Half-Life Chapter (Survivor/Killer/Arena)

Leeuwpanter Member Posts: 2
edited April 2020 in Creations

Chapter: Half-Life

Getting a rivalling game company to lend the rights on their most valued characters may be difficult, but it’s worth the try.

Survivor: Gordon Freeman


·   Trickster scientist: Press the secondary action button near generators or dropped pallets to install a paint trap (repairing a generator with a toolbox will install the trap automatically). When the killer damages the generator/pallet, the trap triggers, making his aura visible to all for a few seconds.

·   Kinetic charger: Items you carry will regain charges, based on distance travelled with them.

·   Morphine administered: when getting to the Injured state, it takes a short time before you start bleeding and groaning.


Lab coat, Uprising uniform, Hazmat suit


Killer: the Headcrab Zombie

Killer power: Headcrab Spawn

The Zombie can occasionally give birth to a headcrab. Headcrabs will crawl to nearby survivors and pounce at them while in range. They chirp while crawling and scream while pouncing. Hit survivors take damage. After a pounce, the Headcrab is dazed for a while, during wich survivors can crush the headcrab. The Zombie gains an audio notification whenever a Headcrab pounces.

Additionally, using the abilities while searching a locker, will make him hide a headcrab in the locker. The headcrab will attack survivors who open the locker.

Possible add-ons:

·        Increased spawn rate

·        Leg muscles: headcrabs pounce range increases (or decreases?)

·        Vocal cords: headcrabs chirp and scream less loudly

·        Pigment: makes headcrabs darker



·    Furious destruction: your wild swings send debris flying. When halfway during the damage action on a pallet or a generator, all survivors within a few meters take damage.

·    Wide swing: widens the area in which your basic attacks hit.

·     Primitive instinct: you rely heavily on your instincts. When getting an audio notification -while not in a chase - gain movement speed in a 90° cone towards it, but lose movement speed in a 90° cone away from it.


Mutant headcrab, venom headcrab, lab coat (body), combine uniform (body)


Arena: Ravenholm

Black Mesa may be a more iconic area, but we do not want another Hawkins Labs. Ravenholm also fits the theme of DBD quite well. I imagine being it somewhere between an indoor and an outdoor map, with the following features:

·     Recognisable Ravenholm buildings, like the one where you first meet Father Gregory.

·    Generators linked to street lights. One of them activates a car being lifted, opening up a new path. Another could send sparks trough a gas outlet, making a fire trap (merely cosmetic).

·    Many Ravenholm flavour makers, such as headcrab bombs, mutated corpses, sawblades stuck in walls, disabled sawblade traps…


  • Mastatoe
    Mastatoe Member Posts: 7

    although it's not a likely chapter, this concept is pretty cool! and if they managed to get left4dead in the game (for free), then half-life wouldn't be difficult to acquire