More dedicated servers locations?

I'm pretty sure that almost anyone who does not live close enough to the playable server location has been a victim of latency issues of all sorts.
I am located in the eastern part of Russia and we can only connect to EU servers with 100 ping, what makes a lot of dedicated server issues happen on both killer and survivor sides (hits through vaulting and pallet dropping, hatchets not hitting when they should and stuff) Or one can play SWF with an American host and get a 200-300 ping unplayable match due to extreme latency.
Is there anything that could be done that will make it possible for more regions to have games with better latency or if there is any possibility to get some sort of a server optimisation that will make the latency issue less noticable?
Its impossible. Just play on your server . As a player you would always want to play with ping as low as possible. If we bring back p2p connection we going to have bullshht hits and going to miss penalty for ds.
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This can possibly help with latency issue and also Lag switching issue
Open C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\DeadByDaylight\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Game.ini
Add these lines
[/Script/Engine.GameNetworkManager] bUseDistanceBasedRelevancy=true bMovementTimeDiscrepancyForceCorrectionsDuringResolution=true
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Thanks, I will try that.