Can we seriously remove the killer's ability to see survivor's gamertags?
I can't stress enough how easy it is to ruin a survivor's game by remembering their name and then playing extremely toxic the next time you play against them. The survivor can't even check who they're playing against so why is it fair the killer can see them?
I agree and the same rationale as to why survivors shouldn't be able to see The Killers gamertag applies in the reverse.
19 -
My friend got moried in two games by a streamer who knew him from before. This is unfair and uncounterable. I agree with this post, there's absolutely no need to see the name in the lobby from the killer perspective. It's dumb that the killer can see the survivors' name but survivors can't see the killer's name
8 -
Now might I ask
why would the killer be extremely toxic to that specific survivor?
Were you toxic to a killer and he punished you after?
63 -
I just want some consistency. Either the killer's name should be revealed to the survivors as well (not the killer itself) or, like you said, survivors' names should be hidden to the killer like the killer's name is to the survivors.
I was just debating some guy in a different thread about his claim that this kind of thing (survivors getting to see killer's name and dodge if they want) is really unhealthy, talking about how he ran into a Twitch streamer who said "Oh it's that good Trapper from the other game" and then he and his friends all left. His claim was that "people just avoid people who play well."
The reason I bring this all up is because it leads into another point: I understand why somebody might be worried about something like that, because I can see the logic, but the dude himself admitted he hasn't seen a killer dodge anybody in like two weeks, and I would think if it was true that people playing killer would be dodging lobbies left and right.
Overall I think you summed up what I was thinking pretty well with the line "The survivor can't even check who they're playing against so why is it fair the killer can see them?"
13 -
What if a survivor is hacking? How do we report them? If its a known hacker you should have the right to refuse to play with them.
14 -
I'd assume most ideas like the one proposed in this thread would still make survivors identifiable in-match, even if their more persistent usernames on whatever platform they're playing on were hidden. So you'd have Claudette 1, Dwight 1, Meg 1 and Meg 2 or something like that as anonymous names that still allow players to keep track of what's happening to who during the match and such.
EDIT: Of course that means the whole reporting system would basically have to be changed, as you can't exactly do the "report in game AND submit a ticket" thing.
1 -
same goes for killers that hack. and the survivors can not know who it is till they are out of the game. I don't know the fix, but it certainly is not "remove the gamer tag" and killer's used to be known because of how STEAM matched them up. personally I am tired of stupid and offensive names by both killer and survivor. I report all such offensive names (and not the stupid ones like "corona virus" but the ones that are truly offensive) to STEAM as behavior can't do much about that unless they changed it so that there was a name attached on their end so it doesn't bring in their steam profile name.
3 -
To report someone via a Support ticket, which is pretty much required for hacking since you need video evidence, you do need their individual ID, so you would need to know their username at some stage. Perhaps a good compromise would be to have the usernames revealed only after the match, so that if people want to report or friend the other players, they still can, but it prevents targeting before and during the match.
6 -
and why not making so that everyone can see the name of everyone on the right just like in custom lobby instead of delete the ability all together
just a thougth
edit: grammar error still more
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I think killers shouldn’t be able to see you at all 😂 why should they get to see you but you can’t see them? They get to see what items you bring in but we don’t know they’re bringing in an ebony Mori. I deserve the right to know that before I go into a match so if I disagree with that I can play somewhere else before I get locked in to a match with a camping Mori’ing killer. 🤷♂️ That’s not fun for me. I think survivors should get equal treatment pre game
6 -
Very rarely (and I mean very rarely) have I had a killer target me in particular, or my friend. Every time I have been targeted its been by an incredibly toxic killer, or someone I have had debates with in the past.
I'm not calling anything here because i'm almost certain I have versed you in the past and you weren't toxic but it's likely the killer got a bit mad at you for what you were doing. This could be because you're good (because some killers get mad at that fsr), or toxic.
I still think we should keep the gamertags, as it helps killers avoid incredibly toxic people, or people they don't want to verse in general.
1 -
You can see the Killer’s username (at least on PS4). I’ve gotten messaged in the past by Survivors while in the pre-game lobby.
I’m not in favor of removing the usernames from the lobby because you wouldn’t be able to dodge toxic Survivors. I’d rather let everyone see usernames than hide them.
4 -
If a survivor hacks, one person reports them.
A killer hacks 4 people report them.
Im not saying killers dont hack but there's probably less hacking killers because of the amount of reports.
3 -
if you're on xbox you can see the killer before the game starts by going to Recent Players..
if a killer is being toxic to you on repeat occurrences, chances are you did it first
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I agree this is unhealthy, but it is also necessary for the report system.
0 -
This would actually be nice. I have one guy that every time he sees me he brings a mori and tunnels me because I looped him for 5 gens ONCE (He's a really bad killer) and it's honestly really lame. I don't run into him too often but this change would be nice.
0 -
I see people I know all the time.
I avoid toxic players or bad teammates a lot. Just because a few people abuse the mechanics does not mean everyone should suffer.
0 -
The only reason a Killer would give two shits about your name is if one of the following occured:
- You were an incredible survivor and they want to use you for practice
- (more likely) You were a toxic POS and they made a mental (or physical) note to never show you a scrap of mercy
16 -
Survivs can see the killers name as well In the end have over 30 -rep camper comments on my steam I’m keeping it as a wall of salt
1 -
I've see you mori spam someone and their team for an entire match for being a streamer, you and I both know that survivors don't have to do a single thing to be targeted by certain people, they could simply be a streamer, playing a certain character, using certain perks, or simply being better out outplaying the other to get targeted.
Always makes me laugh with these threads how the first comment is always "Well you're a survivor, you must have done something".
Let me ask you, why would the killer need to see someones name, oh wait... they don't, its only benefit is to target people you don't like and farm with people you know, or play differently with people you don't know.
20 -
You don't want the the killers to know your gamertag don't give them a reason to remember it. Grow up or shut up.
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I can see you anyway in recent players as soon as the lobby loads up
0 -
You can't see their usernames anymore due to dedicated servers
1 -
3. Your name has started to become reoccurring.
0 -
This one ass literally uses the Nemesis - Rancor combo on me and slug camps me until the last gen gets done every time he sees me all because I 4k'd him as Freddy. Yeah, I'm totally in the wrong for playing the game right?
Senzu is right, it's poor game design that is easily exploitable
14 -
Oh I'm sorry that I beat them as killer and now they're out to get me every time I load into their lobby.
Grow up or shut up
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Crying like a baby because someone stole your candy bar when you can just get another one. Only time I remember a survivor is when there salty. Your not that important get over yourself game is easier that way.
3 -
You are seriously condoning toxic behaviour because I beat them? Are you actually for real? Somebody's parents slipped and dropped them when they little
13 -
This is the difference between pc and console gaming. The thread really exists because pc gaming you don't know who it is you are facing as a survivor, yet if people did i'm sure killers would be in for a much longer wait for lobbies.
Not necessarily true. many people will just click the thumbs up and down button one the score board. if it is hacking you need to provide video proof and that requires the use of the second system called the ticket system. this is what most won't do even when it's there because it requires the knowledge of your ID64 tag (steam id), dbd's cloud ID (astronomically long hexadecimal number that can not be copy and pasted) and the offender's ID64 tag (steam id again) plus a link for the video, time codes etc to give the devs the proof of your accusation. since most don't record their matches, and don't care to do any extra work the reports don't get filed and those quick "killer wall hacked" blurps on the scoreboard system get thrown in the trash can.
the point is it is needed to know who it is BEFORE going into a match. and the -rep on profiles don't mean squat. i can get my friends to go to anyone's profile and put a -rep or a +rep without anything that deserved it. most people don't go to steam profiles before the match anyways.
1 -
Talk about me not my folks you know what assuming does to you or make you look like.
0 -
If I play killer since I can't stand it anymore, I check names when I suspect a SWF group. As long as the profile is public I can see who their friends are and plan accordingly.
You being able to see the killers name accomplishes nothing. But being able to determine a SWF group in a roundabout way can be helpful.
And I find Mori's unrewarding even for killers, if I want to kill someone I'll use Devour Hope for some serious laughs.
0 -
Completely irrelevant due to people being able to hide their friends list.
5 -
Because every person makes their profile private right? Most people don't. And you can see their friends list. So it's not irrelevant unless every single person makes their profile private, which I don't see happening any time soon.
2 -
you always make such good points
until a moment in which i disagree with you, in that case,i hate you.
0 -
"You being able to see the killers name accomplishes nothing." Simply false. If survivors wanted to watch for certain players, then they could. Just the same way you claim killers can "plan accordingly." What's the difference if a survivor wants to do it? Just because killers watch out for SWF means that survivors can't be allowed to watch out for things they don't like? Like...
Post edited by Huff on3 -
Well you haven't said anything constructive, you've just come in and said a bunch of inflammatory things. It definitely says something about somebody's folks when they can't raise their offspring right.
Unless you have something constructive to say, then you have no point to post. Like you said before, "Your not that important get over yourself." Your nondiscussion has no place here.
0 -
Turn On Privacy Mode: YES
Would it appear something like this?
1 -
you have no point of existing but we're all here for a reason. Assuming my folks didn't teach me anything would be a mistake. They did teach not to care for those who don't matter. I wonder where you think you land? I could tell you but I want you to maybe rub the two brain cell you have together to find out.
0 -
That is the most moronic comparison I've ever read.
I think we're assuming that you're trying to do the equivalent of victim blaming. It must be their fault, they deserved it!
You're shifting goal posts from the issue at hand because the fact is there is no real positive side to seeing who is in a lobby. There are however negatives:
- Arranging farm games.
- Stream sniping.
- Using information about that player and then using that information to change loadout or playstyle.
So what exactly is your argument against it? Oh right, there isn't one. Just a bunch of edginess.
4 -
Yeah, nobody's buying your "holier than thou" attitude. I never said I "think I land" anywhere. Simply put, your opinion is just as meaningless. But if you're not going to at least contribute anything to the discussion the least you could do is stay out of it.
Participate like you're in a forum and discuss things, or continue to just go around insulting people with nothing of value to say. If you like being seen as somebody who was failed by their folks, please do continue trying to tell others "I want you to maybe rub the two brain cell you have together to find out" whilst you continue to look like a complete ape. You really aren't convincing anybody that "assuming your folks didn't teach you anything is a mistake," when you can't behave any better than a dog.
I'm done with you entirely though, because you're obviously a waste of time and have no desire to actually be constructive. Have fun with your gigantic ego and your sad life of wasting away being negative to others. Hope you don't make your folks look any worse than they already have.
2 -
Well if you mean a specific TOXIC killer I can understand that, I should have clarified my point.
I mean specifically looking at SWF groups.
0 -
People consider anything toxic. You can simply escape against a killer and they'll be petty about it.
4 -
The point is lot of people in the post are crying over nothing and they think everyone should care what they think. No one should care what I post because it doesn't matter. Just like the devs don't change anything for us it all business they got are money after that they don't care if we stay or go.
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How desperate do you need to be to win to go through someone's profile just to find out if they're playing with friends.
0 -
You know to hurt someone feelings that actually have to have them right. Lol.
0 -
I understand too that you want to look out for SWF. I'm not even against that viewpoint. It's just like I said in my first comment on this post, I just think there needs to be consistency.
If people want to say "no, no dodging things you don't like, just play the game you're given," I think that should go for both killers and survivors. Survivors can't see the killer (just like current patch) and killer can't see survivor.
But, for anybody who thinks there's a reason for killers to be able to see the names and dodge, I feel like the same logic would probably apply to survivors. I don't think people would always just dodge against somebody they know is good. I think if people were more into that, killers would be dodging A LOT nowadays, but I don't see it.
But yes, I think for the sake of toxic players, survivors should be able to see the killer's name. Not even the killer, since you wouldn't wanna get countered before the game even starts (like everybody running Calm Spirit if they see a Doc.) From my personal experience, and I can guarantee I'm not alone in this, I've run into the same player multiple games over a period of time (not just one player either) and been able to guess that it was probably one of them just by how they were playing. I'd love it if I can just remember who these people are that like to make other peoples' games as boring as possible and have the opportunity to not even get into a game with them. Sorry, I don't want to voluntarily jump in a game with somebody I'm 100% sure is either going to facecamp me or slug me until I bleed out.
And as a side note, no I don't do things to "ask for it." I don't play toxic or try to get on peoples' bad sides. I feel that's necessary to put in here, because I can't tell you how many times I've seen somebody tell somebody they must have just been doing something to deserve it, because they played survivor.
2 -
Sounds like you recently paid the price for toxicity in a previous game. Maybe stop dragging out your win and tbagging at the exit? My sympathy for you is nil.
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What did they do to the killer to warrant remembering the name and being toxic to them as revenge?
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Care to explain how knowing if you're playing against SWF or Solo's is desperate?
Take time to read this please:
Playing the SAME way against a SWF as a Solo group is not only not good strategy, but it's dumb.
1 -
Or there just a toxic killer whos mad you looped them