The new released map

Lamao Member Posts: 5

Well , in the patch 3.6.0 a new map was added . At first i was excited about that but when it came to play as killer at rank 11 it is very , very , very painfull . I really don't know if there will be a rework of this map but its so bad . It's meant to play as survivor on that not as killer I mean , the swamp has tall bushes i get it but if you get close you can pretty much see through it . On Deathslinger's map these are whole lot different . It's almost impossible if not is to see a p3 claudette in that bush ... There are indeed some short loops but its not enough for how much survivor based that map is . Some really safe loops , that tall house which reminds me of mount ormond map . Overall i don't like the map at all and im hoping for a rework . Any thoughts?