Some buffs/ changes to surv and killer perks.

CasualConsolePlayer Member Posts: 51
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

Hi. I think we can all agree that some perks could use a little buff to be better. Making them valuable, would be healthy for the "meta"and we could see more perks in use, rather than a few top perks.

My ideas are probably not new, but it's just makes sense to change those perks.

1. Lightweight - scratch marks disapear faster but also your foot steps are 50% silenced.

- With this change we could use stridor or I'm all ears to make footsteps louder by 25/30/35%. So killers could have a counter just like iron will and stridor.

2. Lucky Break shouldn't have a timer. You shouldn't leave the blood at all.

- But to make it fair for killers sloppy butcher would counter this perk but you will drop less blood. Again if iron will has 100% and it has no timer and you can use stridor to counter it, this should be too.

3. Fixated. Make it active even when injured. Urban evasion still works while injured so I don't see a problem with little buff.

4. Hope - I think the bonus speed should be applied after every gen completed. It would give you 3/4/5% speed for 15s. (You don't need to be the one who repaired the gen). After last gen you gain 5% speed for 60s. Has a cooldown of it's duration so you can't stack it etc.

- Killer has bloodlust, PWYF so surv getting 5% bonus speed for 15s after gen is done isn't op in my opinion.

5. No one left behind should work after last gen is completed. Now it requires one gate opened to trigger.

Killer perks:

6. Coulrophobia should be active for 8s after you leave TR.

7. Dead man's switch. Perk should block all the generators that were being repaired. Now you can counter it by just leaving the gen before killer hooks the obsession.

8. Cruel limits. Blocks are vault locations on the whole map after gen done for 9/12/15s.

9. Gearhead should be put it the state which was on PTB.

10. Hangman's trick increase aura reading near hooks to 12m or You see the aura of survivors that are 16m away from hook, but it works only for hooks in the distance of 32m from picking up place.

Edit. Zanshin tactics and windows of opportunity should have no cooldown.

What do you think? Most of those are just simple improvements.

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