Can A Lot Of Reports Get A Player Banned Without Any Actual Offense?
So a Youtuber named TUR Jay got banned for just a day, but I can’t find out why. Yes, their could have been a bannable offense off stream, but I don’t think so. From what I’ve seen he got banned for “intentional gameplay abuse”. He has not been doing much but using moris and strong addons. Could it be due to a lot of reports from his opponents being mad? I mean, I’ve never been banned but I’ve heard that someone was messaged by a survive with friends team saying that the whole team would report him. And he got banned. But I don’t know if it is a real story. i’ve gotten pretty much the same threatening “My friends are gonna report you!” message and nothing happened. So, can a lot of reports ban a player even if there is no evidence.
I don't think so. If a single player kept getting reported, the devs would look at the gameplay and see if it's just salty players or genuine reports. If you could ban someone for just getting reported a lot, I could easily see people taking advantage of that and reporting players that beat them every chance they got in hopes of getting them banned.
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Bhvr is really picky when banning unless it obvious usage of hacks or continuous exploits so I would assume no.
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Before I changed my privacy settings to stop players like that mesasging me, I would send them screenshots of the rules and the warning about fake reporting with a short message explaining that they are now at fault and liable to be banned if continuing to make false claims.
EDIT: I would follow that up by reporting their abusive message to Sony then blocking them.