Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Would you rather the game be balanced around SWF or Solo?

tactic Member Posts: 356

If the game is balanced around SWF:

Solo survivors will feel forced to play in groups to escape and solo survivors in higher ranks will much likely have much more unbearable games. However, SWF games will become more enjoyable for killers.

If the game is balanced around solo:

Solo survivors are happier and far less people will feel forced to play in groups to escape. However, SWF will become a much stronger, unbalanced option that will show up in higher ranks, leading to more "boosted" players and making SWF games unbearable for killers.

Interested in seeing what people put.

(This is purely hypothetical of course. So no, you may not say "both")


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Both.... COMEDY KING

    Tbh, i dunno. Maybe around solos? But with killers buffs/survivors nerfs to compensate. Maybe...

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I want the game to be balanced around SWF for the enjoyment of Killers and for solo teams to be brought up toward the SWF level by being able to communicate in-game, as that is the core advantage SWF have.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,726

    It's entirely possible to add extra objectives for SWF players and balance it around both. However, that would require an amount of intellect that goes beyond my expectations of the development team.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    it should be balanced between not both, and swf isnt the issue, the biggest issues have always been map size, god loops or just meta AF perks that waste so much time with no downfall. its why so many swf end up being toxic because they feel unbeatable and then when you do start beating them they just DC exploit (on xbox anyway). but having a full swf team that stay on gens and know how to play the game all running DS,BT,DH and adrenaline there isnt much you can do, iv had games where i have had every chase last less than 10 seconds (iri huntress) and they still bash through gens and i have had survivor games where i have done every gen and the killer has 1 odd hooks, its just not a one fix thing its multiple fixes... killer will be better with the map changes though so thats good now just a fair balance for DS and BT and it will make the more skilfull players show

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    DS and BT are fine, as-is.

    Enjoy your map changes and slower gen speeds. 



  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    Being a killer and having to go up against survive with friends isn't fun at all. It's not enjoyable. I think survive with friends have ruined the killer side of this game.

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765

    Balance around solo and make the max SWF team 2 people (or kill SWF option all together except in KYF).

  • CornMoss
    CornMoss Member Posts: 544

    Well right now the game is balanced around solos, if you balance the game around swf then u ######### over the solos and they quit. Right now swf is too powerful because the game is balanced around solo so what they can do is make it so solos are just as strong as swf then balance around that

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    sorry did i offend your meta build? i wouldnt consider a 4 man all running those perks fine, even more so in swf where the person with BT blocks you. BT allows 100% safe unhooks, gives the person off the hook an extra hit state to waste time, means you cant slug or anything to cause pressure, sure you can follow and wait out BT or even just hit through it but then all you have done is waste time as he has DS, BT takes no skill and has no downfall. DS means you cannot be hooked for 60seconds, sure you can be slugged (unless you have bt thanks to meta) this mean you dont really need to heal and can rush gens with 0 downfall, a killer can chase and eat the DS but oh more time wasted. for the most part i dont struggle with killer and thats because alot of noobs hit red ranks, but come across a full meta swf that sit on gens yeah there isnt much you can do, iv had games with insanely fast downs, survivors couldnt even loop or anything and they still rush through gens etc. all im saying is survivors that rely on perks that require no skill shouldnt be rewarded so much, its no different to ruin...

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited April 2020

    It's completely unrealistic to balance around solo players since you'll never be able to stop people from playing with friends in SWF, if you continue to balance around solo SWF will only continue to be more powerful.

    Balancing around SWF but at the same time giving solo players access to tools that bring them more in line with, the power of SWF is the only viable option here. It's a very fine line, but it is possible for example changes like the buff to Kindred which now activates whenever anyone is hooked is an absolutely god send perk for Solo players and it's my personal favorite go to perk to run as a solo (which is most of the time).

    Other changes like this which provide survivors with information that otherwise would only be accessible by teammates speaking to each other over 3rd party communication systems like Discord will help keep solo players as much in line as possible. While the rest of the game (future killers, perks, etc.) are balanced with the idea in mind that there are 4 man teams out there communicating with each other.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Well i only play solo, so naturally i'd prefer for solo to be as enjoyable as possible.

    And i'm not dismissing SWF or anything, but playing solo's my choice: It's how i like my Survivor games to be.

  • Fear_source19
    Fear_source19 Member Posts: 78
  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    As someone who hates the inherent advantages a SWF team bring vs a killer I'm not a fan of SWF


    As someone who play survivor solo I hate having all my information spoon fed to me and the game holding my hand at every turn...


  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687

    Around SWF, otherwise there's very ways to bring them in line that won't just make the game more boring for them.

  • TheMythicalCat
    TheMythicalCat Member Posts: 175

    I want them to buff tracking perks so that Solo Survivors can get information like SWF does (since SWF generally doesn't get much use out of perks that track teammates, they already have comms, so this only buffs solo survivors), then balance the game around that.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    The game should be balanced around solo play, but that doesnt mean SWF is incredibly strong.

    Basically, solo play needs to be buffed to the levels of SWF play. OoO cant really be nerfed without making the perk useless, but it can be buffed to the point that 1 OoO will show the killer for everyone. Why do that? Because then killers can be buffed accordingly. You could make OoO backlash that everyone who is injured will hear the Terror Radius constantly, basically being almost like Dark Devotion or Doctor's iridescent addons.

    Basically, some things need to be buffed, so that they can be nerfed.

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    In a pvp game, balancing always has to be done from the level of "what is the best that this thing is capable of". Balance decisions need to be made based on what a survivor or killer who is playing to win and using the ideal tools to help them do that. It can then be tweaked on a detail level based on how things are used and what things are ignored.

    This is why the swf vs solo issue is impossible to resolve without splitting the game modes. Because swf IS the optimal way for Survivors to play to win. There's a few ways to assist solo to get them a little closer to the level of swf, but any solution to actually level them is rejected by both BHVR and the players base (namely, baked in comms. BHVR refuses, language issues arise in certain markets, and most gamers are too lazy to push a mute button).

    Simply put, you cannot ever balance 1 side that has two modes of play with vastly different power potentials without actively seperating those modes. Look at any match based game with teams (honestly, even non match games, like pvp mmos) , even symmetrical ones... Mechwarrior, Planetside, Battlefield, etc. Any time one side has just pubs and the other has an organized group on comms, you get pubstomping. Even when some of these games have built in comms, it's really the level or organization and planning that really makes the big power differential. Adding comms to all wouldn't necessarily solve it, but it allows it to be the balance point, since it is now available for everyone to use or not, and if they refuse to use it, then it's on them at that point.

    While I realize dbd would be a shadow of what it is now without swf, allowing it was a big honking mistake for the original vision of the game, which depended on Survivors having both limited info and limited communication.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    Solo and SWF isn't a ton different. There's a ton of solo survivors that bully up on a killer just as bad as SWF groups do. Don't think you have to balance for a specific side. Honestly anyone can be good if they try. These SWF threads are done everyday and there's just as many weak SWF teams as there are strong ones, actually probably a lot more. And there's plenty of solo players that can have great teamwork without communication. It's all about game knowledge. I get accused of SWF multiple times a day even though I have 0 friends that play DBD.

  • Snoot1Booper
    Snoot1Booper Member Posts: 34

    Joking? Do u ever played swf!? U can t compare the most Rank 1 potatoes with a real depip squad… the rank reset change made solo to a horrible game experience