Do's and Don't

Hey everyone, below is a list of suggestions and tips to make the game fair and fun game play for all. I hope you guys give it a read and tell me your thoughts. I want Dead by Daylight to be fun again, it hasn't been fun to much because either when you play as a killer get sand bagging survivors that as so toxic that it ruins the game for the killer.

Survivors end face camping, and or tunneling or just proxy camping also ruins the game for the survivors so here is a list and do's and don'ts since I'm trying to help our and make the fun for everyone. I'm a Dead by daylight Streamer so if ya wanna check out my twitch it is

Survivor Do's


Work on Generators and Totems.

Safely save a fellow safe save on the hook without the killer being right next to you.

Unless you have Borrowed time.

99% the exit gates without opening them when a survivor is on hook.


Don'ts Survivor

Not do Generators no cleansing totems

Insta saves with killer right behind you on the hook

T-bagging the hook and or Killer

Don't use No mother

100% the exit gate opening it and leaving a survivor on hook without Borrowed time

Don't ######### on hook

Don't Disconnect because you are downed

Don't work with the killer to help kill all your teammates so you can have hatch

Don't come on to a tt.v's stream and be rude, by calling the streamer names, ot saying you suck ass and you are garbage things like that.


Do's as killers

Play the game fairley hooking a survivor and leaving to to go find another

Kicking Generators

Farm( If you feel like you should )

frequently hook different survivors instead of the same one


Don'ts as killer

Face Camping while a survivor is on hook

Don't tunnel the same survivor when they are unhooked right in front of you go for the one that saved them

Don't proxy camp / Protoling around the hook a semi-decent away from the hook waiting for save

Don't Slug the entire team unless it's close to ending the game.

Don't disconnect during loading Screen