Playing Survivor is hard mode. Playing Killer helps me relax with its easiness.

I get so frustrated playing Survivor at higher ranks because I can seldom escape since I'm not a 360 god. After frustrating Survivor games I can luckily play Killer, the easy mode of the game. Even at high Killer ranks I can get 4K nearly every game, unless the last survivor finds the hatch. I suggest every Survivor main starts to play the easier mode of the game called Killer. Survivor has become too difficult nowadays even though just a year back Killer was the hard mode. How the tables have turned. Devs will be making survivor lives even more hell by slowing down gen repairs and ruining maps next patch. Survivors, switch to Killer if you want to keep your sanity.


  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 519

    Despite of which role is easier, And despite to what most of killer say here, I find playing killer is more relaxing too. i am red rank killer..

    The only thing i hate as killer is gen rushing because the game end fast and thats not fun,

    But as Survivor, too many thing can make the game unfun to me

    Playing vs killer i hate, or broken addon, or facing camper/tunnler/slugging killer, mories

    which make me always change to killer role to make me play and relax, and with upcoming changes playing as survivor is hell.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Low rank killer is super relaxing. High rank killer is stressful and unfun.

    Likewise. Low rank surv is super stressful and high rank survivor is easy.