Killer idea: The butcher

Coodan Member Posts: 41

Lore: Bryan Taurus was large 250 pound man who owned a slaughterhouse in miami. He was always devoted to his job and put it before family and sleep. He had 3 employees and he payed them well. One day an accident happened. One of Bryan's workers chopped his finger clean off with a cleaver. Bryan saw his finger on the table and froze, the sounds of screaming were now distant. He stared and stared for hours after his worker passed out. finally he grabbed the finger and chewed on it, eating everything but the bone.

Ability: Slaughterhouse Senses: You carry a metal pipe on your back and you can place up to three makeshift hooks which take 10 seconds each to place. These hooks can be sabotaged and survivors can be hooked on them. When a survivor is within a 5 meter radius (if this were added it would need to be balanced) the killer receives a notification. After working in the slaughterhouse for so long Taurus knows the smell of blood very well. Blood from injured survivors now glows bright red.

HEX Thirst for blood: each time you injure a survivor you receive a token. 3 tokens survivors cannot heal themselves. 5 tokens survivors cannot work on generators

Tick Tock: When the exit gates are powered the survivors must wait 5|10|20 seconds before being able to open the exit gates

No escape: if the exit gates are opened the hatch will not spawn. if the exit gates are not open and there is one survivor remaining the hatch will stay closed for 5|10|20 seconds

i might add items later, tell me what you think and give me item suggestions thanks for reading :)