Devs, I need you read this message, if you care your game.

Pokino Member Posts: 81

I guess this won't change anything, but at least I'll make it clear.I'm TIRED seeing how this game goes absolutely in the wrong way, patch after patch. There is a BIG problem into the game, ONLY one, source of every other problems that you don't want to solve... or don't want to... the gen rush. But... no, instead correct gen rush, and you know there are a lot of ways to do it, many of them said infinite times on this forum, You are patch after patch transforming the game in a sort of... joke. The map changes of this patch are a shame. Yes, A SHAME. You're killing the game for both sides, survs and killers. Today's game is "rishing gens vs broken killers", now in ######### maps... 6 pallets on torment creek, 7 pallets on thompsons's house... Not weird if survs only want to rush, and that's the point, it was neccesary because gens fly away in a breath, and killers can't afford a chase for more than 20 seconds. Solution? Get out pallets, get out windows, get out everything. But don't worry, survs will manage to rush gens faster, and then one year later chases will be a straight line with another smart patch... What a funny game!. My killer matches (rank 1, if you ask) still being same as always, 5 minutes rush except I feel lucky and survs want to play with half brain, and practically suicide themselves. I love trapper, but it's impossible to play as, at least in a "fair way", and as I NEVER camp or tunnel (not funny for anyone), I'm forced to play hillbilly or spirit, and yet I have to slug a bit if I want a decent match... I'm sure you're afraid to make a game where reach rank 1 is about to skill, you're afraid of survs must prove true skill playing, instead push a button as fast as they can... and you're afraid killers wouldn't want to play if they need more than 20 seconds to catch someone thanks to a broken power or the lack of pallets.

So, as a rank 1 surv and killer, I will say this:

Devs, change your mind and take steps to put an end to the "gen rush mechanic", making a better game. And build decent maps, not deserts, let the outcome of the games be defined by the ability of survivors and assassins, and not how fast is pushed a button, or how broken is a killer, or how much he camps. Stop thinking make the game easy is better, and let's start to give value to skill, for survs and killers. The killers frustration is (should be) the game time, it shouldn't be play vs a good surv who know how to play on pallets and structures!

Stop gen rush!

Stop broken killers!

Stop empty maps!

(sorry, I'm not a english native speaker)
