Ranking system

So, I'm rank 11 at killer and rank 13 at survivor. I play killer more often but recently i realise i stuck in green rank even if i always facing full red ranks. So i decide to see how many games i get more than 2 red ranks and 2 another purple/green rank. And i get more than 78% of 2 red rank and 2 green rank or more.

I do some resarch and i found that the ranking system dont care about the rank of your opponent.

The most basic thing we need in a ranking system don't existe. If the matchmaking was good we dosen't need that but hey it's DBD matchmaking like to do rainbow everytime.

It's just me or Splatoon get better ranking system ? It's just me or Nintendo, the worst company in term on online games , have better matchmaking and ranking system in all this game, than DBD ? And more i play, more i realise this joke in first place was in fact a reality. This is pretty much insulting at this point.

They said they will rework the ranking system and i hope they will be decent.. More logic, more rewarding (not cosmetic but just be proud of be high rank) and also more fair. When camper get more pip than a non camper, they is a problem. It's maybe also the unbalancing of the game but that not the subject (we can talk about the balancing of the game for years)

Anyway, i'm the only one that think that ?


  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,233

    I was starting to post something similar, but decided to search for "rank 11" first, and found this post.

    I have the same experience that when I reach rank 11 as a killer, suddenly the majority of my matches are against all single-digit-rank (frequently all red) SWF groups. After a few games of getting steamrolled by pro-level players, I drop back down to rank 12, and am suddenly matched with survivors at my appropriate rank again.

    I suspect the matchmaking system starts matching killers with SWF groups specifically at killer rank 11, and just by the nature of player turnover vs retention the vast majority of the SWF groups at this point are pro-level.

    I'd be really interested to see some metrics from the devs on killer rank progression over time; I suspect that there's been a big drop-off in killers advancing beyond green ranks in the last year or two because of this sudden wall in the difficulty curve.

    Unfortunately, if this is the case, I don't think they can solve it with matchmaking alone; that rank 11 switch must be there for a reason, and the reason is probably that, without it, there aren't enough killers to match with those high-rank SWF groups. I think the solution is going to have to involve some sort of handicapping and reworking of SWF, so that rank 11 players can continue to be matched with high-rank SWF teams, but have the game weighed in their favor so that it's possible for them to win, and also not bore the survivors to death.