Solo q survivors need some compensation buffs

So with map size changes coming in as well as tile generation changes that are generally killer sided, I know these changes are much needed for the current state of the game. I'm generally a killer biased killer main but I also play survivor alot(killer rank 1, survivor rank 3). I only play solo queue because I don't know what friends are and I think the upcoming changes will put a lot of strain on solo players because they are at a huge disadvantage compared to swfs with comms. And as a solo player I don't run the DH DS BT unbreakable/adrenaline meta setup. Spine chill always takes up a spot in my build because I don't have anyone to tell me the killer's location. Sometimes even self-care because I'm playing on my own and can't consistently rely on receiving help from teammates. And currently, there's a HUGE power disparity between a team of 4 survivors running the meta perks(AND COMMS), and another team composed of solo players like myself. Obviously those perks and comms don't affect our individual ability to loop, but the amount of setback we suffer for messing up or eventually getting downed are exponentially higher. Are there any specific plans on how to close the gap between solos and swfs?
the game is meant to be played SOLO, also if anyone should be getting buffs it should be killer.
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Saying "it's meant to be played solo" really adds nothing to the discussion in regards to the state of the game.
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You’re wrong on that one buddy
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Survivors need a buff due to small maps, bad hitboxes (particularly at vaults), bad map design always in killers favor (gens are all squeezed together) vault walls are like 2 feet wide in both directions. 90% of the map doesn’t have good loops, but the 10% that does is godly. Okay....
its not fun when killers find their first victim moments into spawning in. Teams of survivors need to get a feel for the map layout after spawning in since it’s randomly generated. It’s unfair that 15 seconds into the match I see a teammate going down. Why shouldn’t gen speed be fast? Otherwise it wouldn’t be fair. I think killers move too fast for maps to be small. Especially high mobility such as spirit, billy, oni. These guys go from gen to gen at unreasonable speeds. I already don’t have fun repairing a generator staring at a progress bar over and over and over. Why should they make gen speeds slower? They shouldn’t. Solo q is going to become less interesting then. I don’t want to come in and die for you staring at progress bar. That’s not fun for survivors. If anything survivors need a buff :/
In high ranks I see survivors getting ran on too bud. People that complain as killer are the ones that probably just need to get better. But don’t count me as a hypocrite. I’m only pointing out the obvious survivor issues. Lag, hitbox issues at vaults and in general, 3 iridescent hatchets one hit downs? Really? That’s necessary? Ebony Mori? Hahahaha. Don’t complain killers.
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im right because SwFs was only added way after the game came out. bandaid fix for groups. nice try tho troll
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u wanna buff solo survivors when its meant to be a solo game
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Lol don't try to tie up my post with your low quality bait. The current state of the game is sleep-inducingly boring for survivors because of how easy it is. All this post is about is my concern for SOLO QUEUE(not SWFS) survivors POST PATCH.
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Not sure what you are trying to accomplish by saying its "meant to be a solo game." Swf is here to stay whether you like it or not? It's going to continue being a part of the game. You are just blinding yourself if you just keep telling yourself that the game should strictly evolve around solo queue because that's "how the game released"
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Eh, that’s debatable. Killers are actually really efficient in high ranks. Hell I played killer and it was ridiculously easy. Wait till they make maps smaller. Killer buff after killer buff after killer buff
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I guess you and I must live in different worlds or your definition of high ranks is different from mine.
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Uh for starters,
If survivor players want the closest thing to playing killer without actually playing killer, they can play rank 1 solo survivor
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It's agonising being in solo queue honestly, I played tonight and deranked from 4 to 6. ######### team after ######### team.
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You are just blinding yourself if you just keep telling yourself that the game should strictly evolve around solo.
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Thank you for your witty return. My argument was destroyed, and your superior intellect is again shown in glorious fashion