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Do we need to change the Blindness Status Effect?

BassTram Member Posts: 195

I don't see many killers run blindness add-ons to their base power anymore and I can't remember the last time I saw a killer run Hex: The Third Seal. The blindness status effect isn't really used much anymore. When a survivor is affected with this, they can still see the bubble that appears when a survivor is hooked or when a generator is completed which I feel kinda defeats the purpose of the effect. I feel like the status effect should at least remove the bubble that appears to make it more useable. What do you guys think?

Do we need to change the Blindness Status Effect? 56 votes

Support this change
ThatbrownmonsterBossFatelanceGibberishSeiko300AcromioCheersSpacingLlamasTapeKnotDr_TrautsRieAnviousTheSuitBossDelsKibaraElikMrPenguinTheMythicalCatpalletsryummyanonymous31337Mattie_MayhemOG 47 votes
Leave it be
whammigobambamSunaIIanuPlantCollectorMang_AnwarDawnMadHannonMartesa55SifN0_th4nk5 9 votes


  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854
    Support this change

    Swf renders things like this moot.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 826
    Leave it be

    I think if you remove the bubble you punish solo survivors. An SWF can still communicate where the hook is, but Solos would be encouraged to let the person die on the hook.

    Blindness as status effect might be too unrealiable and might need a change, (funfact: on maps like the game it can still be hard to find the survivor even if you see a bubble, so you could try third seal with a game offering) but please not this one.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    Support this change

    That's dumb logic, I can tell you right now as someone who has made it to rank 1 solo numerous times there's absolutely nothing that would "encourage me to let people die on the hook" for no reason. If the killer is patrolling really closely then yeah, I'm encouraged to do a generator instead of going for an unsafe unhook or maybe wait until he catches someone else going for a save or hope someone is running BT or the survivor on the hook is running DS.

    But really, letting someone die just because you can't see their aura? That's gotta be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard considering the maps themselves aren't all that big anymore and a survivor is hooked for a total of some 120 seconds and that entire time you're thinking "well I might as well just sit on this gen". That's such a poor excuse I'd only expect that kind of talk from a new player who's rank 20, solo survivors may be the weakest out of all groups (The power scaling / balance goes SWF > Killers > Solo survivors) but that doesn't mean they're dumb, especially veterans who have played for a really long time. Or are just pretty good and have decent game sense or map knowledge

    This is such a poor excuse against a desperately needed change for a status effect that sees virtually little to no use whatsoever.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 826
    Leave it be

    It's great that you are altruistic, but not everybody is.

    I had solo red rank survivors (thanks for calling me dumb and a Rank 20 btw) let me die on the hook for no reason (admittingly usually when second hooked but I remember two recent cases where I was left hanging the complete time (at first no one moved and when I hit second stage the killer decided to patrol/camp)) even when I was running kindred, when it was obvious that the others are being chased etc., so I'm sure that there would be players who would just say "######### it, I'm too lazy to search" especially when a few gens are already done.

    And even if it would only affect Rank 20 Players? Do we need a change that only has an strong effect on Rank 20?

    My point is, the change could be bad for solos (yeah obv not for good ones but with the current matchmaking you can not rely on getting good teammates, even in red ranks) but wouldn't do much against swf, so why adding something that would help killers against a weaker hroup and won't do much against an SWF, when swf is the thing that many people want to be adressed?

    I agree that blindness could use a change but I don't think this one would be good.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    Support this change

    That's fine and dandy but a few personal anecdotes aren't enough of an argument for why this change shouldn't pass through, much like how someone could say that the Clown is OP because every match they've been in against him they've been stomped. Nobody would give that person much attention aside from roasting or flaming him because we all know realistically speaking, The Clown is the worst killer in the entire game.

    Hell, I hate going up against Leatherface, simply because I just have really bad luck playing against that killer specifically. That doesn't mean he's a good killer by any means because he's not, much like the clown he is also on the low end of any tier list and requires some kind of changes (just not as desperately as the Clown because LF at least has an instantdown built into his kit) though my personal experience my dictate he's more powerful than he really is. That doesn't mean my personal experience is either 1. reliable info or 2. representative of every player or even most players within the community.

    And yes, even if it would strongly effect rank 20s (which it wouldn't but hypothetically speaking) the change should still go through. Because the opposite, implies that we should be balancing the game around the experience of rank 20s and other new players, which is simply not the case. Games have learning curves, and no new player should ever be able to hop in and go toe to toe with someone who's got over a hundred hours clocked in.

    If they do that means they either have 1. Access to unfair and / or unbalanced tools (DS) or 2. Continually gets a reprieve in the form of small balance changes or mechanics that have been introduced that have little impact on the game or lack of changes at all (AKA the existence of niche status effects like blindness and the influx of Niche perks that don't do anything such as Cruel Limits, Blood Echo, Mindbreaker, Hex: Retribution, etc.)

    I get that you see this as a change that might negatively affect solo players disproportionately to SWF players but I see this as a change. It's an idea, it's something that can be done to solve a problem, and as it stands I don't see anyone coming up with any other ideas and in fact nor can I think of any other ideas myself that don't directly overhaul the entire mechanic of blindness. So I would rather see this change go through, than nothing being done about the problem based on a "might be" worst case scenario, which I honestly don't see as likely to occur in the first place.

  • PlantCollector
    PlantCollector Member Posts: 344
    Leave it be

    Theres no need to be rude just because someone mentioned his/her opinion. Also she is right, if you don't look at the bubble the moment they are hooked (as blindness is right now) you can easily lose track of the hook and it can literally take ages on some maps to find someone, when you have no clue where they are. Your personal anecdotes and the way you play are also no arguments, people sometimes are clueless, even in red ranks. If you are that good thats fine, but not everybody is and not everybody follows your arguments or has the same view on things. You can point that out and may try to convince others but theres no need to be rude and say someone is rank 20 only because they dont follow your opinion.

  • BassTram
    BassTram Member Posts: 195

    Any feedback you guys have is greatly appreciated. I definitely think that if this status effect were to change in this manner that certain killer add-ons that cause blindness would need to be nerfed to not exceed like let's say 45 seconds. For example, the Smiley Face Pin from the Legion causes blindness for 60 seconds and it's only a common add-on which would be too strong. I just think that some form of change might be in our best interest. If anyone has any other ideas I would love to hear them

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 826
    Leave it be

    Great that you mention that your personal anecdotes with LF are just anecdotes because so are your anecdotes with good red rank teammates, they prove nothing more than mine do. (But considering how much people complain about the teammates I'm definitly not the only one with this experience. That alone proves nothing obv because you tend to remember the bad experiences more, so you need actual stats or something but I'm getting of topic here.)

    I disagree I don't think it's balancing around Rank 20. LF is a good example for it: He works well on low ranks, but not on high ranks, so he needs a change to make him effective on all ranks. The same with blindness. Having an effect only on weaker players makes it underpowered and annoying at the same time so a change that makes it effect everybody (even though SWF will probably always habe an advantage against that) should be the goal. There should be a learning curve obv and you shouldn't nerf something just because of new players, but implementing something that will mostly affect new (or weaker) players isn't a good idea in my opinion.

    Yeah and that's were we disagree. I think it is likely to affect players negativly based on my experience (which differs from yours so we have different opinion on that.) It's a bad change imo (in the sense of doing too much and too little at the same time) and a bad change isn't better than a complete rework in my opinion.

    Guess we have to agree to disagree and that is fine of course, people disagree and the forum is the place to discuss things, but it would have been nice, if you had been less arrogant and dismissive to my opinion, just like @PlantCollector said: People simply have different experiences and different perception and therefore different opinions and it should be possible to talk about it without getting personal.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616
    Support this change

    Uhh sure, but that won't be enough.

    I always figured that the Red Stain should also be removed, and Hex Totems are viewed as Dull Totems. (Not making noise either.)

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited April 2020
    Support this change

    I think both of you are taking this too seriously so let me elaborate:

    When I say something like an idea is dumb, I am calling it out exactly as I see it and my original point still stands "an SWF can still communicate where the hook is, but Solos would be encouraged to let the person die on the hook." is a dumb idea, because it hinges entirely on the apparent stupidity of the player. Games should never be balanced around the possibility of someone playing dumb or more lightly phrased: not playing smart. If you aren't playing smart that is your own fault, and in this case letting someone die on the hook just because you can't immediately see their aura is indeed - not playing smart and you are liable not only to get punished for not getting that save (the killer having a much easier time getting a 4k now that one is dead) but also to get called out by your team for not playing smart.

    To provide a similar example, this is why people get intensely frustrated when they see Survivors self-caring in the corner of the map when they are hooked, even worse if they are on second hook extremely close to death. Because put quite simply whoever is self-caring in the corner of the map and potentially letting teammates die, is not playing smart. This is not a personal anecdote, this is in fact information taken from a recent poll which saw a total of 43 responses (currently) 14 of which (34%) voted for self-care citing the exact circumstance I just described, here's the link:

    To round this back into frame: developers should not be catering to players who don't play smart, this again comes back to that idea of not balancing around rank 20s. The idea is that if you make changes that reward more skillful play, you push less skillful players (or players who don't play smart) to play smarter or more skillfully, you boost everyone to become better and push themselves further because you quite literally get punished by losing for not doing so. You create an environment where if you don't push yourself to play smarter you lose.

    This is also the logic behind changes which the developers themselves made, such as the recent Hex: Ruin nerf, over 80% of killers at the time were using this extremely powerful version of a perk which gave them an extremely powerful bonus that was completely passive. They received the benefits of such a powerful effect for doing absolutely nothing skillful, unless you count merely existing and running the perk a skill. If you want another example see the nerfs that saw a cooldown implemented into the Nurse's base kit, already one of the most difficult (yet the most rewarding) killer to learn and play made even more difficult to play because you were no longer able to spam her blinks, now you must time them and make them count otherwise the survivor you're chasing is only going to gain extra distance on you.

    Notice that both of these examples were changes made more or less to the detriment of killers to force them to play more skillfully, making this ideology something of a universal standard that should affect all groups equally, not any single one more than the other.

    The more or less brain-dead utility of being able to automatically and immediately see the audio notification bubbles and auras of hooked survivors or those in the dying state shouldn't always be taken as a given, and survivors should be ready at all times to see those tools suppressed or countered by a killer who seeks to use such confusion to his advantage. This kind of variability is part of what makes Dead By Daylight fun, the idea that no match should be the exact same as your last and even baseline tools such as aura reading of survivors in critical condition, should not be taken as a guaranteed given.

    Looping back to what I said earlier about dumb ideas, I just wanted to clarify that there's a very clear distinction between dumb ideas and a dumb person. Almost everybody is susceptible to having dumb ideas including some of the smartest people in the world, nobody is perfect and even I say or do dumb things from time to time. This does not mean that you, or me, or anybody else who has them are actually dumb, I simply find it is important to call out these stupid thoughts that we have from time to time in all things from games to politics, or whatever. That way we can improve the way we think about things and won't have that same kind of stupid thought again or at the very least less frequently. Don't take it personally, you are completely right that these forums are entirely open to all forms of discussion and all kinds of opinion and there's a certain beauty to that. So there's my sappy shpeal about that.

    Doesn't change the fact it was a stupid idea though.

  • Martesa55
    Martesa55 Member Posts: 208
    edited April 2020
    Leave it be

    If we change the killers will be really op. They already are. They can hit you from the other side of the window. They can hit you before you can killer stan them. I think it must not change. Blindness is a good solution for solo surviving

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 826
    Leave it be

    I still don't understand why it would have been so hard to say "I don't think that your worries are realistic" or "Let me explain why I don't agree with your argument". Both say the same as "I think your idea is dumb" but they do sound nicer. I understand that discussions can become heated and it would be a lie to say I'm always nice to people in a discussion but I didn't even replied to you, we weren't in an already heated argument, you started the discussion with me while using rude terms (even if it might not have been your intention to be rude) and I think starting a discussion with rude terms kinda sets it up to fail.

    As for dumb players being responsible for their actions: Yes, they obv are but I'm not responisble for getting matched with them. I recently faced a Rank 1 Doc while having a Rank 17 survivor in my lobby because he queued with a higher ranked survivor. If I would have been able to see his rank in the Lobby I would have dodged, but I can't see that.

    And believe me if I see someone selfcaring in a corner instead of saving I'll ask him in the endgame chat what he was doing but I don't think that that will make him change his behavior.

    I don't see how that change makes the game more skillful though when a significant portion of players will ignore it because they are playing as SWF. And for Solos luck will still be an important factor when fighting with the change, depending on map size and where the player gets downed.

    If the Devs said: "We heard your complains about gen rush, failing a skillcheck will now give an extra x% penalty" wouldn't the reaction be: "That's a useless change, the people that frequently miss skillchecks aren't the ones that genrush"? That's how I feel about the proposed change, I think it is aimed at the wrong people.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited April 2020
    Support this change

    Your second point is about something else entirely, matchmaking is its own a completely separate and very complicated issue that will continually need to be addressed into the future. Ideally we shouldn't see major crossover like that with reds being in brown lobbies or vice versa, and thus the balance decisions that the devs make shouldn't be with broken matchmaking in mind, because sometime down the line we won't see these matchmaking issues anymore, it's not something that's meant to be permanent.

    Also the example of having an extra penalty on skillchecks doesn't exactly work because that's very clearly a change intended to punish the capabilities of survivors, whereas the blindness changes are very clearly a change intended to increase the viability of strategies and builds outside of the current meta.

    And bringing this back to the poll itself which I haven't brought up thus far but I think needs to be mentioned, while I appreciate this back and forth and you putting greater detail into your opinions and thoughts, you are very clearly voicing a minority opinion by a large margin. Currently over 80% (almost 30 people [27 specifically]) have voted in favor of this hypothetical change and only 15% have voted against (5 people). I'm not saying that this means people should ignore what you're saying, but that doesn't mean we can ignore the 26 other people who have voiced their opinion by voting the way that they did.

    It's pretty evident this is a change people want to see.

  • Anvious
    Anvious Member Posts: 7
    Support this change

    I'll add to this post. Third Seal is insanely good with slugging. I just achieved a triple slug win with the wraith with the third seal. He's right though, you have to run it alongside other perks that support it, me in particular I just ran save the best for last and that was all i needed. It's very powerful but it can be situational too, in the sense that you have to hit everybody atleast once for it's full effect. Lucky for me it worked out cause I found everybody pretty quick. It was sad to see the Bill couldn't find literally anybody as he was the last one that wasn't downed lol.