old ruin ever had since I hit my greats.
I don't see your point. New ruin is good.
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my point is all we heard during PTB with the ruin nerf was "aDaPt" and "gIt gUd" from survivors
why not follow said advice?
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Just had a few games on torment creek. Wow yeah it is full of deadzones.
You’d hope now they could balance Hillbilly since he can immediately catch up to any distance survivors create and has unlimited instadowns but I doubt it.
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I'm glad you let a vocal minority of people shape you as a person.
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Like I said, this is just going to make high-mobility killers even more ridiculous. Maybe they'll actually get toned down now, who knows?
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Not a chance. Lets be honest Hillbilly is the worst since not only is the by far the fastest but also has no cooldown unlike the rest. In fact hes the only one with instadowns too.
Killer mains here have been given veto power so no, not gonna happen.
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Strange.. peanits said the number of pallet is not reduced except the doc's map.
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I just don't get how you can even feel good about winning a game on an empty map as Hillbilly (coming from a Hillbilly main). Hopefully they reconsider all these insane dead zone changes.
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Since when did dead zones only = no pallets? Dead zones have no pallets OR vaults. Just press W and die game play is truly riveting.
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Every one? A lot of those maps weren't even changed in any other way then having their god loop removed. Which is why I am very confused.
Most maps I played still felt pretty normal, having a fair amount of pallets. The only map I personally have seen that seems to have too much space with nothing in it is Thompson's House. There's a big area around the cow tree that spawns nothing, which isn't very good.
Don't get me wrong, I'm against deadzones as well, I just haven't experienced those really myself yet. Fractured Cowshed for example now is extremely well balanced from my experience, the times I have played on that map it always seemed to have a fair amount of pallets, but not too many like it used to have which is good since pretty much all of them are safe pallets. The same goes for the other maps like Temple of Purguation, Mother's Dwelling or Wrecker's yard. All maps seem pretty well balanced to me but there were still more than enough pallets for survivors to work with when I played on those maps.
The one I am not sure about is Rotten Fields. From what I've seen, the loops and tiles seem to be distributed more evenly across the entire map, and I heard others say it actually has less deadzones because of that. But I feel like the tiles and loops might be a bit too far away from each other and that there maybe should be a few more pallets spread across the map. Only problem is that almost all pallet loops unique to farm maps are safe, and I would rather have mindgameable pallets filled into the deadzones.
Additionally, on maps like Ironworks, Coal Tower, Badham maps, Torment Creek, pretty much any map that only has had it's god loop changed, I have noticed no difference at all.
Which is why I am confused why some people are experiencing a lot more of these deadzones. Maybe it's also survivors just wasting pallets much faster because it's ptb and they don't care for winning?
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I just said what he said lol.
And if the pallet number is not reduced, how can dead zone occurs? If there must be a dead zone, other locations will have more pallets than usual since the number is not changed.
If window number is also not change, other place will have more window as well. But this is all in theory
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Because they win. That's all that matters to some people. I can't tell you how many times 2 people have disconnected or suicided on hook and the killer has sweat for the 4k and then gloated about it post game, spamming "ez ez".