New Licensed killer idea, (My Bloody Valentine).
Hello everyone, great to be working on something I had in mind for a while. I love seeing new killers from movies or shows in which we love to watch. But some of lesser known slashers I feel bad for because some of them are actually not bad and unique. So that's what I plant do time to time to share my ideas and what their powers, perks, and maybe what the maps might look like. Without further ado lets begin.
So as you can tell by the title I am talking about Harry Warden, or The Miner from the 1981 cult classic My bloody valentine, and the 2009 remake. SO if you don't know already Here is his lore:
Lore:Harry Warden was a miner working in Hanniger mines in Valentine bluffs, however two safety advisers who left early while the miners were still down in the mines working. They left for the Valentines day party, which resulted in a methane leak and a explosion which trapped the miners down there one of which was Harry Warden. Six weeks passed when a rescue team came to recover the trapped men they found Only Harry alive killing the others for food. Afterwords he came back and killed the two advisers cutting their hearts out and stuffing them in heart shaped candy boxes. From then on he vowed bloody vengeance for anyone who would celebrate Valentines day ever again. He came across a party in which celebrated Valentines day in the same Mines he was trapped in, afterwords Harry went on a rampage killing all those within the mines, however he met his end when the he was gunned down by Sheriff Burke. But the madness he inflicted and his spirit passed onto another, one named Tom Hanniger owner of the mines, he would pick up Harrys name, his pickaxe, his suit, and continue the massacre. However he was confronted in the same mines by Axel and Sarah Palmer, and they made sure he was to be stuck down there. Trapped in the mines Tom with watches as a mysterious fog swirls around him, claiming him. He awoke to be found wearing the mask of Harry Warden, he wears his suit, and with pickaxe in hand, he continued to walk into the mist as the rage of Harry Warden burned within him. Afterwards the town is still haunted by the events that took place In Valentine Bluffs. And no one will know as the years come and go of the horror from Long time ago.
Power: Warden's Rage. The Miner is fueled with the hatred from the past, which created this monster. When within sightrange, hold M2 and then The Miner begins to stalk the survivor, cursing them(While doing this he raises his pickaxe and points to the survivor), filling a bar circled around their icon while Wardens rage is on The miners light switch is on he also breathes loudly when not in Wardens rage, there are three tiers
Tier 1: The survivor is afflicted with the oblivious status effect, while in this affect their aura is revealed for within 12 meter range.
Tier 2: The Next hit afflicted will put them into the deep wound status effect, afflicted with the oblivious status effect, the aura of the survivor will be revealed with in a 24 meter range, however if the affected survivor comes in contact with another survivor, the other survivors aura is revealed to you.
Tier 3: The survivor is in the exposed status effect the next hit you deal will instantly put them into the dying state, they suffer from the oblivious status effect and the hindered status effect. the aura of the survivor is revealed to you within a 36 meter range. If another is within the killer terror radius while the affected survivor is in it all aruas of survivors are shown.
However the bar will drain if not fully stalked lasting approxomilty 10 seconds from tier 1 and 30 for tier 3.
Harry Warden 2nd Power: Miner Rush: While holding down M2 press M1 for a charge, hitting a survivor will afflict the Haemorrhage effect and Mangled status effect.
The Miner comes with Three perks
The first Perk is called
Party Crasher: Your rage for your victims success makes you more aware. When a generator is above 50% your perk activates. If another generator that goes above 50% while another is at 50% or higher that generator will immediately explode and regress by 15%. Can only be activated every 30 seconds
"Happy F*cking Valentines day". Sheriff Jim Burke
Blood Gift: You've always leave something special . While a survivor is searching a chest 12 meters outside of your terror radius they are given a heart as a gift. The next time a survivor is being healed or if they are healing another survivor they face a difficult skill check.
"Not Harry, huh?"- Deputy Martin
Bleed for me: Your strikes are brutal and viscous, every time you hit a survivor the sprint they receive is reduced by 10%, does not effect if out into the dying state. can only be activated every 20 seconds.
" Oh I'm right here". Tom Hanniger
Love letter: A letter written and offered from one of the valentine goodies, slightly increases the stalking speed.
Canadian Harmonica: A common instrument used by the folk around town. slightly increases recovery speed of Miner
Empty Candy Box: An empty Candy box with no chocolate sweets, or letter with in. Slightly increases the time taken for the bar to be empty
Light Pick axe head: A lighter head for the pickaxe however more fragile. Slightly increases Miner rush speed, slightly increases recovery time after missed strikes.
Valentines day chocolate: Sweet and sugary but deadly. Those who are affected by tier 1 will suffer the exhausted status effect for 30 seconds
valentines day heart. A little heart with written words. moderately increase recovery speed of miner rush
Bloody nail: A nail lodged into the forehead of one of the party men. Survivors hit by Miners rush suffer the haemorrage status more.
Partially empty Candybox: An empty Valentines day candy box with no chocolate or wrappers. Moderately increases Time take for the bar to be empty
Lump of coal: Found within the mines, this coal applied to the Pickaxe makes it even more of a pain. Those hit by miners rush suffer the blindness status effect for 30 seconds
Brand new light bulb: A light bulb bright enough for those dark places in the mines. Moderately increases Miner Rush range
Bloodied dog collar: A bloody collar of a dog who belonged to a motel owner, the words on the tag engraved 'Louis'.
Moderately increases the meter range of where auras can be seen by 5%
" Little Sh*t, stop hiding from mama." Selene
Unknown boiled meat: A unknown piece of meat that was found in a boiling hot dog pot, it would later be known it belonged to someone named 'Dave'. Moderately increases stalking speed.
Full heart shaped candy box. A candy box filled with chocolates and a letter for a lovely woman. Considerably increases the time taken for the bar to be empty.
"Roses are Red, Violets are blue, One is dead and so are you." -Harry Warden
New Minder mask. A unused mask that is used for giving oxygen for those go down in the deep in Hanniger Mines. Reduces how loud your breathing
Very rare:
Bloody Candy Box: A Heart inside a heart shaped candy box would soon become how Harry Warden sends his messages. Considerably increases the time it takes for the bar to be empty
" It happened once, it happened twice, cancel the dance or it'll happen thrice."- Harry Warden
Sheriff Burkes Jaw: The torn Jaw of the ex deputy who gunned Harry down. Considerably increase Miner rush, Moderately increases time to recover
Megans heart: The gutted heart of Megan, a fitting end for her. Tremendously increases recovery speed of Miners Rush.
" Be mine, forever."-Tom Hanniger
Hanniger Mines layout: A map that laysout the Hanniger Mines, the memories remind you the way. Considerably increases the meter range by 10%
" Those old mines have been out dated since I was a boy". Tom Hannige
Bloody shovel: A shovel used to shop off a womans head, it lodged right in between her jaw, perfect for making more messes. Survivors hit by Miners Rush considerably suffer the mangled effect.
The original mask: The Mask worn by Harry Warden, it was more efficient then the ones that came after it. Considerably reduce The miners breathing while stalking and considerably increases Miner Rush range by 16 meters.
Ultra Rare:
Harry Wardens first gift: One of the first heart shaped candyboxes ever to be sent by Warden, it fuels you with memories and the rage for why yous started this. The Bar for the entire trial will never reduce until the survivor is put into the dying state
" He killed the two men responsible for the accident, cut out their hearts and put them in heart shaped candy boxes."
Miners bloodied arm: The arm of one of the 6 miners trapped underground, killed by Harry Warden to survive, the sweet taste of Iron reminds you of what happened, sharpens your blade, reflexes, and tracking skills to have vengeance. Tremendously increases recovery speed from Miners rush, Auras of survivors meter range is increased by 15%, and those hit by Miners rush with Tier 1 now suffer the deep wound status effect, tier 2 the broken status effect. At tier 3 the broken status effect will apply if not all ready.
Writers Note: These are just my ideas of how I think Harry Warden would be like if he were added in the game, even though it might not happen I still have faith it will one day become a reality. I based his Powers off of what I've seen in the Movies, he was always able to sneak upon those he killed for Miner rush he usually charged at those with his pickaxe. So that gave inspiration to what he could do. Perks I've based off on his influence on the movies, he was able to cancel the dance prevent someone from gaining their strength, and was always able to land a kill at times. For addons I've based it off of what he used like tools and equipment, heck even some of them are knock offs to some of the best kills in both movies, from the Motel owner, to having a nail gun. I will lie this one was a toughy but I'm finally done with it and I hope you liked it, let me know if there is anything else I could change or add. Please, please let me know, this is my first time creating something like this so forgive me if I don't have enough. I tried to get it done. But all that said, I am willing to here your criticism and feedback, thank you.
It has to be the 1981 film, the kills were great in that.
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Actually some of the addons are based off of that
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I always kinda thought Trapper was loosely based on My Bloody Valentine- somewhat similar backstories and look (especially the Macmillian Miner outfit). Nevertheless cool idea!
EDIT: Would the Bloody Gift perk affect multiple chests? I assume the skill check(s) involved would be similar in difficulty to Overcharge or DS skill checks.
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Yes it will be very similar
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anyway what are you other thoughts guys
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I like the idea, I wanna kill people with mining tools. Not quite sure I understand how you envision the power working but seems like it would be an interesting liscence to put in the game.
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I envisioned it to be like a ghostface and demogorgon mix
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Any other thoughts or ideas, I would really like some more feedback, please this is my first attempt at making a new killer and I want to learn from the experts. So please let me know what you think
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Personally too close to trapper, trapper also has a skin to add a mask with mining helmet. you wanna try think more of different and unique killers IMO
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Okay, thank you but do you like the idea
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Speaking of all this I have a fan made chapter that is currently in progress in which I will update you time to time about