evader emblem


Is there a reason why the evader emblem does not go to at least Silver if you manage to escape without ever interfering with the killer? I have actually just got iridescent Benevolent, iridescent Survivor, gold Lightbringer, yet only bronze Evader, which felt very, very strange especially when you try to think logically about what the word evasion actually refers to. Unhooking - an action that puts two players at most risk - carries a trumendous (not just individual, but for all survivors) Benevolent penalty if done unsafely. It would only be fair if there was some evasion bonus if done appropriately.

One situation where this Evader penalty is especially felt is when dealing with killers who camp immediately on the first hook. Whether this strategy has merit - or if it can even be called an actual strategy - is not relevant as far as the Evader emblem goes. This behavior can easily be spotted with the use of Kindred, and certain killers like Letherface have no counters. as even using Borrowed Time only offers a trade off (and actually an additional Evader penalty for the rescuer) . The rest of the survivors can typically only finish up the generators and escape. The killers BPs tend to get locked in the 5K-8K range when they do this, but I don't understand why this also penalizes survivors in two separate categories: Benevolent and Evader.

Evader bonus for surviving that pulls it up to silver seems appropriate, given that pulling off an iridescent Evader emblem. yet never making it out of the trial is not only possible but happens way more often than such a scenario should logically allow.


  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    The emblem specifically states (paraphrased) "Shows how well the player was able to avoid the killer" and like you say don't deal with the killer at all you get bronze or NONE... doesn't make sense.