Did you remember some good experiences while moving the selector towards displeasing?

As I was moving the dot to the left I had flashbacks of good players on both sides, meme games and good postgame chats.
I'm curious if I am the only one remembering good times while answering that question. Tell me some good and hearty stories.
I focused more on the community in the Forums. But now that you mention it, I've met more toxic players than I have good players while playing PC. So no, no good times.
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I meet a lot of cool and nice people playing on xbox, even though the forums are often a mess. I don't remember any interesting stories sadly, but the killers there are gracious and the survivors are understanding. Often times if a survivor sends me a salty message I will reply with reasoning and the survivor will promptly apologize and we will usually play together later. The bad apples are few and far between in my experience.
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I'm with Desh in how I thought of the community. I have seen enough throat-tearing here to last a lifetime.
I didn't move it THAT far down (maybe two clicks), but that was still what made my decision.
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That question was a bit misleading, the whole page was talking about Community from the Devs (ie. Q&A streams, Trailers) and out of nothing something about the Community, almost like they want to confuse people.
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They've had leading questions like this in every siingle survey.
It's hard to push it all the way to the left because like you said, there are some great and awful people in the community.
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I slid it to the right so meh. Haven't met much of the supposed toxicity really. Not quite sure what they mean by hearty though.
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I have seen a few great things over the years, of course examples are hard on the spot.
Had a great match that ended with one surv against the killer, chase lasted a long time, killer is closing in and suddenly the surv stops and throws a rock at the killer. Everything froze, it had been so tense until that moment, then it was just hilarious. We had some great laughs in after-chat.
Have seen a few matches where the killer or survivor decide their own objective. I watched a "survivor pig" where the pig just ran around faking at gen repair and totem breaking. The killer continued to run after survivors like they were friends yelling "hello". I saw an "amnesia bill", a streamer that spent a whole match wandering around asking the other survivors if they had seen his cat. Those offshoots of regular games can really bring in some fun.
It is the people who bring the laughs and the fun. As far as just the community like this forum, less so. But I still enjoy the random character costume art and the weird pizza polls.
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Yes, but overall it just tends to be worse, so I just put it 2 ticks to the left. I don't think it's the worst community I've come across but it definitely isn't the best.
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i honestly dont know why they keep adding this in, like is nice knowing youre wanting to improve it but its not on the devs its on the players... there are really nice friendly people out there but they arent as likely to reply and some days i have sent a message to everyone just saying GG and complimenting something they did or having a laugh and you do get nice responses back, however. as sad as it is there are alot of people that go into games just to be toxic and try to ruin peoples day and are likely to send hate if they die and sometimes if they escape, its how competitive games go sadly
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I think there are multiple things you can do as a game designer to encourage positive interactions and discourage negative interactions. Other teams have done it and have seen results. It's true that you can't remove all toxicity from the game there will be some people that want to be as annoying as possible but you can avoid that the rest of the player base commit to fall in a toxic loop where you are toxic because other was toxic to you.
Developers work with loops, they know what kind of mess an infinite loop do to anything in contact with it.
It's a hard task but not that hard to be honest.
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A good game for me is not getting called a racist slur for playing Claudette at the end of a game. A great game is facing a Myers. A terrific game is facing a Myers I've run into before and have them help me work on looping and running tiles.
So unless I'm playing late night DBD my experiences tend to be extremely negative.
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Looking at the ingame community, i literally can't remember really outstanding good memories.
If I look at the cosplay community of dbd, it's the total opposite.
But as I moved the point nearly full to the left, I just thought about the ingame community and not the community as a whole, otherwise the my point would be straight in the middle.