Something I've noticed


Because of broken matchmaking I've gotten to see the way certain people at red ranks act (on PC). I played a lot on console but am now finally on pc, which I'm enjoying very much. What I've noticed, however, is that people in higher ranks (usually purple or red, killers and survivors) are SO much more toxic. I try to play fair (not camp, tunnel, or bully the killer) but it's really hard to not respond to toxicity with toxicity. I've faced so much more post game harassment from rank 8-1s as both killer and survivor. I honestly don't understand it. Shouldn't we be supporting each other as a community? Especially newer players? Why as a rank 1 with 1000+ hours someone would decide to trash talk a rank 11 with around 80 I'll never understand. That being said, I'm still enjoying the game and would like to see it improve. cough longer gen times cough


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    It would be nice if everyone could be supportive of one another. Unfortunately, too many people operate from a moral position of "I only need to care about other people's wellbeing if they care about mine" for that to ever be possible.