Inner Strength vs Self Care by the numbers, why all the Self care hate?



  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    (?) seconds to find a totem + 14 seconds to cleanse + (?) seconds to run to and enter a locker + 8 seconds to heal.

    Sure, it avoids Sloppy, Thana, etc. But if you do the math, you see it can take longer than Self-Care depending on the variables.

    The only great thing about Inner Strength is you can cleanse a totem before you're injured and use the heal later. This is the only case where it truly shines imo. So if I had to pick one, I'd use self-care for consistency (Or just bring a medkit!)

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Oh, and not to mention if your teammates run the perk as well, it makes it even weaker.

    If you're a Solo queue Survivor, Self-Care is undoubtedly better in most situations. Inner Strength can be made useless just by your teammates taking the totems before you can.

  • KnotEnthusiast
    KnotEnthusiast Member Posts: 464

    Something no one else has mentioned either, Inner Strength doesn't show up on Nurses Calling. The amount of self-caring players I've punished with Huntress hatchets has to be in triple digits at this point.

  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399

    I definitely see the point of Self-Care, and I think players that know how to use it well can make great use of it. But in solo queues, I often see people using it really stupidly? Self-Caring against T3 Myers, or during EGC with NOED, etc, etc. During times where a player is a one-hit-down regardless, it makes more sense to do something else (gens, bones, hook rescues) than to spend that long healing.

    Also I've played with players that won't let me heal them because they're Self-Caring and just... I want some Altruism points, okay??

    I haven't used Inner Strength, but that's because I haven't played as Nancy. I definitely can see that being a more viable perk option, esp with Resilience. Get a totem quick while injured if you don't have one already, work on a gen some, pop into a locker. My friends I play with will run this one while we SWF sometimes instead of Self-Care (but they use Self-Care too).

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I respect the Begone Bones movement lol people complaining about noed make me laugh since all they need to do is get rid of all the totems.

    I just hate the time wasted by self care. Yes its quicker with botany but I think there are better perks that should be used that don't waste time.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, some people heal against instadowns because they dont run iron will. Thus, the killer can easily here you if you come to a hook he is proxycamping, and then he will down you. If you are healed up, he doesnt hear you as easily, and the odds for you getting a lot better.

    Also, in games i played as a solo survivor (which ist the majority of the time) i had people refusing to heal me. Why? Because we were both doing a gen, and when the killer came, he went for the injured one.