Red ranks are not fun....

So I'm a rank 4 survivor...I play on the Nintendo Switch because I don't have a gaming laptop or what have you let alone the means to get one...and I have to you guys experience the same thing I do? Like ever since I got to red ranks, all the killers mori after the first hook (or just me if they feel like it), the teams I've gotten paired up with are waaaaay too aggressive for saves, so I often get killed first if I'm the first to go down, and the overall pace of the game just not fun. I guess you can say I'm a solo survivor because I'm normally the one sneaking around doing all the gens since I don't know how to run the killer. I'm also still relatively new to the game even though I play it enough to get to red ranks because of obvious quarantine related reasons. I also don't rely on certain perks because I want to enjoy the game my own way. I don't know...should I switch to the meta that everybody else has, or should I still try to play the game how I see fit? I guess time will tell right? Sad part is that now I wish I could lose on purpose just so I can rank down and have some real fun for a change. I might be alone in this...but I doubt it. lol
It sounds as if you've become boosted. It's not your fault. It's too easy to rank up as survivor and now you're playing mid-level tactics against high rank killers.
The problem with stealth is that at high ranks a killer isn't going to spend time looking for your stealthy ass, they'll just wait til you're out positioned. If you're too good at stealth, it'll just lead to you getting 1 hooked at the end of the game. And because you can't run, you'll get tunneled if you're caught because you're the weak link.
If you've managed to get to red ranks on your stealth, you're on the verge of becoming a really good player. That ability is going to remain useful, but you need to round out your set of skills. To do this, run just 1 perk. Windows of opportunity. Let yourself derank naturally until you're versing killers that are about as good as you. And learn to play the game through running rather than hiding. After you feel somewhat comfortable add an exhaustion perk to your build. And finally, after you've done that rethink what your survivor build and get back up to red rank. This time you'll enjoy it way more.
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I'll keep that in mind. And yes, my stealth is how I got to red ranks (as Jane, no less lol). I did level Kate up enough to get her teachables for everyone (even the one with the horse...what's it....Boil Over? is still terrible no matter how efficiently I try to use it). It got weird though because I went from the last one to die/escape to the first one to go. Now I'm all for getting outplayed, as that does tend to happen and I'm okay with that because I enjoy good killers. But in the end I guess being stealthy really isn't enough. I just personally don't like sweaty games. But I guess there's something for everybody, right?