Fast Vaults of Death????????

I know vaulting isn't the safest method of surviving especially when killer's distance is in question but why is it that from yesterday up to now I'm getting hit through the window even after I finished the fast vault animation and already running away? I don't understand. The best part is that sometimes the killer swings early and the weapon doesn't hit the window opening o_O. U may say it's lag but I played with two friends last night and they had the same experience. Presently, I'm playing with another friend and we're both having the same problem. Anyone else going through this? It's just discouraging to even continue play survivor. I use an Ethernet cable and I restarted my router multiple times. :(((((


  • RPGWolfGamer23
    RPGWolfGamer23 Member Posts: 126

    Almost everyone gets hit like this, I also get hit through pallets. Just something we got to deal with until the latency is fixed.

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 417

    It's not just latency.

    Say I'm the killer. I have an arm, around 2-3 feet long. Add a weapon which is another 2-3 feet. That's a reach of 4-6 feet in front of me, so hitting a survivor just outside a window, or someone crossing a pallet is normal. While it may seem like you should have got away, that's not always the case.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Nah fam. Survivors are consistently hit through windows they are solidly several feet away from, even when the killer is several feet the opposite direction. Killers have in-game hit priority. That is why. #dedicatedserversyo

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826
    edited April 2020

    Have you also noticed that you return in "Neutral" stance after you vault? It stops your running animation, pulls you back AND you have to start running again.

    That's how they get the hit on you as well.

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 417
    edited April 2020

    Okay but you're saying that if you're in the middle of a vault I shouldn't be able to hit you. If I can pull you off I can certainly hit you. I could just chain vault a pallet if that were true. And ineffective? The example was meant to illustrate that hitboxes can reach further than you think.

    You should be safe from a hit once you're not in the killers REACH, nothing else. If you're even a PIXEL within the killers reach you'll be hit. I think I may have not explained my point well enough.

    I'm saying people complain about these hits, and while it may have been lag it isn't always the case. And can you explain the hit priority to me, I don't know much about it.

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830
    edited April 2020

    Your point is ineffective, every killer have the same lunge range, so when a killer like freddy or demo, when they hit, the reach will be shorter in your eyes, but you will get hit because of that.

    Yeah, you get hit through windows a lot, but it's really because of latency (in the actual PTB the vaults are kinda fixed), in this case, on the killer screen you get hit, but on your screen you already vaulted the window and ran a bit, this is where the confusion appears.

  • JakeMainForLife
    JakeMainForLife Member Posts: 29

    @BigBrainMegMain Mhmmmmmm U KNOW EXACTLY WHAT'S UP. I'm not big on megs but we find a common ground through our struggles :´(

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    It could be reduced substantially just by increasing fast vault speed by 20 percent. Might need to remove the speed bonus from Resilience to not make it too powerful. But faster vaults would mean a smaller (more accurate) window where killers would need to meet to actually hit you through a window or pallet.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    It’s not your internet the hit boxes are broken. It’s unfair to survivors right now, super killer sided game in terms of surviving chases via vaults and sometimes pallets because the game doesn’t let you drop it while the killer is in the lunge animation - the game literally ignores your button input for the pallet. So many times I’ve been through the vault, taken a few steps and get slammed and when I look back the killer is behind the vault. It’s messed up. The vaults should require killers to walk around the 2 foot wall that I vaulted through. You’re faster than me, it’s not a big deal unless I have lithe, but that’s my benefit/advantage over you in the chase and I should be able to use it. If you can’t Do the grab me animation you shouldn’t be able to get a hit. It should give you the animation that you hit a wall or an object instead. That’s not fair I have to go through an animation but you don’t and can just swing and down someone.

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 417

    I get that, but vaults are already fast. If I'm vaulting a window and the killer is within hit range of me I expect to get hit. If I'm just landing the vault I expect to get hit (in a window, not a pallet).

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454
    edited April 2020

    @witchsy really =p please link a statement a ingame example or a dev stream saying that the killer can’t reach thou a window and I’ll stand corrected... till then

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
    edited April 2020

    A lot of the hits that feel unfair are due to a combination of lag and generous amount of time to hit through a window. By reducing the amount of time that can be hit through a window it also counters lag to a certain extent.

    Let me do a play by play to explain. Getting hit at a window only feels unfair if you started running away and then get hit. By increasing the vault speed let us take a look at a common scenario. The scenario where you've gone through the window and have started to run away.

    You get to a window, go through the window, and you gain traction and start to move. In the current version the killer has several frames where he can hit the survivor once they've hit the other side and before the game registers the player moving. But with the change, if they've made it to the other side, you'll only have one or two frames.

    Part of what makes a good killer is knowing when you'll get a hit and when you won't. Good killers won't even attempt those close calls, removing the issue entirely.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829
  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446

    You probably just got dedicated which is like a running gag now (pathetically so). If the killer is vpning or has has a crappy connection, you're not going to have a good time.

    I know you're affected by fast vaults but it affects dropping pallets as well. Check out this vid and fast forward to 19:52.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    You're anywhere from .1 - .5 seconds delayed compared to what the survivor did before. As a killer if a survivor is 90 percent through a window or pallet you shouldn't be able to hit them. While it may feel like they are right there, the reality is that what you're seeing is the old them. Now I'm not suggesting to create lag compensation for the survivor, I'm simply stating that having a faster vault would reduce how often you feel cheated as a survivor when a killer hits you through a window as you're running away from it.