Do the survivors families ever try to even look for them?

skynightjourney Member Posts: 128
edited April 2020 in Lore

I’ve thought about this for awhile now but I always wondered what the families of the survivors did when they lost them. Sure many are just considered dead but what about people like Yui who was an extremely famous bike racer? Wouldn’t her fame bring fans to look for what happened? Or does the entity have like some sort of ex machina to make sure no one goes looking?

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  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587
    edited April 2020

    Various Survivors have recieved notes about what happened after their abduction, like Jane, and from that we can see that yes, there are often search efforts made that obviously fail and there's no signs of Entity interference.

    If we take Yui as an example (which was definitely one of the Entity's most ballsy grabs), she was taken while leading in an illegal street race. That generally means that she was completely alone and no-one was looking at her when it happened, so from everyone's perspective, Yui just vanished from the race.

    Speculations would likely arise about abduction, but she was riding a motorcycle and there'd be no signs the bike was forcibly stopped or even any sign of the bike. The conclusion from the evidence would be that she drove off into the night and went off the grid of her own accord.

    I'll list out the other Survivors and what probably happened with their search efforts for the sake of completeness:

    Dwight: Would've been assumed dead in the woods. His stance in the community might lead to a delay in investigation (also depending on how many people his co-workers/boss told about their prank) but once he hadn't returned home for several days a mass search would've commenced. It would've been assumed that he died in the woods, and if knowledge of the prank that got him into that situation had gone public, his boss and perhaps co-workers would've been criminally charged.

    Meg: Went missing in the woods and her description describes that there was a large-scale search for her that turned up nothing. Would've likely been assumed to have just wandered off in the woods, gotten lost and declared missing, probably dead.

    Claudette: Seemingly was extremely isolated during her college and left almost zero traces when she vanished. A missing persons case would've been opened eventually but would be completely dead on arrival.

    Jake: Had gone pretty much off the grid long before the Entity captured him. The search efforts are described as being called off once the weather got bad and declared dead.

    Nea: Went missing in a clear location, the Crotus Penn asylum, and a search would've absolutely been declared and undertaken to look for her. Might've been declared a kidnapping case but with a total lack of evidence it would've eventually have been closed.

    Laurie: This one is unusual because the Halloween chapter never bothers explaining WHY Laurie and Mike are in the Entity's realm, but the assumption from Haddonfield authorities would probably be that Michael broke free, killed Laurie, and went into hiding after that. Loomis would probably never stop searching.

    Ace: Would've been searched for by his loaners but would've been assumed to have vanished somewhere via criminal connections, would've had no official missing persons case filed.

    Bill: Actually died in the real world and only the Left 4 Dead 2 crew would have a chance of finding his body- And IIRC in The Passing, the L4D crew don't actually ask the L4D2 crew to look for Bill.

    Feng: Had seemingly been on a downward spiral and dropped into total obscurity before vanishing completely. Quite possibly would've never had a missing persons case filed, depending on how long her "pattern of self-destruction" lasted.

    David King: Due to his many criminal connections, his disappearing didn't come as much of a surprise and he didn't seem to have any friends willing to take it up with the police.

    Quentin: This is shaky because Quentin was technically abducted in the dream world, so it's possible he's just comatose in his home universe- Though, what happens in the dream happens to you in real life, so maybe he vanished there too? Vanishing in your bed without a trace would indicate to most people that he ran away from home, a search would probably commence, last a few years then fizzle out. Nancy Holbrook would likely dedicate the rest of her life to try and figure out what happened to him and Freddy, as she knew her attempt in the 2010 remake to kill Freddy didn't work, but would likely fail.

    David Tapp: Died in the real world and is presumably only alive in the Entity's world. Even if his body actually went missing, his blood would've been found and he would've been presumed dead by the hands of Jigsaw.

    Kate: Finally, a good old fashioned "got lost in the woods" story again! Anyway, her guitar being left behind would probably lead authorities to assume she had some kind of mental break and just left- Considering her sense of responsibility to the community, that would be a reasonable explanation as far as they're concerned.

    Adam: Presumed dead in a train crash.

    Jeff: His bio states his friends assumed he had committed suicide in Ormond. At least his dog's looking for him ;_;

    Jane: Presumed dead.

    Ash: Probably the only Survivor whose fate is actually, to an extent, probably known by his friends. We don't know much about Ash's transportation into the Mad Max future we see at the end of Ash VS Evil Dead, but it was probably assumed by his allies that Ash was abducted to partake in some extradimensional/time travel related adventure, as that's how they ended up meeting him.

    Nancy/Steve: Okay, for this one I might have to defer to others as I haven't watched any Stranger Things beyond the first episode and would rather not spoil myself as I'm intending to watch blind with a sibling, and I assume Stranger Things Season 3 will not be the end of the series anyway, but I assume they would just be presumed casualties of the Upside Down and its monsters.

    Zarina: Was already in the middle of a surreptitious investigation when she went missing so there'd likely be no clear leads. Considering her recent popular film about the IR-28 gang she would've likely been assumed a casualty of theirs and public outcry would probably result in a significant crackdown with the hopes of potentially confirming her fate, but the aftermath of not finding anything (plus the fact that the gang members would likely deny all charges of killing/kidnapping her, and there'd be no evidence to support it) would just result in a total mystery with no clear answer.

    WHEW, hope that answers all that clearly. The TL:DR is that yes, people regularly look for the Survivors, but when people vanish without a trace, there usually isn't much anyone can do about it.

  • Salty_Huntress
    Salty_Huntress Member Posts: 151

    while avoiding spoilers I feel like with Nancy and Steve their would absolutely be a search party as the characters were take after season 3 but unfortunately it wouldn’t go anywhere and they would most likely be used as a scapegoat or something. Unfortunately with stranger things it’s hard to go in depth to what would happen without spoilers.