Can we PLEASE talk about The Clown

The Clown is my favorite Killer and I love him, but it's hard to argue that he isn't outclassed by every other Killer in the game and arguably Cannibal as well. The Clown can be played well like any other Killer, but even when playing at his best you will still be a lackluster Killer that has to M1 twice to down someone. The Clown's Afterpiece Tonic is supposed to make him very good at chasing, but any good Clown main will understand that you slow down so much by using the bottles that using his bottles anywhere but a loop/jungle gym is inefficient. Even when you do land a good bottle the Survivor can still make it to a pallet/window safely and avoid a hit.

The Clown doesn't need some form of mobility or map pressure because his ability to end chases fast is supposed to be how he applies pressure. he just needs more lethality and this can be accomplished in a couple ways:

  • Make the Afterpiece Tonic slow more. (Flask of Bleach base?)
  • Make it so The Clown doesn't slow down after a bottle toss. This will make it slow Clown can use his bottles in more creative and unexpected ways during a chase.
  • Direct impact bottles need to hurt the Survivor more than just visually.

Please BHVR, we really need some Clown buffs. The Clown isn't just a clown, hes the entire circus and everyone is laughing at him right now.


  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    he`s alot stronger than some of the other killers out there, just run the two green add-on, extra hindered and longer duration (duration can be yellow) id much rather play clown than leatherface anyday and i played a clown game the other day on iron works and i manged to do well, the killers arent the issues tbh (except leather faces hes pointless) its maps, loops and just the overall speed on gens when going against a mtea swf that know how to play but the maps are getting fixed so clown will be much better by then as will every killer

  • CasualConsolePlayer
    CasualConsolePlayer Member Posts: 51
    edited April 2020

    There is no yellow duration. And no Freddy's snares are doing better job than Clown's entire power. Freddy doesn't require add ons like Clown (snares are slowing down more than tonics), doesn't slow down while using power like Clown and doesn't need to waste time to reload his power like Clown. Not to mention that he makes a lot of noise while vaulting so you can't mind game.

    And it's just a part of his power (Freddy).

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    i never compared him to freddy... and im pretty sure there is a yellow add-on, i dunno i dont play him much but he isnt as bad as alot of people say he is, i see some good red rank clowns and my friend even mains him and i would consider getting 11hooks 4k with him at rank 1 not a bad killer, while hes much better with the extra hindered he`s not terrible at all. i made a post awhile back comparing each killer at base and clown wasnt at the bottom and even shown screenshots against rank 1`s on maps considered very good for survivor, its more than just the killer that affects how well a killer can do, you have maps, perks, the survivors you verse and their perks. there are obviously better killers that will never change, there will always be a best and worst but clown isnt the worst out there but yes freddy does do better, his snares are smaller though and cannot be thrown at survivors in the distance

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811
    edited April 2020

    Well I was playing with Clown recently to get his achievements(I managed to get them finally xD), and while playing with him, the only major problem I've seen with him was the same with other M1 killers, he doesn't have map pressure because he lacks mobility, aside from that, he's extremelly good denying loops and you can catch easy downs with him, you can deny fast vaults, slowdown while in loop that in most cases you will be able to hit the survivors near the pallet(If you throw your bottle correctly and managed to make them take a longer curve to the pallet) and you can throw bottle at their path to make their change their route a.k.a zoning.

    Would be cool to see some changes to improve him to compensante his lack of mobility tho, and rewarding good bottles throw direcly at survivor, maybe making redheads pinky finger by default(expose the survivor hit directly by the bottle) or maybe block survivors interactions for a short time like doctor shock.

  • CasualConsolePlayer
    CasualConsolePlayer Member Posts: 51
    edited April 2020

    This is the problem running extra hindered. He requires good add ons and he doesn't have many good ones. Extra hindered, longer duration(It's gray, green and purple), exhaustion add on, reload speed and red ones and that's it. He also needs a lot of perks like STBFL unlike Billy which can 4k without perks and add ons.

    I'm playing Clown at red ranks. But with experienced survs you can't do much.

    Edit. I can say same thing about Leatherface. Everyone complain about him but I 4k with him every match at rank 1. But he needs good add ons and perks.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    a green and yellow is considered average, a fair few killers require that tbh but like i said its more down to the other factors than just the killers themselves, and honestly alot of killers struggle against a full team of experienced survivors. personally wait till the new map changes and then see, alot of killers will perform better due to the spacing of loops and the removal of god loops... most of the time iv played clown its been default, i never really put BP into him recently but the addons i said are just the strongest pair and they really are so very strong. its all opinion obviously but i dont think hes terrible

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    I'm sure this has been suggested before but I want him to have an ability similar to Freddy/Demogorgons teleport. Have it on a similar cooldown so it's not OP, just added mobility. Call it Clown car or something. He gets into a locker masking his terror radius, sits in darkness but sees the lockers around the map highlighted, highlights a locker just like Freddy/Demo's teleport style, then pops out instantly to the selected locker. I say instantly because he will already get some slow down with an entering the locker animation and a popping out animation. Plus it will make his style unique to the others. Maybe there are special clown lockers added onto maps, but i think just using the existing ones would be best. If a survivor is in a locker the locker does not show up or is a different color. That choice depends on if you want the clown to get information through this ability or not. This concept would use existing game mechanics and wouldn't seem that hard to implement(I would imagine). I would also add in a mechanic to pop the clown out of the locker after a set time, like say 20 seconds, so it's not abused to just camp inside lockers. The point of the concept is that it's a tight fit and he squeezes in, impossibly, and while inside making cramped groaning noises that build until he's pushed out. I think this would add a fun layer of interesting plays, mind games, and jump scares to the clown that he needs.

    If this is added he definitely would also need an addon rework. Take out what people use the least and add in something for the clown car. Possible addon ideas: decrease Clown Car cooldown, remove terror radius for 5 seconds after exiting a locker, nearby players are highlighted in X radius around the exiting locker, or while in a locker survivors in X radius are highlighted(similar to hangman's). This also avoids just making clowns gas more annoying which is not a fun option for survivors. His gas addons are mostly fine as is, his 1v1 doesn't need to be touched. With just a lil bit more mobility he could get that edge he needs and would make him more fun to play as and against. Tie this all together with some more lore in the archives and if I can be so bold and greedy, a true clown map that's set in an abandoned carnival that Legion came in trashed and graffitied.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    I think Clown will be hard to balance. When I returned to the game at one point I looked through the killers. I was like HOLY ######### THE CLOWN! I was so pumped. I fed him points and was ready to go. Anti looping is going to be the greatest thing ever. His perks are cool. This can't fail. And then...I realized that he wasn't really that good. I don't know why. The bottles you think would make him really strong. But it just isn't good. I don't even have a problem with running him either. So I don't know how you buff him. Because you're a few small changes away from turning him into a god as well.

    I saw an idea the other day that seemed great. Giving him a way to get across the map. Getting into a locker and moving to another locker across the map. Kinda like the clown car type thing. He's bigger then the locker but fits somehow. Think that's hilarious and might be something that could make him stronger.