Face camping

Fix this now! I am sick and tired of ranking down as survivor because a stupid instadown killer decides to ruin my game by camping me out of the damn match as soon as im caught, ive just had 3 games in a row where ive just been hooked and camped from the second ive been caught ive gone over half an hour without being able to play a proper match because of these inconsiderate killers.
I dont want to go toxic on this game and i even stay away from ds but if this keeps happening then i think ill be fully justified to bully the hell out of them using ds and other toxic perks as it just serves them right for being camping <bad word> to me
Oh look... how original.
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Well sorry but its true, bad killers need to stop this stuff. I just wasted over half an hour just because i kept getting sent back to lobby after being tunnelled floored then hooked until i die. But dw im now using ds, dh, iron will and head-on. Its been my first fun game today as the killer couldnt just kill me off the second the match started.
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Yeah because the next random player is totally responsible for those that camped you and deserved to be held accountable for their actions...makes total sense.
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Yes because i was totally responsible for annoying that toxic killer in the previous match and i deserve to be held accountable for their actions by being face camped or moried.. also makes total sense.
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ah even better, the good ol "do up others what has been done upon me" that shall make the game a better place....
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Well, I'm curious, when did the killer started to camp/tunnel?
Did you do toxic stuff?
Were all gens done?
Did your mates went for braindead saves?
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I camped the hell out of some guy yesterday. They decided to open the gate as im hooking him so I got nothing better to do now then to stare at you and get the kill.
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So many games end this way and they start to wonder why we camp... cause we know their dumb ass will double back for the save. Specialy if its SWF and then when you murder them all. Spam you with toxic crap. This happens to me all the time.
You guys won! Why come back? So you can jump on the forums and cry killers are op and toxic??
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Lmao... a lot of my games end this way.. cause I know their dumb asses will double back.. specialy if they are swf... then when they all die for it I get toxic ass msgs. Like why? YOU HAD THE WIN.
Is it so they can come on the forums and complain how op killer is? Or make face camping post.
You ether were at endgame and the killer now has no choice or you're a tbagging jackass and deserve it
Not our fault you wanna make this game Hero simulator
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I'm more of a Golden Rule kind of person, but it's more of a personal preference and there are few choices that are wrong. In your case, your behaviors are acceptable so kudos.
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I hate being facecamped as much as the next guy, but:
- Everybody seems to have a different definition of what facecamping is.
- Making a cookie cutter post that's seen on the forums already sometimes multiple times a day isn't going to make any points that already haven't been made
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I'm going to quote Almo - BHVR Dev from another camping thread.
"As long as Survivors continue playing into campers, camping will continue to work."
There are more downsides to camping than upsides.
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Campers are going to camp. Send them a gg and move on. They probably do it for the salt anyway.
Had a bubba facecamp me to death yesterday. Then proceeded to camp the next teammate to death. He got one more just as they opened the exit doors. 1 got out.
So, I send "Gg wp, I have seen the unicorn, a face camping bubba, lol"
He replys' " Reporting you for making fun of me"
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yup I got the toxic message after the game. No skill camping #%&@ lol Like dude common Im not getting roped into a chase thats going to lead to your freedom and then you all escape. This allowed me to get my 2 kills in lol You guys left me no choice
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1st game: No toxic stuff, 2 gens done, killer waited for someone to unhook then he would make sure to slap me and put me back on.
2nd game: no toxic stuff, no gens done, put in basement and killer (myers) stood right infront of me i got one chance off hook but the killer just guarded the exit let the unhooker go and made sure he'll get me
3rd game, no toxic stuff, no gens done facecamped, i ended up dcing
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Thanks for the answers. Sorry, that you had bad games :(
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Recently there have actually been several good suggestions on this forum about ways to solve this. Unfortunately, it would be good for survivors and the devs are not about that noise. But I agree, every match these days is filled this, or hard tunnels or massive slugging. It gets old and unfn real quick. Sometimes I go get on killer for a while just to have a few rounds of decent killer and give survs a break. Funny I never get negative chat comments.
Also no, DS is not toxic. It is just art of the game. Toxicity comes from game style. C/T/S are choices. Bring NoEd, Blood Warden, DS, BT it is cool and intended.