Do you think a black list would solve toxicity problems in this game?

Raulillo Member Posts: 179

I see this game as a D&D one where the killer is like a DM. I think that you shouldn't have to play a match if you are paired with a person that you know you don't want to play with. This is not a competitive game as stated by the dev team so why there is not an option to black list all players that you don't want to play with?

Qeue times? You can disable it if you want faster times. (If you are blocked by all the community then that's your problem mate)

People would being less agressive in game and in post game chat because if they are, they risk being excluded. If they workaround this buying new copies, well... more money for BHVR, more patches for us and they will be punished each time they are toxic.

This system doesn't have to be client sided, you can make one from the report system so that if some people are reported multiple times they enter in a lower priority qeue so we can keep the toxicity isolated from the rest of the player base. This could be automatic or reviewed first, in any case I think it would work.

What do you think?


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    I'd be against it. It could be abused so that killers would blacklist any survivors that bet them.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    well I mean really, what is hte problem with that though? They would end up boosted to rank 1 and there they would become very lonely as they would have to blacklist more and more players making their personal Que times long as heck, basically ruining their own game.

    To OP, I think we all see some issues with it, but the thing is, I would love for the devs to just...ya know, FREAKING TRY IT ?!!?!

    Like seriously, for a month or 3, why not give a system like this a try and see how it goes, gather some data, who gets blacklisted and for what reasons, they could make it so that you have to give a reason for the blacklist.

  • Raulillo
    Raulillo Member Posts: 179

    That's not a way to abuse it, if you black list top survivors and your mmr surpases lower survivors by a fair amount, your qeue times will increase to a point that you will no longer be playing. Also with a review system would be difficult to abuse that, you can code it with weights to be specific of wich reports counts more towards isolation.

    Would you be against it if it couldn't be possible to abuse the system in the way you describe above?

    (As a note, killers can already avoid better survivors, they just depip, that's not hard at all and you gain blood points and experience in the process)

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,271

    Well, if it isnt a shared blacklist like that MLG thing back then, it might work, unless you can blacklist too many people.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    If you blacklist TOO many, you are only shooting yourself in the foot as you will have trouble finding matches, your own problem though